adding nutrients with aerogarden


Well-Known Member
i've been browsing around and reading but I still can not understand how to add nutrients..

I am growing with the aerogarden and for the first week, I am going to put NO nutrients

After that.. I am assuming that I take a gallon of water and mix all my nutrients together and have it ready and add it to the water as needed.. Is this the correct way? I've heard a phrase "topping off" what does this mean?


Well-Known Member
Ok with the aerogarden If you are using their nutes use them 1/2 strength . If using different nutes add to a gallon jug and then add to the res of the aerogarden.. Dont worry about that "Fill to here thingy" fill the res to the brim... add an airstone and watch em grow

[email protected]

Active Member
SO I had a successful garden last summer and we used sucanat in a gallon jug to help with the produciton of the healthy nitrogen producing bacteria in the soil. It also adds a great taste to the "food". I just got an aerogarden and I'm using a 70/30 sensai star batch in my aero pro 200. I was wondering what a safe nutrient mixture would be for a gallon of water with sucanat, fish detritus, and the aerogarden tablets. We used 2.5 teaspoons of straight sucanat over the summer by itself in water. I used 2 teaspoons of fish detritus for my winter garden a couple of months ago and was very successful. Would it be safe to say I half tablet of aerogarden tablets (seaweed derivative), 1 teaspoon of sucanat, and 1 teaspoon of fish detritus?


Ok with the aerogarden If you are using their nutes use them 1/2 strength . If using different nutes add to a gallon jug and then add to the res of the aerogarden.. Dont worry about that "Fill to here thingy" fill the res to the brim... add an airstone and watch em grow


Well-Known Member
Anyone using Fox Farm nutes (Grow Big, Big Bloom). I'm having a hard time getting the nutes correct with those. I'm currently in veg (1 week in). Pics seem to indicate some nute deficiency but I don't know how much Big Bloom to add. I believe I tried about 1 tablespoon of Big Bloom for the 1 gallon res last time. I'm currently just giving them a couple days with some ph'd distilled water.


Well-Known Member
Anyone using Fox Farm nutes (Grow Big, Big Bloom). I'm having a hard time getting the nutes correct with those. I'm currently in veg (1 week in). Pics seem to indicate some nute deficiency but I don't know how much Big Bloom to add. I believe I tried about 1 tablespoon of Big Bloom for the 1 gallon res last time. I'm currently just giving them a couple days with some ph'd distilled water.
Ah, yea I just bought the hydro trio pack, was wondering if anyone else was using it.

according to

You should pretty much always give it 1 tablespoon/gallon except week 3.

The Ag res is not 1 gallon, its a little bit less. That might be why.

You should try to use a jug if you can, from like milk or something, or just buy some spring water so you can mix the nutes in at what you know is exactly 1 gallon.


Active Member
my apology, hello room i was just amaze of when i saw the AG the first thing came to mind then to see how many minds think alike