Well-Known Member
we are doing this for fun hazy, as i said before its not the cannabis cup or anything so we are just having some fun. we arent going to be technical and rule nazi's with this, iwant it to be FUN for EVERYONE, not just the winners, im thinking of giving EVERY member who enters a prize as long as they FINISH the contest (as in they have a plant to enter and keep up on the journal updates and stuff like that. in the overall categories we are going to look at EVERYTHING as in, best looking, highest yielding, best environment/method and stuff like that, we obviously cannot judge potency becuase only the grower will be smoking it BUT, we can still make good, educated guesses. as stated before, NOTHING IS SET IN STONE. other than the contest WILL DEF. be happening (bar rolli or PR telling me no which i doubt)...we are looking to start the contest before july1st, but again nothing is set so ideas are welcome and appreciated,, the more heads on this the more fun we can make it. if your going to order seeds just for this contest just try to have them BEFORE end of JUNE...if we go to long people will lost intrest and we dont want that, so lets say 1 MONTH from now hopefully we will be getting started, we will have a mandatory END DATE for ALL plants (as in if you arent finished by a certain date, it cannot be entered) im still deciding if we are going to judge the LIVE plants or the actual product that the plan produces, that will be decided by YOU guys, not me. i want the community consensus here andi want everyone to have a voice or at least an opinion....i will post more info ASAP. later guysWhat's the point of meauring anythign like looks etc when peopel only care about how much and how potent bud comes of of the plant? OVerall, the best plant would be thehighest yielding and most potent mix no?
PS. anyone unsure of what a 'solo' cup is, put it this way, the cup CANNOT be bigger than 16oz....meaning it cant hold more than 16 oz of water, anything 16oz and under can be used.