Impossible! The deficit is falling as well as unemployment Obama wrecking economy

that's not what keynesian economics is, but i prefer the proven track record of keynesian economics to the mythical, theoretical, unproven (or disproven) mental retardation that is austrian economics.

keynesian doesn't work when you have republican after republican spending away into debt during the good times and waiting for a democrat to fix it all during the bad times those republicans left behind. papa bush left clinton a recession and he fixed it, baby bush left obama a massive recession (and so much more) and now he's cutting the deficit.

you're welcome.

but please do tell me how much you would have preferred the romney method (more massive spending) or the rawn pawl method, aka the "my lai" method (it became necessary to destroy the economy in order to save it).

That is EXACTLY what Keynesian economics are.............the exact opposite of the laissez-faire we all were taught in school.
What is this proven track record you speak of, massive world debt? The ability to manipulate the market by buying and selling paper?
Listen dude I am not going to argue dem vs rep they're all douches if they're spending "money" but the Austrian school did predict our situation right now...........

As for keynesians.....I am behind on my mortgage, the water is turned off and I have no food or gas for my car that's about to be repossessed....some stupid bank loaned me a couple hundred grand so I get all caught up....I just doubled my debt but there's gas in my car, food in my belly and I go to the casino once in a while.....​success I just fixed the economy!
or is the word that makes your statement not a nice guy?........i see the things u say .........pot and kettle

I don't know if you are or not but the impression I get is you are not a nice person. He asked you nicely to elaborate on your position. You told him to fuck off.

Do you tell everyone that tries to nicely have a discussion with you to fuck off?

If so, you must be fairly lonely, and if that's the case I truly am sorry for your predicament.
papa bush left clinton a recession and he fixed it

Clinton had as much to do with the recovery as the pen with which he signed the Republican's legislation. Assuming of course, that the pen vilified the Republicans for the very measures that were implemented, held it's breath until it got it's way (it never did) and had to be drug to the table against it's will. The only difference is the pen doesn't have chuckleheads singing its praises 20+ years later.
Clinton had as much to do with the recovery as the pen with which he signed the Republican's legislation. Assuming of course, that the pen vilified the Republicans for the very measures that were implemented, held it's breath until it got it's way (it never did) and had to be drug to the table against it's will. The only difference is the pen doesn't have chuckleheads singing its praises 20+ years later.

A major problem with the economy at the time was the issue of the massive deficit and the problem of government spending. In order to address these issues, in August 1993, Clinton signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 which passed Congress without a single Republican vote. It raised taxes on the wealthiest 1.2% of taxpayers, while cutting taxes on 15 million low-income families and making tax cuts available to 90% of small businesses.[SUP][42][/SUP] Additionally, it mandated that the budget be balanced over a number of years and the deficit be reduced.[SUP][43][/SUP] This was to be achieved through the implementation of spending restraints.
I don't know if you are or not but the impression I get is you are not a nice person. He asked you nicely to elaborate on your position. You told him to fuck off.

Do you tell everyone that tries to nicely have a discussion with you to fuck off?

If so, you must be fairly lonely, and if that's the case I truly am sorry for your predicament.

u can stop w the sympathy troll any time....... its lame
Lincoln was the high water mark for introducing fiat currency to this country again after it had been smacked down with a vengange.....just like libs today...print money, use it for their agenda, make you pay for it in the form of inflation..........let's not forget labels are different today then they were.....republicans are not now what they were....a liberal today is not a liberal of old that braved the Atlantic to start a new country, now they just whine a lot.

lol........yep high water mark
Yes we are doing better thanks to strong leadership

Thanks Obama we support you.
Literally an ostrich in the oval office could've been equally as effective at fixing the economy as Obama.

Congress hasn't been as divided in a LONG time.

Some fucking leadership.
lol........yep high water mark
Yep, uh huh....Lincoln made it a mission to undo what Andrew Jackson just finished doing, killing the National Bank....he (Jackson) was targeted for assassinations that failed which earned him the name "Old Hickory".....btw Lincoln was a Whig....a member of the Whig party in the guise of a Republican, like Ron Paul is a libertarian but runs as a Republican...don't get hung up on labels.

The National Bank allows for political manipulation, period, end of story. Vote for me and I'll give you for me and I will give you that........They take your wealth through inflation then make you fight over their table scraps, this is only possible with paper money.

But hey at least Greenbacks, that is, Untied States Notes, were drawn from the United states and interest free......meaning the debt didn't have interest, like borrowing money from your grandpa and he just wants the principal our notes are drawn on the Fed, with interest....our coins are interest free, since they're drawn on the Treasury....should I go on?

Point is we all disagree about shit and what we should do to fix it libs fighting with conservatives, neocons waging wars...all of them no matter what their affiliation are arguing about how to spend more money that doesn't exist...which is why we are in the mess we're in. I like to fuck "the system" too but that system that keeps us all down is not Capitalism or America republicans or's the's English royalty and we are still serfs, surely we could unite on that.
that's not what keynesian economics is, but i prefer the proven track record of keynesian economics to the mythical, theoretical, unproven (or disproven) mental retardation that is austrian economics.

keynesian doesn't work when you have republican after republican spending away into debt during the good times and waiting for a democrat to fix it all during the bad times those republicans left behind. papa bush left clinton a recession and he fixed it, baby bush left obama a massive recession (and so much more) and now he's cutting the deficit.

you're welcome.

but please do tell me how much you would have preferred the romney method (more massive spending) or the rawn pawl method, aka the "my lai" method (it became necessary to destroy the economy in order to save it).

You left out Clinton leaving Bush a recession, which distorts the theme that seems apparent: when the economy is bad, people elect someone from the other party.
And higher tax revenue due to a better economy

Thank you

$115-125 billion of deficit reduction is coming from the expiration of the payroll tax cut. $85 billion is the sequester. The higher tax revenue isn't just "due to a better economy" either. Income tax rates on the wealthiest people went from 35% to 39.6%, and those people pay the majority of the tax bill.

So how much of the deficit reduction actually reflects a better economy?

Edit: Additionally, Fannie and Freddie are now profitable and making cash payments to the treasury rather than drawing money out of it. This also played a substantial role in reducing the deficit estimates.