joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Difference being i dont follow the dude around like you follow Trolling, sorry
Trolling gets into it with everyone wherever he goes. Hmmmm who's the Asshat?

Bruce was raw muscle. Weighed 130 pounds. His workouts crazy. 1000 push ups. Running, 5000
kicks 10,000 pull ups... That man kicked ass. God bless his soul. Thank you Bruce for Tao of jeet kun do!!
Pretty sure he did electric muscle stimulation as well.

Again, ALL my posts can be explained.[/QUOTE

We are tired of your excuses.

She should have just.kept.her comment to herself and I would've done the same.
You can't help yourself. You know it is possible for you to shut your mouth too.

Masterfully. cn

I am home....
yes I am sure you are living the high life.

Ppl like you don't have real friends. Much less a life.

Alot of people do in America now days, thanks for your vote by the way...
Yes some do. Some grow the fuck up, get a job and start paying their own way.
I know, with your awesome attitude jobs are probably hard to come by.


Well-Known Member
At least I went down in history, goodbye everybody.....forever.
Hey clay i got twenty says he doesnt really leave. He aint goin nowhere. Well see his little froggy faqus in no time. April peaced out on this thread too and she came right back.....buncha big talkers writin checks with their mouths.
I hate to say it but the moral of the story is dont mess with sunni on the sunnis a honey thread. Somebody needs to put trollings parting quote in their sig. :):):)