My First Grow - White Widow & Trainwreck


Well-Known Member
I've decided I'm not doing a SOG for my next grow because the G13 x Haze mother that I have right now isn't anywhere near big enough to get 30 or 40 clones off of her and she's not looking very good anyways and I don't want to use an unhealthy plant for my mother plant. Instead I'm ordering 10 feminised Blueberry seeds from Dutch Passion and I guess I'm gonna keep 1 or 2 of them for mother plants for my 3rd grow that will be a SOG and I'll just flower any remaining blueberry's for my 2nd grow. Hopefully I'll get a high germination rate out of the 10 seeds, 8 or 9 plants for my 2nd grow would be nice, I'll just have to do the same thing and transplant some of them to soil down the road when I run out of room in my tray.
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Well-Known Member
I have some news that could potentially make you guys a little more wife and I booked our vacation for this year...August 1st we leave for AMSTERDAM BABY!!! I've never been and I'm so fkn excited!! We're only gonna be there for 6 days so I need to know the best coffe shops & other spots to go!!


Well-Known Member
Whats your ppm on your mother plants?
These plants in this grow are all from seeds.

I have 1 mother plant that a different strain and she's in soil. The nutrient solution I've been giving her is around 600ppm. I call her a mother but she's actually never even had a clone taken from her. I was planning on making her a mother but it looks like my plans have now changed so I might flower her instead.


Well-Known Member
Whoaaaa the double avatar totally just tripped me out...
I was like "why the hell is winn talking to himself???" LOL



Well-Known Member
Whoaaaa the double avatar totally just tripped me out...
I was like "why the hell is winn talking to himself???" LOL


LOL - right!

Dude plants are looking killer. I got a question for you on that scope you bought. I went to RS yesterday and bought the same one I think you got. Is it a black scope that has a light on the end? Anyways, I didn't like it because you had to put it right on the plant to even be able to see anything. I took it back because I didn't want to damage any trichomes. How are you getting it to work without putting it right up on the plant.
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Well-Known Member
LOL - right!

Dude plants are looking killer. I got a question for you on that scope you bought. I went to RS yesterday and bought the same one I think you got. Is it a black scope that has a light on the end? Anyways, I didn't like it because you had to put it right on the plant to even be able to see anything. I took it back because I didn't want to damage any trichomes. How are you getting it to work without putting it right up on the plant.
thanks alot bro!! yeah that's definetly the only way to make it work is to get right on the bud. It's about as close to the bud as you can get without touching it but obviously I do end up touching the buds a little. I almost brought it back cuz it was hard as hell to use at first but I got it down now.


Well-Known Member
Hey Tlb! With Mine Just Cut The Edge Of A Little Leaf, In The Location Of Were U Want, And Set In On A White Paper And Peek... This Is What I Do, And The Plant Will Never Even Know That A Little Tippy Of A Cola Leaf Is Missing. Db.~tlb!:)


Well-Known Member
Hey Tlb! With Mine Just Cut The Edge Of A Little Leaf, In The Location Of Were U Want, And Set In On A White Paper And Peek... This Is What I Do, And The Plant Will Never Even Know That A Little Tippy Of A Cola Leaf Is Missing. Db.~tlb!:)
that would simply make it too easy for me...thanks Db


Well-Known Member
I just got done ordering the seeds for my second grow. I got 5 feminised blueberry seeds from Dutch Passion and 5 feminised MasterKush seeds also from Dutch Passion. There's not a big selection when you want feminised 100% indica strains from a good breeder...The kush is 100% indica but the blueberry is 80%/20%.

Rather than keeping one plant for mothers from each of the 2 strains and flowering the rest of them. I'm gonna pull a few clones from each plant and then flower all of the plants that I get from the seeds and then I'll use the clones from the plants that turn out the best in the end. If only I had some clones from these plants that I have flowering & learn
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Well-Known Member
Tasty!!! Looking Forward To That.!!! Been Thinking Of Getting Some Seeds Myself, Been Lazy On The Subject Lately... But U Guys Keep Peeking My Interest In The Game...! Lol Seeing That Ive Grown Only One W. Widow Im Not To Familiar With Her Yet. But From What I See, I Will Like Her.
So Have U Started The Flushing Yet.??? And What Do The Trichs Look Like Under The Scoop. "color" ??? Db.~tlb! :)

A Concern Here About Timing, Harv. Because Of Plant, Not That The Calander Tells U Its Time. Some Can Run Into The 12th Wk. Mark To Make Some Crazy Crazy!!!


