Growers House . com SUCKS dont use!!!


Hey don't know if this is the right section or not but just thought I would give some insight on WHO not to order from.. I placed a order Last SATURDAY now 9 days and still haven't received my order Hell it hasn't even arrived in my state yet.. Total Bull shit.. They said 2-3 business days it will have been atleast 10 days prolly 11 days to get my order.. Not only that but they sent it in 2 different packages and the 2nd left a day later than the other.. WORST of all the charged my debit card TWICE...... This caused overdraft and they did nothing but say it wasn't there fault.. They put a hold on my card for the amount of the order PLUS they pulled the money.. So for 2 days account was over drafted 72bucks.. Now lets see if when it ever gets here if my lights and everything is as it should be, doubt it from the way this transaction has went.. Well if you are getting new equipment I would suggest staying away from them..
Use HTG supply

never had a problem with them and they have several warehouses around the country so shipping never takes more than 3 days.

Theyve even shipped me replacement parts for my reverse osmosis filter when i broke a few of them assembling it.

Free shipping and about 10 bucks of free parts.

I also had an hps bulb that blew literally days before its 1 year warranty.

Didnt have the original packaging, nothing but the order confirmation on my account and they replaced it for free. Cost me about 3 bucks to ship it out to them which they said they could reimburse me but i didnt even bother with it considering i got a $40+ bulb for free.

Hope this helps you in your future purchases.
LMAo hey dumb ASSS I didn't spend all of my money I only put money in my account when im going to use it to buy something online. CMON.. Ask before you assume.. I keep my money on me not in the bank so they can loose it all and say opps sorry bout ur bad luck
his order could have been for 1500, charged twice is around 3000. he could have had 2900 or so in there. if you smoke oz a month at 300+ an oz. that's 5 months to pay off the 1500. after that he will be saving a shit load of money. you have to spend the money to save it in the long run sometimes. he might have more then one account. no offense. but he hasn't given enough information for you to know his situation. Ive just spent 1500 or so myself to save in the long run.

p.s. I like these ppl, got my stuff in 3 days and good prices
Yeah, well just saw good things bout there LED's which I was going to try out but not now I ordered direct from the Blue-Sea Factory in china.. They gave me a great price on 2 240w UFO's actual draw 140w each.. They are selling them on Ebay for 499(and yes that's the selling price not asking price) each I got 2 of them for less than that, that's all im going to say.. If you want more information on this company I can get you in touch with a cool chick and she will give you a great price.. I also have the security of Escrow on Aliexpress so that if I don't get my light or they send junk well they don't getpaid until I say im happy with my product.. EVEN better than pay-to screw you over-pal..
LMAo hey dumb ASSS I didn't spend all of my money I only put money in my account when im going to use it to buy something online. CMON.. Ask before you assume.. I keep my money on me not in the bank so they can loose it all and say opps sorry bout ur bad luck

Then you deserve what happened. Maybe next time you will keep money in your bank? Or use a prepaid debit card since you don't use your bank unless to buy something online... Who's the dumbass now?
maybe when you get mugged you will keep money in your account
Your the Dumbass.. Why is it my fault that a stupid company over drafted my account.. Your not even making any sense.. Unless you work there lol, well that explains it because they have no common sense there either.. I also want to know how its my fault its been 9 days and my shit hasn't even came to my state yet.. Please explain.. O wait you cant because yur a jckass
Your the Dumbass.. Why is it my fault that a stupid company over drafted my account.. Your not even making any sense.. Unless you work there lol, well that explains it because they have no common sense there either.. I also want to know how its my fault its been 9 days and my shit hasn't even came to my state yet.. Please explain.. O wait you cant because yur a jckass

You prolly never had the money in there to begin with or it was pending. When you place a online order they take it out as soon as you hit submit or its like that for me... 9 days and it isn't in your state? How do you know that? Tracking numbers aren't reliable. They only update when they scan it.
Man oh man I did not even want to respond due to how immature OP sounds....What are you 12 years old? go to school and learn some basic english skills because going into your overdraft for something like this....

The other guy saying you have to spend money you do not have "in this game" is a bozo as well......Grow up kids.
Please note people this was MY experience, not saying its like this every time but man what a horrible experience
I always use those pre paid credit cards when ordering online that way they cant take whats not there and there is no over draft I think it the safest way to order online imo
I always use those pre paid credit cards when ordering online that way they cant take whats not there and there is no over draft I think it the safest way to order online imo
I agree I don't see the point of having a bank account if you don't use it except for online
Man oh man I did not even want to respond due to how immature OP sounds....What are you 12 years old? go to school and learn some basic english skills because going into your overdraft for something like this....

The other guy saying you have to spend money you do not have "in this game" is a bozo as well......Grow up kids.

I'm no kid, the way your responding with disrespect when I have done nothing wrong shows who is more mature.

and yes sometimes you spend money to make or save money. ever hear of insulating your home ? those materials cost money, BUT you save in the long run with heating costs.
Ever hear of preventative maintenance on a car ? yeah there you spend money so nothing major goes wrong, costing you thousands.
how about insurance, you spend some money so you don't have to pay the 100,000 dollar surgery bill etc...or the accident costs if in car.
or you spend grand buy gardening shit and grow your own saving you overall on weed... ask anyone on here if growing own saves them money.

and if you read above he DID have the money, and your not his dad who tells him where to put it and how to spend it, your just someone on the net who ASSumed something before you knew the facts.

hate the grammar police. being able to use grammar correctly is important, but it does not mean someone is unintelligent or immature because they lack skill in one area.
We want to preface this by saying that we understand the customer's feelings and emotions in regard to this transaction. We'd like to respond to this thread as it represents information that we think needs clarification in regard to our efforts to resolve issues and live up to standards we present to our customers:

We state that we ship most orders in 2 to 3 business days, although it's usually quicker. In this case the customer ordered on the 11th (Saturday) and we shipped out their entire order less one item on the 14th (Tuesday--2 business days). The last item arrived a day late at our warehouse due to shipping delays and we shipped it out on the 15th (Wednesday--3 business days). Customer lives on the east coast, and selected Ground Shipping, while we're in Arizona, which is 5 business days from their location.

Secondly, we spoke with the customer about the duplicate transaction they saw on their account. We checked our system, but even after talking to our gateway merchant professional, they stated that there was no duplicate transaction and that it must be a problem with the card issuers bank (email message below in quotes, which was forwarded to said customer). Our guess was that the customer's bank registered a credit card authorization and the credit card sale as different transactions. I told the customer we'd be happy to speak with their bank to clear up any issues if that in fact was the problem, but they declined.

Had it been our fault, we would have accepted full responsibility for any charges the customer would have incurred due to our failure. We encourage the customer to allow us to contact their bank to assure that the overdraft fee is reversed due to the bank's error.


Per our conversation, the transaction for XXXXXXXX was only processed once. I am not able to locate two transactions for this customer. There is a discrepancy with her bank and amount of authorizations that were released but that does not mean we charged her twice. There was only one transaction that was authorized and released to for funding. Your customer will need to call the card issuing bank and have those funds released that are still in a pending state.

Please let me know if this helps.


Thank you for contacting Customer Support.


Authorize.Net Customer Support"