Do you spray down your plants with water before harvesting?

Finally some people who know what they're talking about chimed in on this thread. I was starting to think I was in the twilight zone.

It's a generally accepted cardinal rule to never get your buds wet. I had bud rot on my first grow and it changes your entire thought process. It's always in the back of your mind and you will do anything to prevent it.

The thought of spraying down buds or foliar feeding is laughable. I don't even let a spray bottle on my property.
Misting plants during their vegetative stage (especially the bottoms of the fan leaves) will keep the plant's stomata hydrated as well as clean of debris (arguably more important, especially if your humidity is already 50%+, the hydration becomes superfluous), allowing the plant to breath easier and process CO2 more efficiently than otherwise.

Spraying plants before harvest though.... I shudder at the thought. So much risk of ruining a large portion of your harvest at the final step. Why would anybody take that risk?

If anything I imagine it'd have a negative effect on your yield/potency (if any effect at all).

The majority (if not all) of the techniques that I have seen in late-stage flowering to increase yield.potency tend to travel in the opposite direction than spraying your plants. (Dialing humidity increasingly lower, removing all light sources, etc. they all attempt to send the plant into an emergency survival state where it will direct the majority of its remaining energy into producing resin to protect its flowers in a final attempt to get pollinated).

I don't see how dampening the product you're about to dry is supposed to have any beneficial effect.
Well, I wasn't trying to increase yield or potency by spraying right before harvest. I was just hoping to clean things up a little bit. Dust, bugs, some diatamaceous earth dust, etc. have been floating around, and doubtless came to rest on the buds. I keep humidity low during flower, and keep the air moving around pretty good, so I would expect things to dry up pretty quick. But again, the point was to clean things up...
Well, I wasn't trying to increase yield or potency by spraying right before harvest. I was just hoping to clean things up a little bit. Dust, bugs, some diatamaceous earth dust, etc. have been floating around, and doubtless came to rest on the buds. I keep humidity low during flower, and keep the air moving around pretty good, so I would expect things to dry up pretty quick. But again, the point was to clean things up...

Ah, I misunderstood what you were going for there. My apologies. Still, not worth it IMO. Too much risk. I hope somebody else comes along and recommends a safe alternative to clean up the plants before harvest though.
Clean them? Man dust isn't gonna matter or hurt anything at all. Just chop dry cure enjoy

Meh, man wants to clean his buds. I'm sure there's someone else out there with OCD that cleans their buds somehow. :P

Personally? If I see a hash-like substance on my carpet, I'm likely to smoke it. It's never hash. Smoking a little dust is the least of my worries.

He did mention bugs and such on his buds though, which kinda would make it unappealing.
Man you know how many bugs we smoke without ever knowing? And if you smoke cigs? Lmao

I was thinking more trying to sell bud covered in dust and bugs to somebody.

I'd smoke it no problem if I grew it and knew it was good, but if somebody handed me a dusty bag of weed full of bugs... I'm gonna probably think that they probably didn't show the plant much TLC during growth if they didn't put any effort into the presentation.

Just my personal opinion. I've never gotten a bag of dusty bugweed though, so maybe not.
I have no bugs nor dust but also I do not sell anything. Like my freedom too much to trade it for a few dollars.
How dusty is the weed that youre worried about people seeing it? Were you doing drywall work or something in your grow room? As far as the mites,I dont think a quick rinse of water would take that many off anyways..those little bastards embed themselves,alive or dead.
spray away, 1 spray wont hurt. Rain ever heard of it?
I have never had a mold issue and have been growing outside for a long time.
How dusty is the weed that youre worried about people seeing it? Were you doing drywall work or something in your grow room?

Diatamaceous earth. That stuff can get airborne pretty easily (especially when it's on the soil and you water), and will stick to the plant. I wouldn't want little white specks of it on the finished product.
if it is that big a concern then just do not use de....look wet your buds if you're that anal about it,,,you might get lucky...but probabilities lean heavily towards disaster
water wont hurt it if you take care of the air flow. simple as that. its rained a couple times this week and mine are just fine.
Spray it down if you want. I have heard of people killing mites during flowering by dipping the entire plant into a solution of water and other stuff. Just make sure you dry it well with a good fan before chopping.
Plus, bud rot doesn't happen in one day. You don't have to worry about it cuz it will probably be chopped the day after.
and chopped or not if its dense bud botrytis can strike even after chopping...and its like 2 - 3 days yes go ahead and risk messing it up at the very end ...its your prerogative

Yes it is and he can do what he wants to do cause it his prerogative lol bobby brown your a bad bad man