Need a little help identifying...


Active Member
It's a MONSTROCITY!! I haven't seen that many balls in one place since I accidental entered a gay bar, Lolz... Seriously dude that is ridiculous. You should defiantly get it as far away from the other plants as possible and burn that shit or something


Well-Known Member
If you are serious (like when did you start thinking it looked like male?), I feel so bad for you buddy, all the way to 10 weeks, man you should have put pics up earlier. At least you know for next time (hopefully no balls next time tho)


Active Member
If you are serious (like when did you start thinking it looked like male?), I feel so bad for you buddy, all the way to 10 weeks, man you should have put pics up earlier. At least you know for next time (hopefully no next time tho)
lmao it's so hard not to make jokes in this situation


Well-Known Member
'my' first plant, an outdoor plant, that was 'given' to me by a 'friend' turned herm because he thought he'd make it flower before he went on holidays then changed his mind and 'gave' it to me, I was looking at it every ten minutes, freaking out, asking people what they thought, I think I found out it had balls before it had balls.


hahahahah that doesn't even look like a weed plant if you ask me I think you got ripped off got anymore pics? but if it is weed def male


did you not notice the lack of buds at ten weeks? its so hard not to laugh but I feel bad for you at the same time you have to do research to avoid baby mistakes like this


Staff member
did you not notice the lack of buds at ten weeks? its so hard not to laugh but I feel bad for you at the same time you have to do research to avoid baby mistakes like this
there is no need to attack OP by being rude.


im not trying to be rude I am a noob my self but come its a ball fest there my dog would have know to chop that tree down


Your welcome to a laugh newbie213, but don't be a dick. We're all doing this for the same reasons, and there's no reasons to be mean. If ya got nothing helpful to say then just read quietly and laugh to yourself.