Caught my son stealing


New Member
My wife went looking for the cash in her purse last night, and couldnt find it. I pick up my 8 yr olds shorts and find it in a pocket. Havent told my wife yet, i want my son to do it.What the hell do you do? If it was me when i was young, i would have got my ass beat. And why do people feel the need to make my day harder? How ocme they just cant act right so i dont have to be a dick?


Well-Known Member
Kids will be kids ... Your Dad .. Open up a can of woop ass and then tell him why it was wrong to steal... Good Luck 40 ... Cheers


Well-Known Member
8 years old and stealing already. You better get on that shit right away.
You can tell a kid that stealing is wrong, but kids usually learn from suffering the consequences.
My advice if your not into corporal punishment.

No T.V. games, going outside, anything fun for 3 days minimum. Plus, a writing assignment "I will never steal again" 500 times, which should keep him busy for next 3 days.


New Member
Yes. I have to agree here. I don't have kids BUT I do know that taking away his priviledges is going to work more than the whopp ass. The beating he WILL remember BUT it also might backfire in your face and he might become more rebellious too
8 years old and stealing already. You better get on that shit right away.
You can tell a kid that stealing is wrong, but kids usually learn from suffering the consequences.
My advice if your not into corporal punishment.

No T.V. games, going outside, anything fun for 3 days minimum. Plus, a writing assignment "I will never steal again" 500 times, which should keep him busy for next 3 days.


New Member
writing an assigment. WOW! you are good. Thats is ONE excellent idea.

Or even "why I would NOT want someone to steal from me"? Ask him to write about that one.


Well-Known Member
Yes. I have to agree here. I don't have kids BUT I do know that taking away his priviledges is going to work more than the whopp ass. The beating he WILL remember BUT it also might backfire in your face and he might become more rebellious too

I got caught stealing when I was a kid ( candy from a supermarket) My mom told me it was not a nice thing to do ... I went back and got caught doing it again about a week later ... Well ... Dad stepped in and explained to me that stealing was bad . and with every word he said I got a hard slap on my ass.. Well It took a while for me to sit or even walk right , BUT I NEVER STOLE AGAIN...


Well-Known Member
You know, When i was a little kid i grew up in a very strict Spanish family ..In spain... and im talking strict man... anyway... there is a saying there that parents (well maybe just mine) say... now keep in mind that this is translated..hehehe... " i would rather you be a fag than be a thief ....cause a fag can have a meal with a king (the king might want a tickle) but a thief will never be trusted.

This use to be told to me while kicking the shit out of me of course.... Anyway... it didnt help none.. my cousins still went stealing candy and micro machine cars.... we would get caught and get beat... i think the last time i finally learned when i saw my uncle punch my cousin like a man over it... we were 12...

Good luck... very bad offence...especially stealing from mommy...

On another note... why do you feel that you should wait for your kid to fess up to mom and not let her know.... i hope he doesnt know your doing this...cause this just makes it like a little packed with you of sorts... you and mommy should be thought of as a team of the supreme lords of the universe!.. Not you and your sidekick... good luck man... i guess i need to medicate more.... hehehe..


New Member
Im not going to beat him as much as I want too. His mom has already made him write many things in multiple before. I think it is funny. I didnt tell his mother because i think people should be able to take their character in their own hands.
I want him to go to his mother and admit what he has done like the man i want him to be, and then take the punishment like the man i want him to be. Everyone makes mistakes, and kids will be kids, but if you can admit that you were wrong and sign your name to it, then you are on your way to being a healthy young man. I cant stand cowards.
I am going to use the "I'd rather you be a fag...", not right now, because i dont want to use the wortd fag, but i really like that.Its true, a thief is a thief.


New Member
I went through a stealing phase when I was a kid and my parents beat the shit out of me AND ........

Look what happened to me ;) Do you really want that ?:)


New Member
I do like the idea about telling his mom himself. There should be shame.

I stole a dolalr from my neighbour once to go to the circus because they were all going and I had no money.

I felt SO BAD that on the way to the circus I told the mother what I had done and she hugged me and thanked me with tears in her eyes and that was reward enough to know that it was the wrong thing to do but I at least tried to make it better.

Guilt is a horrible feeling to have and thats enough for me.

Good luck with it whatever you decide.


New Member
I do like the idea about telling his mom himself. There should be shame.

I stole a dolalr from my neighbour once to go to the circus because they were all going and I had no money.

I felt SO BAD that on the way to the circus I told the mother what I had done and she hugged me and thanked me with tears in her eyes and that was reward enough to know that it was the wrong thing to do but I at least tried to make it better.

Guilt is a horrible feeling to have and thats enough for me.

Good luck with it whatever you decide.
I like shame. It almost wants me to take him to catholic church with me. When i was growing up, i had a grandma who had went to seminary school and knew how to throw the Irish catholic nun guilt with just a blue steel look. I wish she was still alive.


Well-Known Member
My oldest son (grown now) went through a phase where he would pocket cash that wasnt his,i come home from work,go straight to my office & empty my pockets on my desk,i leave money on my desk all day every day & if anybody needs money all they need to do is ask & i give it to them.

My boy was spending way too much money on his girlfriend & his normal cash flow wasnt enough for him to be the cool cash spending guy he wanted to be, so he started snatching some cash from me.

