The Irish Growers Thread!

@ae: I watched every episode a while back on netflix of underbelly and yeah it gets wild, accidentally found it and liked it right off had know idea aussie's did it like that.

this has to be fake, I don't think or hope it is not based off real world events or this country (USA) will lose all credibility in the world.


you can watch this entire documentary narrated by an english women on youtube just type in the search (not the same as the video that hasn't come out yet)
Untold Story of the Iraq War ~ Commandos, Dirty Wars and Col. James

would this not be true of any war and all that goes with it? anything taken out of context can be a sensation, but the killing deliberate or not of women and children is deplorable.... but war has casualtys civilian and hostiles, and to get to the root of the problem, which ironically was usa`s fault anyways for backing bin laden against the russians and doing it so well is that it had to go the way it went to get him...

its a complex argument on both sides md, was it overkill? was it justified? god theres so many routes to argue..oppisition that would go to the lenghts they do... america has to reply the only way they know how...iron fist time.. and i`m all for that, if there is a dirty war there the ones fighting it in how they choose to fight it with public transport and on crowded streets ...
hows the veggies comeing mr green fingers....;)
Mostly still just sprouts or seeds in the ground at the moment, above ground I have runner beans,courgettes, corn and a few spuds, sprouted are beetroot, peas, some onion sets, radishes and some cabbage. Still waiting on carrots/broad beans/spinach beet to show themselves. All different veg has 2 5 metre long rows so I'm not sure if I will have time to manage it come summertime if we have dry spells since the plot I grow on is a 20 minute drive away. The plot could do with a drenching of compost tea to get everything going but the plot is 200sq/m, there's no way to cover that lol. How's your veg doing? Last time I seen you had some potatoes on the way up, surely you can make some room for a clone or two come the summer :)
yeah the spuds haven`t really done much since, there not earlys tho so i`ve it put down to that...

man you been busy, and will be once they get a going, i seem to be growing more grass (not the smokeing kind) than anything else, so just been weeding most days, got some great progress on the corn, cabbage, lettuce and white turnips, no sign of the carrots yet....

after the crop is up the plots being dug and dug again, this year is the start for the ground it was a football pitch last year, so needs alot of work...
Aye the weeds are a right pain in the hoof. No matter how many you hoe and kill they keep coming back. The potatoes should do a trick on loosening up the soil if it was compacted alright, I believe they are recommended for that very purpose.
yeah i`ve hard that said, just from the older growers in the group, looking forward to my own spuds, just hope they pan out....

impressive line up you have, as it was my first time i was half hearted about it, regrestting it now as the layout is not really to my likeing now i`ve gotten the bug and the eye in....