???? leaf just turned brown in a few hours? any ideas?


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil/hydro setup is it in and what are you feeding it? It could be a number of things. Do you know the pH/ppm of your tap water and runoff water? (or ppm/ph if it's hydro?)
they are in DWC 5 gal buckets, tap water 280ppm, nutrient ppm 500. PH is sitting at 6.0 right now tho I start out at 5.8. res is due a change tomorrow. also they are under a 600w hps in a cool tube. I had lowered the light to about15 inches and I have raised it up to 24 again now. although at 15 it felt fine with my hand under it at the canopy. yes I do smoke so that is a possibility? thanks


Well-Known Member
I smoke around my outdoor plants no prob but wash my hands before touching them. I read in the cannabible that tobacco mosaic virus could transfer...I would wash hands and cut that leaf off for sure... When you change the rez maybe get some RO from the filler at a grocery store or distilled and see if that helps, my tap water is 200ppm and I use it to germ seeds but they get RO after that..... ppm ZERO. Not sayin your ppm is too high with your tap I've never had it that high...my bro's water was like 150ppm with galvanized pipes....fucked up a few of his plants...soon as they came to my house and got well water with pvc plumbing they got right....I think RO is worth a try and washing hands too...


Well-Known Member
Raise your ppm to about 1000 and keep the pH under 6. 500ppm with 280ppm water is like no nutrients.

they are in DWC 5 gal buckets, tap water 280ppm, nutrient ppm 500. PH is sitting at 6.0 right now tho I start out at 5.8. res is due a change tomorrow. also they are under a 600w hps in a cool tube. I had lowered the light to about15 inches and I have raised it up to 24 again now. although at 15 it felt fine with my hand under it at the canopy. yes I do smoke so that is a possibility? thanks


Well-Known Member
By the way, my ppm is 550ppm when it comes out of the tap. It's workable with the right pH down (nitric acid). I actually don't RO
total ppm of the mixture is about 750 ppm, I just put them down seporatly, yes I have 4 plants, only one seems to be affected by this, all buckets are getting the same nutrient mixture
Whatever it was even if it just popped up its old and new growth looks fine. don't go chasing around for a fix, it aint broke, dont worry about it.


Well-Known Member
There you go. If that's the only one......I agree with churchaze 1000 ppm of triple 16 is where I like to be.....but if you're at 1000 with a starting point of 550 out the tap then your only have 450 nutes? That's like half strength.


Well-Known Member
CaCO3 + HNO3 -> Ca(NO3)2 + CO2 + H2O

Most of the tap ppm is from lime which gets substituted out with nitrates to become more soluble while the carbonate leaves the solution as CO2.

Also, I tend to run around 1200-1600 in flowering, but I don't want to recommend that here :P

PS: I have to use a LOT of the nitric acid based pH down.

There you go. If that's the only one......I agree with churchaze 1000 ppm of triple 16 is where I like to be.....but if you're at 1000 with a starting point of 550 out the tap then your only have 450 nutes? That's like half strength.
ive been upping the nutes every week from I transplanted them, the tap water is 280ppm. im due a change tomorrow so il go ahead and just change out the buckets today and see if it helps. this will be my 3rd time upping the nutes. I went from 300ppm to 500ppm so for week three yous think 750ppm of nutes will be safe enough? them numbers are nutes only, not including the tap waters ppm. thanks


Well-Known Member
You can include the tap water ppm as part of the total ppm because the stuff in the tap is nutes too. (unless the high ppm is from sodium, then your best bet is RO)
Definitely fix it. The ppm is too low. 800 at least.
Are you saying his PPM caused the leaf discoloration ?

Sparky2013 Definitely do not push your nutes any more than your comfortable with, i rarely see nute deficiencies but journals are plagued with over nuted/ferted plant problems.


Well-Known Member
No, I'm saying that he's growing in sub-optimal conditions. Are you saying his plant looks like it's being grown in optimal conditions and that nothing is wrong?

This isn't some wishy washy soil environment, it's a DWC. We can precisely control all the variables.

We can make them bigger.... stronger....

Are you saying his PPM caused the leaf discoloration ?

Sparky2013 Definitely do not push your nutes any more than your comfortable with, i rarely see nute deficiencies but journals are plagued with over nuted/ferted plant problems.


Well-Known Member
I pushed one up to 60-60-60 last year....didn't put a ppm meter on it but it had to be close to 3000....but that was in soil 200 gal pot outside....didn't even burn...If they're doing ok on 500ppm and no burning I think 750 would be aight.....I've done hempy pots that start at 400ppm 3-20-20 as soon as the rockwool goes in the pot....technically hydro.


Well-Known Member
I don't even see a point to keeping the ppm low when they're babies other than saving money on nutrients or to learn which ppm is the best. Nobody goes and takes all the nutrients out of soil before planting a seed when doing it the natural way.