Well-Known Member
Hey guys, Tomorrow it will be 30 days? Where has the time went? I don't feel any better today than I did 30 days ago?
As a matter of fact I feel worse, Now that I have had some finishing in the last 2 weeks, Still would not be enough to make the oil, but it would have helped, He needed the oil so bad, and the state he was legal in never sent his card, too many excuses, from were behind, to we need to resend it, Opps wrong zip code, it came back? This went on for 8 months, while he slowly staved to death. He was 72 pounds when he died
I feel so much guilt as I tried so hard to help him, If we had the card I could have driven and got him some oil...
I was so positive it would have worked, but I could not get any for a long time, and if I did it was too little to help. I did not expect him to die and that's what breaks my heart.
It's not your fault in any way the Government does not allow companies to produce this oil on commercial scales. It makes me angry and sad.
It'll change oneday ... I hope.
My friends mum died from Cancer many years ago. We were all smokers but never had a clue about growing. I remember her fighting for health and trying to get Canna extracts. It was near impossible in our area. and when she could find it, it would be so expensive.