Aerojet 4tray VS aeroflo 60 ! Hydro DWC compared to aero


stuck between getting a true aero system aerojet four tray compared to the aeroflo 60 so basically for best and most harvest according to potency and amount ? Which one yields more and faster ? Big difference ?
thank you
i just want to find a constant way of medicine maybe SOG


Well-Known Member
I don't know the price tag on either of those(just looked at pictures of both of them)
you could build either one for really cheep,cut out the middle man.

they both look pretty much the same,but I diddent look at the misters or the pump


As I mentioned earlier with my therapy and medication and cemo their is no way I can build one and no brothers to help so.. Kinda hard ... Well the aeroflo I'm sure is a DWC hybrid as the roots when big enough will lie in water but the aerojet is the only aeropomics system that uses 360 degree misting ... To my knowledge so far , my question is a true aeropomcs system will cost even the sprayers , so in regards to DWC or abit better HYbrid DWC what would the differences be ? Will using true aeropomics really show differences in speed of flowerimg and size and amount of harvest dry bud ?


Well-Known Member
my only problem with this is they are far to close together plants cant spread at all. Unless you big the biggest an only pot every 2nd or 3rd hole.

they will be great systems thou an yes the plants will grow like crazy in them


Well-Known Member
I have run damn near every hydro system. Likes and dislikes to each. Developed my own twists to improve. Now using Hydro Halo Rings + Air Pots + Net Pots with lids. I'm expecting awesome results. Come take a look


Thank u all for the reply , had a pretty bad weekend with the meds was rly sick... Still haven't ordered my aero system yet , I'm regards to plant spacing I agree that was one of my issue thinking of the aero 60 planter I don't see me being able to do 60 all way to harvest and veg, my plan is I have seen that two week harvest by al b' that would be my dream and help me and my chemo so much I spend like an ounce every three day so far more when I have more sessions , so would the aeroflo 60 be good for flower and cuttings small size and I would keep mothers out of system , still lost with the two week harvest never cloned or mothers before:s
So the difference between true aero and hydro aero is minimal between both systems ? Them I would do the 60 spot verses aerojet 4 tray system?


Active Member
think i would go with aeroflo. i do like the botanicare company but the aeroflo just seems more efficient with spacing for growing what we want. one thing though, unless you dont mind changing ice packs in your res all the time, you may want to invest in a 1/10 hp chiller. they're pricey but keeping your water temp close to room temp(68F) as possible will make a huge difference in yield and overall plant health. root rot is a bitch.


think i would go with aeroflo. i do like the botanicare company but the aeroflo just seems more efficient with spacing for growing what we want. one thing though, unless you dont mind changing ice packs in your res all the time, you may want to invest in a 1/10 hp chiller. they're pricey but keeping your water temp close to room temp(68F) as possible will make a huge difference in yield and overall plant health. root rot is a bitch.
Thats what I was questioning between true aeropomics and hybrid DWC hydro is the aerojet much better then aeroflo or just few difference in speed ?


think i would go with aeroflo. i do like the botanicare company but the aeroflo just seems more efficient with spacing for growing what we want. one thing though, unless you dont mind changing ice packs in your res all the time, you may want to invest in a 1/10 hp chiller. they're pricey but keeping your water temp close to room temp(68F) as possible will make a huge difference in yield and overall plant health. root rot is a bitch.
Well I was looking towards air conditioning in the grow room since I don't know how to cool down 1000 plus watts heat