Soil problems


Active Member
Hey guys, got a bit of a issue here. My 2 current plants are doing ok, although they have nute burn and whatnot. So I bought some perlite and vermiculite, and added equal amounts of a ratio of 1/4 perlite, 1/4 vermiculite and 1//2 john innes no 2 compost. My problem is that the soil is still not draining, I add half a cup of water (the pots are the size of mugs) and still no drainage, and the mix sinks down and loses it airyness. What can I do to solve this? Shall I buy some wood chips and add those in or what?


Well-Known Member
OK think about this:

Maybe the soil you are planting in is heavy clay or something that will not accept water infiltration. You can dig a nice hole and amend it with all sorts of good stuff, but if the surrounding soil is "clay-like" you are essentially growing in a tub.

The root area you made may be holding water like a tub. And/or later in the life of the plant it will be confined to the root zone you have built for it.

Just something to think about as I do not know your exact soil conditions


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, got a bit of a issue here. My 2 current plants are doing ok, although they have nute burn and whatnot. So I bought some perlite and vermiculite, and added equal amounts of a ratio of 1/4 perlite, 1/4 vermiculite and 1//2 john innes no 2 compost. My problem is that the soil is still not draining, I add half a cup of water (the pots are the size of mugs) and still no drainage, and the mix sinks down and loses it airyness. What can I do to solve this? Shall I buy some wood chips and add those in or what?
Check out the bottom of this link man.;-)


Active Member
OK I think I am overwatering, I read around and I seem to have drowned my roots which is why the nutrient deffiency is occuring, or I'v added too much nutes. Going to let this soil dry out, but anyway, all my leaves are becoming yellow and curling, what can I do to prevent even more damage?


Well-Known Member
Pics would help, but now that you say that, and the link I gave you, it sounds like overwatering.
How often do you water?
Any idea what your PH is?


Active Member
I am a idiot with watering I'll admit. I water everyday with about 30ml or so, or used to anyway. My pots are the size of mugs and they dont drain after watering.


Active Member
Yeah I have realized my mistake. Personally I think this has been a great lesson, so now I will know what to do/not to do for my next grow. Great learning curve.

Just like to mention, the plants stem has for some reason thinned out above leaf set 1, to a point where it is now wobbling a lot. Dont know why thats happened but well yh.


Watering everyday??.that's insane!.can't do that. Also does your soil have a wetting agent in it?.regardless watering everyday is crazy.let they dry up some!.don't drowned them!