Most commonly as "UV Leds " in the led industry/market are referred the
Violet 390-410 nm leds ( or chips ) .....
Those are used for curing paints ,photo-transfer etchings,uv flashlights ,i.e.
Prices are in the $5-$40 range (per unit ) ,depending of led brand /quality .....
When lit they emit a deep ,dim (only to human vision ) violet light .
Pretty dangerous leds for human vision .
Specially if the are of >300mW output power .
Going down the wls ,next UV leds are the
UVa 350-370 nm leds .
Used commonly in medical science and industry.
Mainly for working with photo-sensitive material ( i.e. curing epoxies or dental glues ./polymers . ..)
Really dangerous , in case of prolonged exposure at their radiation .
When lit ,it's barely visible a violet/light blue light ...
Price range : $100- $1000 . (per unit )
Next are the "water purification / sterilisation "
250-340 nm UVb leds .
Price range : $500-$10.000 (per unit ) .
When "on" no light is visible ...Nothing at all ...
Extremely dangerous for eyes & skin.
Lots of colouring in materials will fade under their radiation .
Many plastics (polymers) & fabric (clothes ) will detoriate by time ,when exposed .
Always their casing is from some kind of UV resistant metal and their lenses
are made from High purity Quartz crystal -in order not to filter out the emitted UV radiation and withstand it's " corrosive/ detoriating " effects ...
( -Glass absorbs UV / Plastic detoriates- )
The first type (395-410) nm is used at several grow lights ,already ...
2-4 leds of ~400mW are enough to cover an area of 1 square meter . ( 3' x 3' )
Best at widest emission angle possible ( >120°)
A bit more more and plants will be stunted or fried .
The other two types are not used .
max uv (
250- 400 nm )
radiation " density " ,at earth's surface is
~ 5 Watts per square meter .
No jargin from me ,Scotch ...Never ...