Well-Known Member
that's not what keynesian economics is, but i prefer the proven track record of keynesian economics to the mythical, theoretical, unproven (or disproven) mental retardation that is austrian economics.
keynesian doesn't work when you have republican after republican spending away into debt during the good times and waiting for a democrat to fix it all during the bad times those republicans left behind. papa bush left clinton a recession and he fixed it, baby bush left obama a massive recession (and so much more) and now he's cutting the deficit.
you're welcome.
but please do tell me how much you would have preferred the romney method (more massive spending) or the rawn pawl method, aka the "my lai" method (it became necessary to destroy the economy in order to save it).
That is EXACTLY what Keynesian economics are.............the exact opposite of the laissez-faire we all were taught in school.
What is this proven track record you speak of, massive world debt? The ability to manipulate the market by buying and selling paper?
Listen dude I am not going to argue dem vs rep they're all douches if they're spending "money" but the Austrian school did predict our situation right now...........
As for keynesians.....I am behind on my mortgage, the water is turned off and I have no food or gas for my car that's about to be repossessed....some stupid bank loaned me a couple hundred grand so I get all caught up....I just doubled my debt but there's gas in my car, food in my belly and I go to the casino once in a while.....​success I just fixed the economy!