No problem, let me clarify my statement.
too much?
Too much weed for my consumption. Looks good though all stacked up like that.
Anything in excess can be bad for me, including cannabis. I don't need this drug for illness or pain. I use it recreationally in a very small amount. Addiction whether it be chemical, religion, food, or working, isn't a good way to live and I do my best to stay in balance.
I referred to the photo as me being unbalanced "addiction", had I that much product for personal use. I can imagine my wife opening the closet and seeing those jars. Well, she would expect an explanation.
caring what people think?
I'm not a young rebel but a husband, father, son, president/ceo, and I care about my image in the community. Growing mj is not a statement but a hobby for a few ounces of a product I personally consume per year. The rest (80%) goes to my best friend at no cost. I am very careful about who knows I use marijuana, three people, I think.
My comment was an observation of myself in reference to your photo. You should be proud of your efforts, just like I am! We are craftsmen.