Well-Known Member
Tasty!!! Looking Forward To That.!!! Been Thinking Of Getting Some Seeds Myself, Been Lazy On The Subject Lately... But U Guys Keep Peeking My Interest In The Game...! Lol Seeing That Ive Grown Only One W. Widow Im Not To Familiar With Her Yet. But From What I See, I Will Like Her.
So Have U Started The Flushing Yet.??? And What Do The Trichs Look Like Under The Scoop. "color" ??? Db.~tlb! :)

A Concern Here About Timing, Harv. Because Of Plant, Not That The Calander Tells U Its Time. Some Can Run Into The 12th Wk. Mark To Make Some Crazy Crazy!!!
yeah I started flushing the plants in my tray 2 days ago. 7 weeks flowering today, I can see some cloudy crystals on the widow that's furthest along, and I can see some on the trainwrecks also. I know the exact amount of time they've been flowering but I promise I'm going by the color of the hairs & crystals not the calendar...mainly the color of the crystals because that widow and the trainwrecks have alot of red hairs yet I'm holding back from chopping them down. I'd be willing to bet that 90% of 1st time growers would have chopped them down by now going by how they look so I think I've been showing more self control than I ever

When I harvest the first plants that are finished, I'll move the others from the tray to soil so they can have as long as they need to finish which I'm sure will be at least 3 weeks longer than the trainwrecks. That way I can get my tray ready for the blueberry & masterkush...


Well-Known Member
Spoken Like A True Patient Pot Head!!! Very Nice! Good Call On The Trich, Rather Than Hair Seeing That There Is So Many.!!! And Your Trichs Will Determin Your High!!!, Clear Is More Of An Up, And Amber Is More Couch Lock!!! Pain Killer! "thats Me"!!!
At About This Point If Email Is Watch, They Should Be A Chart Showing "e"??? Lol I Dont Have It Cause I Lost It! It May Me In The Faq. Section On The Home Page.!!! A Search If Needed. Very Nice.!
I Can See U Smile From Here!!! It Gets Bigger When Uve Waited For A Prop. Harvest, And U Giggle So Hard When U Get Your First Real! Hit Of "your" Sht. "well U Kinda Pee Alittle" Lol Allways Db.~tlb!:)
Rep En Ya! If I Havent Allready!


Well-Known Member
Spoken Like A True Patient Pot Head!!! Very Nice! Good Call On The Trich, Rather Than Hair Seeing That There Is So Many.!!! And Your Trichs Will Determin Your High!!!, Clear Is More Of An Up, And Amber Is More Couch Lock!!! Pain Killer!
oh yeah...definetly going for the couch lock effect!!! So when they say amber crystals, do I wait for a certain percentage of them to turn amber or as many as possible or all of them or what??


Well-Known Member
you know how I said I can't find a feminised, very strong 100% indica from a good dutch breeder. Well shortly after ordering my blueberry & masterkush seeds from Dr. Chronic, I found the strain I really want which is called G Force from The Flying Dutchman. It's a feminised cross of G13 x skunk/northern lights which is not 100% indica but according to them its, "G Force is nearly all Indica in background – a pure Indica crossed with a mostly-Indica Skunk hybrid". That's close enough for me.

Luckily my order hadn't been sent out yet and they let me change it so now I still have the MasterKush seeds from Dutch Passion coming but I switched out the blueberry for the G Force. I think I'll be happy with my choices...
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Well-Known Member
wow it's such a good feeling to see your first amber crystal. I only saw 1 or 2 amber crystals but almost all of them are cloudy on one of my widow. she will definetly be ready soon. Does anyone know what percentage of amber crystals I should wait for before I harvest?? Obviously I want the smoke as strong as possible so should I wait for all or most of the crystals to turn amber??

I'll have pics tomorrow...
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Well-Known Member
Day 49 of flowering (7 weeks). Today is day 4 of flushing for the plants in the tray (2 trainwrecks & 3 widows). They're definetly getting a good flush because the PPM was at 0 when I changed the water and now it's up to 332 after 4 days. Tomorrow or the next day I'm gonna change the water again so it has nice fresh water for the last few days of the flush. I've been closely watching the color of the crystals and on one of my widows most of them are cloudy and tonight I actually found a couple that were amber. I wish I had a way to take pictures of crystals close up and if I can get a buddy of mine to bring his camera over this weekend I will. I took the pics under the HPS light tonight, I think it gives a different perspective on how the plants look but they look much better using the camera flash with the big lights off...

white widow

Below: trainwreck

Below: skunk #11

Below: white widow (indica phenotypes)

Below: white widow (sativa phenotypes)

Below: my weird looking trainwreck that I'm chopping down on Friday. Any ideas why it looks like this??


Well-Known Member
Your Going To Have A Awesome harvest!!!!.........That Last Pic. Look's Like It Went Hermi. On Ya.???:joint::joint:.......Happy Smoke'n......:joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
Your Going To Have A Awesome harvest!!!!.........That Last Pic. Look's Like It Went Hermi. On Ya.???:joint::joint:.......Happy Smoke'n......:joint::joint:
I hope so man!!...yeah I was thinking it looked like a hermie also...are the seeds from a hermie worthless?