Active Member
Looking good man , lots of soil to haul lol... I forgot to wear pants when I hauled my soil in this year.. My legs got scratch to shit
420tycoon ya man I would way rather do that I live with my parents though ha and ya they would be pissed ha dads chill about it cause he saw the cash I brought in last year and shit a brick there straight as arrows though and make great money state employees so I gotta buy them but sorry to hear that man gotta go big with multiple spots if ya wanna make sure you will have that cash come spring you can do it first few years started at 16 I didn't make shit you learn each year.bigjon happy spring to you man and I pulled everything and ended up with 10 pounds it was a dream come true just got super busy and never updated my thread ha.
So this is the lineup for the year 50 sour diesel all planted 40 train wreck 12 ogres kush 8 headband let's do it stay tuned all!!