Sickmeds: Green Crack S1 Feminized

What I can tell you is that my plant virtually transformed into a totally different plant during flowering. It started off as a short fat indica, but during flowering, became much more of a sativa, with significant stretch of 2 - 2.5x the original height, dramatic increase in branchiness (all the lower branches just took off), and even the leaves became thinner. If I remember right, the breeder told me that this particular pheno pattern (starts off more indica dom, then becomes more sativa dom) is the most common one, though there are also more sativa-like and more indica-like phenos, too.

Indica and sativa will become completely useless terms soon. They are already useless in describing cannabinoid profiles, soon they'll be useless in describing growing profiles as well.
Have you got some pics of your flowering pics of urs jogrog, mine looks the same when it was smaller, here's mine took yesterday, I had to flower it at this size but usually flower bigger, I'm hoping for a stretch.
i reckon it's put on a few inches so far but not much more. I'm day 11 of 12/12 and its only just shown sex, the lowers are starting to get bigger, but before 12/12 they were non existent.

jogrog, what height did u flower, finish height, etc as my plant looks the same as yours.

I'm hoping for big leaves equals big buds, with all that sugar they must have stored it damn well better be,lol.

for size comparison, it's a 12 litre pot and the white temp remote thing is slightly bigger than a pack of cigarettes

ignore the photos, lol, I'm a retard, looking at them now,lol.

im praying I have the same pheno as u Jogro as ur final pics looked stunning, my tent isn't dropping under 20 degrees at the mo.
Indica and sativa will become completely useless terms soon. They are already useless in describing cannabinoid profiles, soon they'll be useless in describing growing profiles as well.

I've written about this elsewhere.

First of all, all cannabis (including hemp) is "cannabis sativa" from a broad taxonomic and legal standpoint. If you're going to use the terms correctly, IMO, "indica" should only be used to apply to either pure subcontinental landraces, or (more loosely) to hybrids of the same that retain most of their characteristics.

As you're implying, almost all of the drug strains that people are growing indoors are hybrids.

Still, as idealized terms these do convey certain meanings, eg:

Indica: Short, low stretch, fast flowering, "couchlock"/higher CBD
Sativa: Tall, high stretch, long flowering, minimal or zero CBD.

If you think of these terms as shorthand for those attributes then using them makes some sense (even if technically incorrect) and I think for this reason, people will continue to use them as stain descriptors.

And yes, of course there are subcontinental varieties with no CBD and I believe there are equatorial ones that do have CBD.
Have you got some pics of your flowering pics of urs jogro
Yes, there are a whole bunch of them earlier in this grow report! You probably really should go read the whole thing if you haven't already. Anyway, here's some links and images:

Start of flowering (day 5, 12-12):

Day 34 of flowering, start of purple color :

End of flowering, day 55

mine looks the same when it was smaller, here's mine took yesterday, I had to flower it at this size but usually flower bigger, I'm hoping for a stretch.
i reckon it's put on a few inches so far but not much more. I'm day 11 of 12/12 and its only just shown sex, the lowers are starting to get bigger, but before 12/12 they were non existent. jogrog, what height did u flower, finish height, etc as my plant looks the same as yours.
I agree, your plant looks highly similar to the one I grew. I believe I did start mine a little bit smaller than that, probably at about 12-14" tall. You can see it, above.

Like yours, mine took nearly two full weeks to start making visible flowers. After that happened, there was quite a bit of stretch, maybe slightly over 2x, with the bottom branches especially stretching up nearly to the same height as the main cola. Never got any colas, just individual round dense buds, but these did pack on weight and mature very quickly. My final height was probably about 28" or so, but as you can see from the image above, I did some "high stress training"/"supercropping" (I call that BREAKING!) to reduce overall height.

Flowers also started to make noticeable purple about 5 weeks in (again, see above).
Cheers Jogro, stoner moment, as soon as I posted I realised I'd seen them, lol.

Im hoping mine turns purple too, I'm day 15 now, buds have been forming past 3 days and starting to see resin now too, I'm hoping for the stretch, as the branches never developed in veg, they've grown a bit since veg but I want more, the fans are so big it blocks them.

One thing I have noticed and im hoping its a signal of turning purple, the plants has been sort of lime greeny, very pale green all through veg, over past week, the top fans look more sativa ish, asin their thinner, and their also a lot darker.
i am vaping some dried leafs from one of my vegged green crack plants and they give me a nice & light head high. this plant is 100% awesomeness! :peace:
I don't know exactly which line you're talking about, but the clone-only plant everyone knows as "green crack" is known for three things: a mango-like scent, a racy high, and fast flowering times. I've never seen any description of this plant that didn't mention these three things.

Again, the Sickmeds ceeds this report is on are F1 ceeds, NOT the "clone only" line.

You can expect them to have some TRAITS of the original parent line (which they do), but they're not going to be identical. Nobody describes the originals as going purple, but lots of growers have commented that the F1 ceeds go purple, both Sickmeds version, and Riot ceeds versions.

If your friend is the one who originally bred this line, can you ask him where he sourced the original parents? Does he know anything about the "unknown CA indica" at all?
Northern lights 5 circa 91
Originally Posted by Jogro
I don't know exactly which line you're talking about, but the clone-only plant everyone knows as "green crack" is known for three things: a mango-like scent, a racy high, and fast flowering times. I've never seen any description of this plant that didn't mention these three things.

Again, the Sickmeds ceeds this report is on are F1 ceeds, NOT the "clone only" line.

You can expect them to have some TRAITS of the original parent line (which they do), but they're not going to be identical. Nobody describes the originals as going purple, but lots of growers have commented that the F1 ceeds go purple, both Sickmeds version, and Riot ceeds versions.

If your friend is the one who originally bred this line, can you ask him where he sourced the original parents? Does he know anything about the "unknown CA indica" at all?

Northern lights 5 circa 91

Thanks for getting back to me with this.

So then your friend is saying his "Green Crack" is actually Skunk #1 x Northern lights #5?

This just doesn't correspond to my experience here. There are any number of Sk#1 x NL#5 commercial crosses out there (eg Sensi's Shiva Skunk, Ceres NL#1xSK#5, etc) and none of them offer the fast flowering time, or mango/fruit scent of the clone only Green Crack. Since neither SK#1 nor NL#5 are known for going purple, that particular cross also doesn't explain the purple I and most growers are seeing in the Green Crack S1s.

Assuming your friend is correct, the only explanation I have is that his "Green Crack" is a different line then the one going around as the clone only "Dream Queen/Cush/Green Crack".
Day 31. Again 18-6 under a 45W CFL.

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Note sure the picture is doing this justice.
That second fan leaf from the bottom is probably as big as my hand, and the plant is less than a foot tall with only 4-5 nodes on it. I've never seen leaves this big in a seedling this small before.
Stem is also getting pretty fat.
Looks fantastic. How was the outcome? Im growing this strain now