Growing in pakistan


Well-Known Member
Bro you need more air in your soil, loosten it up with perlite
and no more Urea!
Get a ph test kit and test your soil
also i'd flush them with plain water

EDIT: I just realized im super late with this


I can get hold of Hash (hashish) charas and gardaa but no buds.... people who smoke are not aware of buds. Here is a picture outside my house they all are Male plants. IMG_4716.jpgIMG_4714.jpgIMG_4715.jpg


BAD NEWS the 5 female plants i left in semi shaded area two look like this

I was told they were watered twice in 5hrs could it be more water? or less water or heat stroke? the were fine last light even till this morning
I have placed them indoor again in hope they will get better.... i also dug soil around the plant for oxygen flow to roots.

Where as other 3 look doing better since i shifted them to another soil.


I see weed growing in worst condition and soil out side my house then how come giving it better soil and and temperature is killing it? those plants hardly get any water and the grow 6/7 feet high in 47 Degree C.

Note: maybe its the strain that needs to be handled in a different way.


Well-Known Member
The one`s outside growing, appear to be on a bed of stone with soil conditions in between. Lots of air can circulate and drainage is good. Daily dew is good for the watering, they are big enough. Alot of water is not good for outdoor grows. Indoors under controlled conditions, watering is descrete.

Your sagging plants appear to have stopped growing then started again judgeing by the stem. This will almost always kill them. (it could be shock) The one`s not sagging have found "spots in your pots" wich is why a good mix is essential. Ya can`t let the soil flatten out and bond tight like that when they are that small. The roots on all your plants go straight down with hairlike roots braching out to collect nutrishion and water. The one`s outside wild are big and have a "root ball" that creates it`s own ideal conditions. The one`s in the pots don`t even come close to that phase and need constant attention.

You don`t have any "Bio" going on in them. Keep posting, I`m interested to see how things workout. As you know, Hashish farmers can afford luxury soils, they want the frosty of the frostiest !i


Do you think those sagging plants stands any change to be good again? Should I take some solid out of pot and fill some rocks as you suggested before about making my own soil I have not don't that and I have notcied the 3 other plants have their roots being spread out means pulling them out again and transplanting them to a new solid could break their roots. While braking off soil from top I noticed some white roots being spread out in pot.


Well-Known Member
The advice about starting in cups is valid and key. When it come to transplanting, you simply turn the cup upsidedown and take the whole dirtball roots and all and put it into the larger pot hole without the roots ever seeing light or falling apart and backfill. It`s more difficult to transplant small saplings out of large pots because the disturbances cause shock and you can cut roots.

The sagging plants have no blood pressure anymore, something is restrictign the flow of liquids. I`ve seen some recover but you have to find out why. I would pull them and put them into cups of water, like cloneing, see if they get pumping again !i

One thing you can do to improve your soil is to pull up wild plants and cut the stems off leaveing just the roots. Then let them dry out (a week) and chop them into little tiny bits. (put them through a food proccesor) Just the roots, the stems and leaves are too acidic and take a long time to break down naturally. Get lots of them make a big pile turn into a little fine pile. Fracture some stone to release minerals with a hammer, make close to dust. Find a bombed out tank or artillery piece and scrape off a couple cups of rust. (iron oxide) mix all three ingreediants into your soil well. Then mix in a sidedish of stuffed animal fillings and another of potash.

You`ll be basically doing what nature does to break down vegitation and create soil for re-growth, but you will be doing it much quicker than nature will. That`s why just roots, no stem or leafs. Transplant into this soil very carefully. They`ll eat better and tip you well later on !i

You have very little natural deposits of soil to find in your location, you have to make them. This of course is not good for farmming cuz that`s large scale, but for potting plants it don`t take long to do !i

It`s best to do this in the fall but it can be done immediately too !i


what is compost bin for?

On 25.05.12 16:30pmIMG_4881.jpg

On 25.05.12 19:45 IMG_4895.jpg

On 25.05.12 12:30pmIMG_4899.jpg

I think its over water should i move it out door? or transplant it?


Active Member
what is compost bin for?
Compost bin would be for a dedicated spot most likely on your propertyy somewhere, Where you have toss all your fruit peelings, apple cores, potato skins, any kind of FRUITS or OLD FOODS that are no longer good. It would be tossed into the bin/bucket which is half into the ground so the Worms can come up and eat it/shit it back out thus making (compost) after awhile once your Bin is filled up and some time has come and past, you would go over and use the dirt/compost that you'd find that was ounce old food and fruits and shit. Perfect for soil and growing.


I was away for 3days to get some soil and when i came back this is what i found. I had some there to water plants once a day....


The good news is i got some soil. Advice if this is any good and do these plants have a chance of surviving if i shift them immediately in this new soil?



Active Member
Dude is that just a bag of perlite you have there? The contents of the bag is it just White Rocks? or is it dirt in there too? Judging by your photos and little bit of reading. Im gonna say all you have there is just Perilite and No Soil.

If this is the case I would try to make a mix of perilite and soil somehow. Once you have that then I would try to transplant and hopefully that Perilite is what you need in your soil, for your plants to turn around.


Active Member
3 Days to go and get a bag of perilite YIKES!.. I supposed they don't have a Canadian Tire or Rona around the corner from you, where your at huh?.. Just gonna have to make it work bro. and Goodluck


the first two images are from soil bag and and other 2 r from perlite bag. so i should mix the soil and perlite and then transplant which of first 2 bags would u suggest from specs? how much of Perlite i should mix?