The religious try to boil down everything to the Big Bang.Science cannot prove what started the event,but science can prove the Bible is false.The physical universe is about 14 billion years old,and the Earth is 4.5 billion years old.The Bible says 6,000 years old using the Adam/Abraham birth certificate method,so this proves the Bible is false from the very start,and dominoes from there on.The Genesis story is drab compared to the poetic Sumerian mythos it was ripped from,and it reads more like a H.P. Lovecraft novel while predating the Bible by atleast 4,000 years.
Thank you op for exposing the continued mind control of youth.Religion is a disaster to the mind,and to society as a whole that takes away knowledge of what every person should know for a healthy planet,but replaces it with detrimental dogma.
Here is "The Flaw" a rebuttel that is much better than my words.
Here is my core research into Christianity if anyone is interested.
Note:I do not parade around like an intellect,because I just jump into the matter trying to be as factual as I can.I am a robot not a an old classy pic. tee fucken hee...
Jesus is the personification of the Imperial cult of Caesar.
There is no epigraphs,or literary sources to support the crucifixion outside
Biblical texts during the era of the mythical Jesus.
The "tropaion" is a sacred trophy/sun symbol for the ancient Romans.The
tropaion was decorated with armor,and was reserved for the spirits of there
Gods.The trophy/victory symbol was displayed after a victorious battle in
tribute to there Gods.Prisoners were bound at the base,and never placed on
it for it is sacred.Only victory thru divinity was it's tribute
for public display.
Cruci/crux (Latin) replaced the homophones translation of the "Latin/Greek" cremo/kremo burn/to hang(impale) which makes literary sources sound as if
crucifixion was common during the era of the mythical Jesus.It is misquoted
to make it look like it was,but it is only cremation of executed prisoners
to stop the spread of flies that carry disease.Only when Christianity was
established a X shaped crux/cruci was started to be used for torture.
Ancient Romans also made sacrifices of cremation of animal intestines because
they believed there Gods,and passed on ancestors took up the
smoke that rised up in air.
Jesus is modeled after Divus Iulius Christos aka Julius Caesar,and his
resurrection thru the comet of 44 B.C.E. during his funeral games in the
skies above Rome.Julius Caesar held the title of Christos (anointed with oil)
,and he was a Christos to his celestial mother the goddess Venus (God of love).Caesar's wax effigy was hanged (Kremo) on a Tropaion for the public to
see his stab wounds.Caesar's body was then cremated (cremo) on a pyre.The
people of Rome went in a frenzy dipping there fingers in the ashes,then
rubbing the ash on there foreheads to be one with there divine Christos
(Ash wednesday).The conspirators of senate is Satan.
The Christian symbols the "crown of thorns",and the "cross" prove historically
that the crucifixion is pure myth.The "Civic Laurel crown",and the "Tropaion",
are sacred symbols to the ancient Romans.Any ancient Roman citizen,or soldier
using these symbols,or resemblance of said symbols in the manner described in
the fictional gospels would not happen.This is just like Muslims having a
petting zoo filled with pigs.Christian/Muslim delusion is a
detriment to the whole planet.
There are no literary sources outside the Bible that support the existence of Jesus.Only an obvious medieval forgery in the writings of the historian Josephus
who was not a direct witness in the first place.Other nonbiblical references
refer to the title of "Christos",and not Jesus.The gospels are
hearsay,and contradict each other.
Jesus Christ is a transformation of the imperial cult of Caesar that started
under the Pontifex Maximus Augustus Caesar (Julius's adopted son Octavian),and
lasted over 200 years.further transformation into Christianity was under emperor Constantine with the council of Nicea.The early Christogram "Chi Ro" is actually
the Julian star aka Caesar's comet.The imperial cult of Caesar closely match
the Gospels,and are only a distorted mirror of the triumphs
of the divine God Caesar.
The Holy Trinity,and the core of the old testament are plagiarisms of ancient Egyptian,Babylonian,and Sumerian texts that was preserved on papyrus,stone walls,
clay tablets,or just plain old oral tradition.The 3 main religions of today are a consolidation,and a rewrite of old Paganism (country dweller) beliefs.
Angels are ancient Roman "Victoria",and ancient Greek "Nike"inwich evolved from ancient Sumerian epigraphs of "human bird hybrids" or "half bird humanoids".
To deny the Holy Spirit is actually Denying Horus the Sun God that protects you.
(Wiki base reference only)
Lucifer "Shining One" personification of planet Venus.The "Morning Star" rises
then falls from grace as the Sun rises.The "Pentagram" is the orbit/retrograde of Venus.The 5 conjunction points in relation to Earth forms the 5 pointed star.
Hell is taken from the ancients concept of "Underworld".The personified planet Gods followthe ecliptic plane below the Earth's horizon.Angels are "Nike/Victoria" of ancient Greece/Rome mythos.Satan=the adversary.Senate is adversary to Julius Caesar.
The Abrahamic based religions are a consolidation of Paganism (country dweller)
beliefs.There is no way around this fact despite the aggrieved protests,and
lies of the religious.
The "Rape of Persephone" of ancient Greece,and "Inanna,and the Huluppu tree" of ancient Sumerian mythos are parallels to Eve of Eden,and fallen angels.These
examples of many were to explain nature.These were rewritten to control the
growing populace which only in a modern society serves to disconnect reason.
Devil horns are the constellation Taurus inwich the planets get basketed following
the ecliptic plane.
Comet is the etymology of Greek "kometes",or star with long hairs.This is why
medievel depictions of Jesus has long hair unlike an actual Judean.
Jesus clearly states that one is exempt from judgment when one believes in him.
When Christians say that no scholar refutes the existence of Jesus they are lying.
Richard Carrier,David Fitzgerald,Robert M Price,Alvar Ellegard are scholars that
refute existence.
Possible original source of flood,and lost civilization mythos.
Source of biblical patriarch longevity.
What you glean to be true for yourself then please pass it on.
Have a nice day....