I let it continue for a while,at first he was taking like $20 to $40 bucks a week,i kept watching him,when he graduated to taking $50 bills i confronted him,all i told him was that i was dissapointed as a mother f-er in him & explained how bad it made me feel that he would take money from me when i allready spoiled the shit out of everybody in the house,i made a point to tell him that up to that point all i had was reason to be gratefull & proud for what great children we were blessed with,after that i had reason to be ashamed of one of my son's,i even faked a tear or two :cry:.

That was all it took,i never had one red cent come up missing ever since,with my children the worst punishment of all was mine & my wifes dissapointment in them & their actions,we never had to be super strict parents nor did we have to seriously punish them or ever put our hands on them.

Try explaining to him how much he has let you down & how sad his actions have made you & your wife.


Well-Known Member
Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth I was a master thief..(stole a live lobster out of tank) but when I got caught it was like the Bill Cosby line about "Go get a stick for me to beat you with" line from mommy dearest....I got my ass so beaten the PE teacher wanted to call the cops because of the marks......You have to do the shame game...I don't agree 100% with the no ass whopping thing, but in my day kids had respect for teachers, cops & any other person of authority...Now they don't even respect the people that feed them and keep them alive....


New Member
chop off a hand.
If i didnt need him to sew soccer balls i would:mrgreen:

Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth I was a master thief..(stole a live lobster out of tank) but when I got caught it was like the Bill Cosby line about "Go get a stick for me to beat you with" line from mommy dearest....I got my ass so beaten the PE teacher wanted to call the cops because of the marks......You have to do the shame game...I don't agree 100% with the no ass whopping thing, but in my day kids had respect for teachers, cops & any other person of authority...Now they don't even respect the people that feed them and keep them alive....
You werent raised in a generation that learned their morals from Grand theft auto. I 'd like to beat his ass, but he is not the kind of kid that it will affect.


Well-Known Member
8 years old and stealing already. You better get on that shit right away.
You can tell a kid that stealing is wrong, but kids usually learn from suffering the consequences.
My advice if your not into corporal punishment.
I whole heartedly dissagree with that.

From my experience kids do not learn from suffering consequences,they learn much better from things that make them happy & bring joy to them,harsh punishments will only drive a wedge between the parent & the child,continued harsh punishments will drive kids to secrecy & make them more stealthy in their actions,it will also create an air of anomosity & resentment where there should be trust & friendship.

Im at least as old as most adults here & older than many,all us older folk came from a hands on generation where our parents would beat the hell out of us as a teaching tool,in all honesty it didnt teach us shit except how to be much more sneaky & that if we got caught there would be hell to pay,i cant think of one time in my childhood where i stopped & thought about what punishment my parents would inflict on me or a time where their punishment played a role in my decision making process,what i can think of is many,many times where the planning of my little capers reached extreme levels so i would not be caught by them.

We stayed open with our children about everything,we hid nothing from them (including our mj use) & taught them to be good to their family & treat others as they want to be treated,for us having them reflect on their actions & letting them know how what they had done made others feel was the best teaching tool we could have used.

Children should never fear their parents for any reason.


Well-Known Member
I whole heartedly dissagree with that.

From my experience kids do not learn from suffering consequences,they learn much better from things that make them happy & bring joy to them,harsh punishments will only drive a wedge between the parent & the child,continued harsh punishments will drive kids to secrecy & make them more stealthy in their actions,it will also create an air of anomosity & resentment where there should be trust & friendship.

Im at least as old as most adults here & older than many,all us older folk came from a hands on generation where our parents would beat the hell out of us as a teaching tool,in all honesty it didnt teach us shit except how to be much more sneaky & that if we got caught there would be hell to pay,i cant think of one time in my childhood where i stopped & thought about what punishment my parents would inflict on me or a time where their punishment played a role in my decision making process,what i can think of is many,many times where the planning of my little capers reached extreme levels so i would not be caught by them.

We stayed open with our children about everything,we hid nothing from them (including our mj use) & taught them to be good to their family & treat others as they want to be treated,for us having them reflect on their actions & letting them know how what they had done made others feel was the best teaching tool we could have used.

Children should never fear their parents for any reason.
Stealing.....That's what were talking about here.
Stealing money from your parents leads to bigger and worse things. Then eventually kids serve jail time.
Once kids learn that it's easier to acquire things without having to work for them they end up doing it over and over again until they end up in jail.
Our judicial system relies on people fearing the consequences.
Teaching kids that there are consequences to all of our actions is the basis of most people in the world.

Good for you, your 1 in a Billion... Who was able to say in a Touchy/Feely Voice "I Love you son, please don't every do that again". and call it a day.

I don't believe in corporal punishment, there are other ways to discipline.
But kids need discipline and love, it's hand and hand. Not one or the other.


Well-Known Member
Kids will be kids ... Your Dad .. Open up a can of woop ass and then tell him why it was wrong to steal... Good Luck 40 ... Cheers
it would make a better lesson if you made him work for the amount of money he stole set it up so he gets somuch for every job he dose around the house plus cut off any alowance he gets. jobs he could do take out the trash. he gets paid like $1.50 $1 for cleaning the dog poop up in the yeard. make him work hard to pay back the money.