Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
pics of space bomb, sleestack, purple voodoo abd a clone,critical jack tomorrow on here if its cool with you bro

Hell yeah! Those look great bro!! Hot damn I wish I could've got just one of the PV's that I ran 2 be a (female) lol.. that shit looks DANK! ;) And yeah, I would like to do a run of a few of yours aswell! And I have a few 4 you!! :mrgreen: yeah, lots has been going on bro since we last talked! We will catch up when I call you..


Well-Known Member
Ok guys! I have some great news to report to y'all!! I am so stoked right now!! Haha.. ;) I had been speaking with "Sincity seeds" a rep there, about doing tests on there newer strains, and even a few there still doing tests on now, and the rep just sent me an email, and I was so excitied to read that he will be sending out a few of there strains 4 me to run & journal for them!! Yayyyy!! :mrgreen: so just as soon as I receive them, we will be growing & journaling some "new" strains yet to hit the market!! Sound good?? ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey what's up everyone!?? Was just going to give y'all a quick update on the girls.. I believe I posted pics of the other set the last time, so here's these girls.. a lot to keep up with, lol.. ;)

As for the *HINT* on the new strain I went with this go round, it could very well be someones "name"... :??:

Here's the ladies..



Well-Known Member
I know this is off topic, but I thought it was super interesting lol.. My oldest daughter brings homes "eggs" her school driver gives us, being 1 because she LOVES 4 me to make either "cornbreed saled", or mexican cornbreed. She (school driver) has a chicken farm and has eggs galore!! Lol.. ;) I got into the fridge just a few ago, pulled out the egg carton to make some cornbreed, and pulled this big ass egg out! I have NEVER seen a regular chicken egg so large!! It even had 2 yoks in it!! Crazy nuts if you ask me... :??:


joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Well if you have too much of both then I may have to "stop by" on my way to SC. That would solve your problems, lol. But leave you with another.....too little


Well-Known Member
Here's the rest of them, besides the others I have in the "homemade" grow tent.. :mrgreen:
I hadn't done an update of both sets in awhile! So here they are.. hope y'all enjoy checking them out, as much as I have had growing them all.. we all ort to get together & smoke up! Haha... ;) that would be the shit!!

Ps... Take a look at the "BLUE OG", she has been kinda "droopy" here the past few days for some reason.. :??: I've checked everything I can think of!! Nutes are adjusted in, ph is right on spot, she has got me bamboozald!!! :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
the second to last pic is critical jack herer . one before that is purple kush in my previous post

this is a voodoo cloneIMAG0730.jpgIMAG0731.jpg
here is a close up of crit. jack 11 bladesIMAG0735.jpg


Well-Known Member
group shotIMAG0732.jpgIMAG0733.jpg what do you guys think? i would love some feed back on how pics from the skunk and voodoo look and how these look smoke on fellers:bigjoint:
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