Friends who don't smoke


Well-Known Member
I have more friends who don't smoke than friends that do.
It's not a preference, it just evolved into that.
I would have to say I have about 5 friends I get high with regulary and about 25 friends who used to get high at one point of their life, and about 6 friends who've never tried it.
Almost all of my friends at one point smoked. Then some of my friends quit due to a job that does regular piss tests.
I have my own business, which gives me the luxury of doing what I please.
From what I have found out with my friends who don't smoke, they don't like it when I'm high around them. Not because they disagree with weed on judicial standpoint, they're mostly jealous that they can't. Usually because of their job, family, reputation, and lifestyle.

I'm a late thirties dude who still likes to party. The friends I hang with like to party also. But they're type of partying is to do tailgating and occasional card parties with yager and beer. Whoopdee doo.... :?

Is getting high more acceptable with friends when your young & mischevious?


Active Member
it seems to me like smoking is either a lifestyle or a fad to a person... everyone has different reasons for smoking, and a lot of the people i know that used to smoke and now do not did it mostly to "party" or to look cool in front of everyone. the people that still smoke regularly embrace it as a lifestyle, and more of a positive mix-in in the proverbial ice cream of life. i own a business also, and since gas prices are so ridiculous, moved out of my office to save an extra $600/month. so now i sit at home and smoke most of the day, and use it mostly to pull the stick out of my ass and unleash my creativity. it doesn't give me ideas, but it helps me feel uninhibited enough to try things that i might think too weird otherwise. i've really only got one friend that does not smoke, but she doesn't mind if i do it around her. so point being, it's kind of like following a band. everyone was all about nine inch nails, for instance when they first came out... then when they're not on the radio all the time, only a portion of the fans stay true and keep up with the music. did that make sense? :o


Well-Known Member
no clue why but all my friends except 1 (one) don't smoke because they believe the shit the learned in elementary aboot how you'll go onto harder drugs. they don't even believe in medicinal use.


Well-Known Member
^ I know the same type of people, I wouldn't realy consider them friends but people I play video games with once a month, I remember them talking about "what ther anti-drug was" and they were serious too OMG.......:wall:
and a few of them occasionaly get drunk and see no problem in that.

when I was younger everyone got high, I knew one person that didn't smoke.
now it seems like no one smokes, or atleast no one I'd want to hang out with.
WTH is the matter with our youth these days, they don't question anything thier told on the TV or even realy care for that matter, as long as they can play the next halo or GTA, what do they care if thiers a drug war going on.


Well-Known Member
Im older with family,I pretty much smoke by myself. I love it time to fire up some white rhino. if my buddys only new what they where missing.hahahahahha


Well-Known Member
I have a few friends that dont smoke, but I like smoking with friends, specially vet friends..

chill smokers are dank smokers..

hyper smokers are buzz killers

geekin smokers are well funny to make fun of by chill smokers :)

Senor SmokeAlot

Well-Known Member
i got 3 friendw that smoke on a regular,we blaze all the time.

then some the guys i work with smoke, like 5 of 'em but i think its cause i smoke around them and they want in,cuz they didnt smoke before meeting me. i'm not above the influence, im not below the influence, i am the influence!

then my high school friends and my brother all drink.3 of them use to smoke in high school (this is about 5 yrs ago)with me but they're all tryin to be snitches,i mean pigs, damnit i mean COPS.

alot of them drink,i really dont like to,im a social drinker and dont really like the bar scene tooo much


Well-Known Member
i know alot of people who are cops.. Cops dont start out the freshest page in the book ya know..


not a big deal considering you smoke weed and your still a normal person..


Luke Kane

Active Member
i know alot of people who are cops.. Cops dont start out the freshest page in the book ya know..


not a big deal considering you smoke weed and your still a normal person..


:blsmoke:Then you can smoke with them. I don't associate with the cops or any type of law enforcement for that matter and you shouldn't either.


Well-Known Member
i know alot of people who are cops.. Cops dont start out the freshest page in the book ya know..


not a big deal considering you smoke weed and your still a normal person..

i had a girlfriend who was a cop. my homeboy used to twist up IN FRONT of her ALL THE TIME!!!!

she didnt care


Well-Known Member
the cops i know do worse things than smoke weed.

a lot of my friends are getting all weird and stopping smoking.

life time stoners going cold turkey. very scary.

no one here is quitting on me though!


Well-Known Member
the cops i know do worse things than smoke weed.

a lot of my friends are getting all weird and stopping smoking.

life time stoners going cold turkey. very scary.

no one here is quitting on me though!

I know WTH is up with that? I can understand cutting back, maybe smoking like once a month or something, but to straight up quite. Sounds to me like the've been influenced by the Ad councile commercials a little too much.

I have a few friends like this too


Well-Known Member
Ha...I had an ex girlfriend of 5 1/2 years who didn't smoke the whole time we were together....the second we broke up she started gettin high and sellin' to me everyone is a smoker unless they have to be clean for a job. Or maybe I am just projecting because I am high.