Does This Marijuana Plant look Healthy?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i am growing a couple weed plants and wanted to know if this one looked healthy?View attachment 2662630View attachment 2662633View attachment 2662629
you growing them by the light of a single guttering candle?

if you want long luxurious fibers for making a hemp tuxedo, then youre totally on track amigo, but if you want dope youre gonna need some LIGHT

step 1 decide if your gonna grow them outside or inside.

step 2 if your gonna grow em outside dig a deep ass hole and bury those fuckers deep, so the growing crown is only 2 inches above the soil (all that extra stem will become a root system, but your gonna have to dig down at least 2 feet)

step 3, if your are gonna keep em indoors, get MORE LIGHTS, if your rockin less than 300 wattts of REAL power, not the fake "eqivalent to" wattage you see on CFL's youll get nothing

step 4 if youre gonna grow em indoors, youll need a larger pot and youll need to corkscrew the stem so only like 2" of stem is above the ground again, or the plant will die when it folds over and strangles on it's own soda-straw neck.

step 5 just grow it outdoors.

step 6 lurk on this forum and learn how to keep the plants happy. and youll have dope before too long.


New Member
Thanks! yeah i'm growin em outdoor but like i said to the other guy it was dark out when i took theese last night. i have 8 more and there doin good this one just didn't look good but i was thinkin about putting this one really deep cause i'v growin a couple times before but didn't know if putting them far into the ground kill them thanks a bunch tho man ! appriciate it


Active Member
When you dig them in you obviously need to fill it with a nice soil mix.. NOT the stuff you dug up ;) Good luck.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Thanks! yeah i'm growin em outdoor but like i said to the other guy it was dark out when i took theese last night. i have 8 more and there doin good this one just didn't look good but i was thinkin about putting this one really deep cause i'v growin a couple times before but didn't know if putting them far into the ground kill them thanks a bunch tho man ! appriciate it
please note, not all plants will survive burying the transition joint, but cannabis is one of the ones who's entire stem can form roots if buried in moist soil.

dont try this with fruit trees, grapes, shrubs, citrus, camellias, or most vines.

most plants will die immediately if you bury their transition joint.

cannabis, tomatoes, cucumbers, mellons, gourds, and a few others are cool with it though

also everybody is talking about lights because they are so impossibly stretched. thats something you only get in a plant which has been reaching for a too far away, too dim light source.


Staff member
you need to repot or plant them in the ground, they are way over stretched, you need more light, if you do choose to repot please make it a dark pot as roots do not like light, they want darkness


Well-Known Member
plant that baby deep, the real stem doesnt start untill nodes are popping up. that long stretchy stemm needs to be under ground/soil


New Member
well yeah i know. i started them with an LED. i dunno why everyone is asking if i'm usin a flashlight. yeah i'm using a light when the plant is clearly OUTSIDE no there actually inside i just like to put grass in my house...(i'm not mad at you at all just the other couple people that asked if i was using a flashlight)