Do you think 28% THC is for real, as Israel claims to have with one of their strains?

I have no doubt many growers achieve epic weed. I have seen alot of "great weed" turn out like shit too. but thats just it the grower makes the genetics shine. So kudos to some gnarly Israeli growers imo.
If you need 28 % THC maybe its time for you to move over to Acid or Angle dust. lmfao
People always talking about higher THC *funny shit to me* I've had to stop selling a few strains guys tell me it's to strong AKA Zombie Weed.
Had some violator kush one of my friends that smokes A LOT told me he smoked a blow and did not remember going to bed, the next day he stopped by and said he was still fucked up. Dude said the violator kush violated him.
unless you got bad cancer or a really fucked up life I can not see a need or want for anything over 20 % THC I myself like the higher CBD strains the best.

Maybe you should change the name of the Violator Kush to Nightman Kush.
Israel actually has a State-run medical cannabis program that would put anything in the US to shame.

Also, historically Israel has always been a leader in cannabis research.

In fact the THC molecule was first described and synthesized in the 1960s by two Israelis, Prof. Raphael Mechoulam (who is still active at age 82) and his colleague Yechiel Gaoni.

They can do strain and type research there in ways that can't be done in the USA, and I don't at all think its implausible that they could selectively breed super potent strains.

In addition to this high THC strain (which may or may actually be the worlds' strongest), they also have one of the highest pure CBD strains in the world, called "Avideckel".

I should also mention that there is quite a bit of private cannabis research being done in Europe by the maker of the Sativex drug. They have all sorts of special proprietary strains, including ones specifically bred to be high in a variety of individual cannabinoids (ie THC, CBD, CBG, THCV), as well as ones specifically bred to be high in every individual terpenoid (limonene, pinene, myrcene, etc). None of these have been released to the public, and I think all are under patent. It wouldn't at all surprise me if they have more than one "super strain" that they are keeping under wraps.

Patent on plants is messed up. But is going on with food crops too. Fucking greedy bastards!! Who do they think they are??!! Its Gods plant not mans. Patent the gene sequence its all good. If i get my hands on one of those super strains. Ill make my own version with crossing and back crossing. Sue me now bitches.
There is no base line to make all the labs run at the same calibrated #

There are base standards that labs use for their calibration, but you are correct, calibrations are different from machine to machine and will differ from the person doing the calibration.

I am looking forward to when these labs start getting new/more/different base standards. Then they will know what some of the spikes/readings they see are, right now they have no base standard for those spikes/readings to tell what exactly it is that is showing a result. Some of these spikes overlap eachother also, something few labs talk about.

I've always believed that it is all the ingredients that go into something that creates the end result, not just the % of just one or two of the ingredients. Once they are able to identify more ingredients, it will help understand better what is doing what, and how.
28% THC seems a little bit high. Sorry but im skeptical. High times pushes numbers to get business and they dont even stretch that far. When they start giving out samples for test runs on this website and our labs verify it...then ill belive em. Till then, not a chance, sounds like a pump fake to grab some cash from hype.....IMPO only. :):):)
Patent on plants is messed up. But is going on with food crops too. Fucking greedy bastards!! Who do they think they are??!! Its Gods plant not mans. Patent the gene sequence its all good. .

They're patenting specific lines they've bred for proprietary/research purposes.

These guys have spend millions of dollars building a facility, hiring scientists, doing extensive chemical testing, and spent several years selectively breeding lines where they have completely control over every cannibinoid and terpene. IE, they have a high THCV line, a high CBG line, a high myrcene line, etc. It took them years to do this, and a huge amount of money. Why *shouldn't* they be able to protect their lines by patent so they can have a chance of recouping their investment or making some bucks?

Note that typically genetics patents only last 17 years, they're not forever. So its not like nobody will EVER get to use their work, they just get a reasonable period of time to use it protected.

If i get my hands on one of those super strains. Ill make my own version with crossing and back crossing. Sue me now bitches
To sue you successfully, they'd have to catch you selling one of their patented lines, which would be pretty tough given that they're a private company and you're operating in a global black market.

But realistically, there is no way some European corporation could know the line of every bud grown under lights in the USA. Unless you started advertising your line specifically as a knockoff, or it was one of their more unusual ones, it would be pretty tough for them to even know you were using it, let alone catch and sue you.
28% THC seems a little bit high. Sorry but im skeptical. High times pushes numbers to get business and they dont even stretch that far. When they start giving out samples for test runs on this website and our labs verify it...then ill belive em. Till then, not a chance, sounds like a pump fake to grab some cash from hype.....IMPO only. :):):)

So if you were given a lab with all necessary resources, unlimited samples of strains, no legal limitations, and all the time you needed, you couldn't come up with a 28% THC plant?

I am disappointed that 28% is where they topped out at.
28% THC seems a little bit high. Sorry but im skeptical. High times pushes numbers to get business and they dont even stretch that far. When they start giving out samples for test runs on this website and our labs verify it...then ill belive em. Till then, not a chance, sounds like a pump fake to grab some cash from hype.....IMPO only. :):):)

I don't think its so crazy.

Here's a published test of a strain called (appropriately!) "Better than yours", that tested out at 27.4% THC and 28.8% total cannabinoids at SC labs less than six months ago. That makes it comparable to this Israeli strain in absolute potency.

Abusive OG, 24.9% THC

I don't have a link, but SC labs tested out a cut of Girl Scout Cookies at 28.6% THC plus 2% CBD, making it stronger than this Israeli line (if we can believe the numbers).

They also tested a cut of Alien OG at over 28% THC, again making it comparable to this Israeli line.
So if you were given a lab with all necessary resources, unlimited samples of strains, no legal limitations, and all the time you needed, you couldn't come up with a 28% THC plant? I am disappointed that 28% is where they topped out at.

I think under the circumstances you describe, all sorts of interesting lines could be developed. . .and probably have been!

But your statement makes a few assumptions:

-That the Israeli strain in question was actually developed in a lab setting. I simply don't know the genetic background of this line or how it was developed. Maybe its a straight up ripoff of some "OG" line just renamed by the group that's growing/selling it. Is it a real inbred line potentially growable from ceed, or just some "clone only" cut? Don't know. . .

-Israeli breeders do operate under legal restrictions (as do most research breeders), and of course everyone has finite resources. Medical MJ is not widely available in Israel to anyone that wants it. There is a strict licensing procedure, and only a small number of people get it. Of course there is also a black market for recreational cannabis in Israel, just like most places.

-How do you know that there *ISN'T* already something out there with potentially MORE than 28% THC? Maybe there is, but its too low yielding, slow growing, and/or disease prone to be useful as a commercial line.