Are they looking alright?


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil is that? Looks straight from the bag...
MJ roots like a light mix of soil/perlite/vermiculite... when you transplant mix up some's so easy, even I can do it...
Keep control of your RH and Temps....
Lights, more is never enough....
And maybe replant those long stretching stems...
Good Luck!


Active Member
If it needs support I'd suggest not watering so much, seedlings that droop droop because the stems weak and stems are weak because they have a small root system. Basically if u water oy when top soil is dry and crumbly then the roots have to search for water causing them to spred this also makes stem support stronger. Agreed with last posts as well get a fun blowing it enough to wiggle the plant and loweree light depending on like if your using a hid or hps iot should be between 36-42 inches and If its a grow bulb or Cfl or fluorescent it needs to be 3 inches above it. The plant show no signs of deficiency so just work on stinger stem and better roots

if my comments help please rep and like, thanks happy growing


Active Member
Put your hand under the light for a minute of u feel really hot then lights to close if u just feel worm then it's perfect hight


Active Member
Depends on the fan really but test the bulb without fan for the proper height since its a hps then turn fan back on and this should be fine


New Member
you can use hydro nutrients in soil however it is not really recommended as the npk ratings of the nutrient for hydro use is different to that for soil if you are using hydro nutrients keep a very close eye on your ec levels as if you give the plant too much food :

A you may kill your plant
B it may become poisonus (NOT TO BE SMOKED !)

your EC levels should be 18 or maybe displayed as 1.8 depending on the pen you have you should NEVER let your EC go above 21 as the plants will become poisonus and your PH level should be around 6.5/7.3

hope this info helps you out