Active Member
Hello All
Have some very good news for all patients and caregivers!
We will be filing a Class Action suit in the Superior Court of Maricopa on Friday against the "25 Mile Rule". We will ask the court to declare Arizona Revised Statute (A.R.S.) § 36-2804.02(A)(3)(f) aka "25 Mile Rule" unconstitutional under Arizona law and to stop the enforcement of the 25 mile rule therein; We are also requesting to impose a preliminary injunction which forbids enforcement of the 25 mile rule by the Arizona Department of Health Services, all Arizona law enforcement, the Arizona Department of Public Safety and the Arizona Attorney General Office.
Much love to those who have been supportive from day one - thank You! Our day has come and now we all shall be able to provide for our own health instead of being forced into the Medical marijuana Program's Monopoly!

The Arizona Medical Marijuana Act (“Act”
was passed into law effective December 2010. The Arizona Department of Health Services was put in charge to establish Rules in order to implement the Act which became effective April 2011. Under the Act, a patient may register with the Department by applying for a medical marijuana registry card. Patient’s in possession of a valid registry identification card and in compliance with the Act and the Department’s Rules are except from prosecution under Arizona’s criminal statutes. When an applicant for a patient registry identification card does not live within twenty-five miles of an operating medical marijuana dispensary, the patient may request to cultivate twelve marijuana plants. Under the Act, a patient may request authorization to cultivate 12 marijuana plants “if a registered nonprofit medical marijuana dispensary is not operating within twenty-five miles of the qualifying patient’s home.” See A.R.S. § 36-2804.02(A)(3)(f) also known as the 25 Mile Rule.
“No law shall be enacted granting to any citizen, class of citizens, or corporation other than municipal, privileges or immunities which, upon the same terms, shall not equally belong to all citizens or corporations.” – Arizona Constitution Article 2, Section 13

More local discussion on the issue can be found here - http://forum.hydrobreed.com/home.php
(07-03-13) As of last night I have joined the current measure against the 25 Mile Rule with Keith Floyd.
Best place as of now to follow - https://www.facebook.com/No25MileRule
Have some very good news for all patients and caregivers!
We will be filing a Class Action suit in the Superior Court of Maricopa on Friday against the "25 Mile Rule". We will ask the court to declare Arizona Revised Statute (A.R.S.) § 36-2804.02(A)(3)(f) aka "25 Mile Rule" unconstitutional under Arizona law and to stop the enforcement of the 25 mile rule therein; We are also requesting to impose a preliminary injunction which forbids enforcement of the 25 mile rule by the Arizona Department of Health Services, all Arizona law enforcement, the Arizona Department of Public Safety and the Arizona Attorney General Office.
Much love to those who have been supportive from day one - thank You! Our day has come and now we all shall be able to provide for our own health instead of being forced into the Medical marijuana Program's Monopoly!

The Arizona Medical Marijuana Act (“Act”

“No law shall be enacted granting to any citizen, class of citizens, or corporation other than municipal, privileges or immunities which, upon the same terms, shall not equally belong to all citizens or corporations.” – Arizona Constitution Article 2, Section 13

(07-03-13) As of last night I have joined the current measure against the 25 Mile Rule with Keith Floyd.
Best place as of now to follow - https://www.facebook.com/No25MileRule