Nice to have fam...yep my daughters 24 w/a boy that's 3, and my 2 sons 18 and 16..and I didn't have to hide it, my parents were cool w/it, not that they condoned or did it themselves, but they said better at home than out were shore patrol could get us, the reference being, they were both military officers and we lived on base..lmao...good times..
LOL, my son I have to admit is a lot more responsible with drugs and alcohol than I was at his age, but my daughter doesn't even drink, (Whew!), and thanks to her mother, I didn't even have to give the aspirin between the knees talk, she knows what happens.
After we split up, her mother had 3 more BF's and with the last, 3 kids before they finally got the boy the guy wanted.View attachment 2666719
All within a 4 year period.:clap:

here's me trying to hit a 40 yard fade with an ancient rental club in hawaii.

the off season is cheaper, but it has its drawbacks, like no grass on the course.

Do you love nature, despite what it did to you?
I had to unblock you just to see if you had responded to what I posted, but now that I see it, why not just PM it to Shinfaggy if you want Memes?

You can block people? WTF!?!? I'm ashamed to be an RIU vet...In all reality, though, the fact that 90% of the community hasn't blocked him ensures the fact that his stupidity entertains us.
You can block people? WTF!?!? I'm ashamed to be an RIU vet...In all reality, though, the fact that 90% of the community hasn't blocked him ensures the fact that his stupidity entertains us.

my riu at top right hand corner
my settings on left hand side
edit ignore list
No clue, but I like the quad. lol

Well the Boston garden is to my immediate left, coming out of the big dig... That's where the bruins will win game 4.. ( I'm supposed to say that having been born in Boston but I think it will go to game seven because this more $$$$$ for everyone involved.)