Bogus GSC seeds ?

*IF* (and only if) said male and female are from the same inbred line, then you would expect the ceeds to grow into plants similar to the parents.

Yes, I meant cross it with itself. Make it hermaphrodite, was the plan. Then they would at least be mostly about the same. Basically what Im getting at, is I don't want to have to constantly order them. So I was thinking, get the ones I want to stick with(When I figure that out). Then force them to hermaphrodite(obviously not different ones together, or even in the same space.), and I'm set up for a while. I do some clones, but it is possible they may not make it. It happened to my white widow. I only took 2 and they both died. So I lost it forever, or until I buy more. I don't want that to happen, and they seem to grow more vigorously from seed. Just for the record, I dont give a shit what the name is as long as it taste like, and does I want.


"What the F@#k is Granddaddy Purple, I don't know, laughing out loud, in my opinion".

If you're talking about economics, GDP could also be "Gross domestic product". . .but I think you're not!

Doing that with a stable strain will work, right ?


If you have ceeds from an inbred line (ie "stable strain"), then you can cross a male and female to create more ceeds that should be similar to the parents.

You can also "reverse" a female plant to create pollen, then use it to fertilize another (or even the same) female, and end up with "feminized" ceeds. Typically this is done with colloidal silver, though other ways are possible.

You "can" do the exact same things with *ANY* line from ceeds (cross male x female, or self x reversed self), just that if you're starting with unstable lines, the offspring of this cross may not be very similar to the parents you started with.
Thanks Jogro. I have read about spraying it with colloidal silver to do this. I was going to go that way, but I'm not sure where to get it. That way I could just do like one branch. Instead of a whole plant. Then I read the other day that if you switched your lights to 12/12, then right in the middle of the dark cycle, give it an hour of light. Causing it to freak out and herm so it could still reproduce. Any knowledge about that ? It did not say, but implied this would work with any strain. I'm also not one to believe everything I read, until I have at least someone with first hand experience to verify it.

Im wondering if this is where the banks selling GSC seeds are getting them. Since patents are a federal thing, and pot is not legal federally. I would imagine they can't patent it. I just saw another bank in HT that said GSC seeds were coming soon.

On another topic discussed in this thread. The GSC genetics. According to the High Times interview with James Loud. He said they crossed Cherry Pie, with Durban Poison to get GSC. He said they went through 10,000 plants, and took over a year to get it stable, and create the 4 phenos they work with today. So it seems it's not so secretive like some think. As it shouldn't be secretive. Since there is pretty much zero chance of creating it, even if you did cross those two strains yourself. It still would turn out different.
where did u see that HT interview? also, i would most def wait for sincity sinmints! i am, in the meantime i snagged the flaming cookies from cannaventure. good or bad decision, in your opinions?
where did u see that HT interview? also, i would most def wait for sincity sinmints! i am, in the meantime i snagged the flaming cookies from cannaventure. good or bad decision, in your opinions?

why are you looking for opinions AFTER you bought the seeds? Wouldn't it make more sense to look for opinions before making a purchase?
called taking a gamble. you ever gamble?

let the chips fall where they may!! also, not like i could sit on it they are gone i think.
Thanks Jogro. I have read about spraying it with colloidal silver to do this. I was going to go that way, but I'm not sure where to get it.
You can buy it on Ebay.
You can Google it, and find out how to make your own.
I'm pretty sure you can even buy it at a pharmacy, though you'd probably have to fiddle with concentrations to get the right one for this application.

Then I read the other day that if you switched your lights to 12/12, then right in the middle of the dark cycle, give it an hour of light. Causing it to freak out and herm so it could still reproduce. Any knowledge about that ? It didnt not say, but implied this would work with any strain. I'm also not one to believe everything I read, until I have at least someone with first hand experience to verify it
That might work. . .it might not, depends on the plant in question, how far along it is in flowering, etc.

The problem is, instead of making just one branch put out male flowers, "light stressing" it might made the ENTIRE plant put out male flowers, and that might not be what you're after.

Go google "Rodelization" for another chemical-free way of inducing male flowers for breeding purposes in a plant.

I have a personal trick for doing this I'm going to share here. I'm probably not the first one to discover/do this, but here goes.

Take your sexually mature female plant out of veg then and put it in TOTAL DARKNESS for three full days. Then put it into regular 12-12 flowering, and the first flowers it puts out "may" be light-shocked male flowers, then female afterwards. Use can use the pollen from the male flowers any way you like.

We can call this "JoGro-ization". :lol:

This might work on just one branch of a plant if you cover it with a light-tight bag. . .don't know. . .never tried it.

Im wondering if this is where the banks selling GSC seeds are getting them.
The GSC in ceed form is one of two things:

GSC S1, that is GSC crossed with sex-reversed GSC (eg via colloidal iron), or
GSC x something else.

Since patents are a federal thing, and pot is not legal federally. I would imagine they can't patent it.
Its quite a bit more complicated than that, but as a matter of practice, you can't patent a drug cannabis strain in the USA.
There is also specific judicial case law that you can't TRADEMARK a strain name either (and that's probably more important).

On another topic discussed in this thread. The GSC genetics. According to the High Times interview with James Loud. He said they crossed Cherry Pie, with Durban Poison to get GSC. He said they went through 10,000 plants, and took over a year to get it stable, and create the 4 phenos they work with today. So it seems it's not so secretive like some think. As it shouldn't be secretive. Since there is pretty much zero chance of creating it, even if you did cross those two strains yourself. It still would turn out different.
I've heard different stories, and don't know the truth about how GSC was created.
Don't much care, either.
called taking a gamble. you ever gamble?

let the chips fall where they may!! also, not like i could sit on it they are gone i think.

That's not gambling. That's following the hype.

You didn't have to jump on them before they "ran out", you wanted to. They're dropping at another seed bank tomorrow night. A third one in a few days once the owner lists the packs. And at least a fourth and fifth site once they receive the packs. There might be more sites. CV even mentioned making thousands of packs and that there will be more cookies in the future.

And if you're letting the chips fall where they may why would you need opinions on the strain?
I wouldn't get either of them,the original breeders are the only ones with the true clones,all these other guys are cashing in on the hype surrounding this strain,swerve and all the others don't have the true clone,they only have a clone of a cross,if they even have that at all,the true breeders will be releasing seeds soon enough so u might as well just wait,u won't even get the clone if your in Cali because nobody has the real one
where did u see that HT interview? also, i would most def wait for sincity sinmints! i am, in the meantime i snagged the flaming cookies from cannaventure. good or bad decision, in your opinions?

It's in the May issue. It has James Loud, Dougie Fresh, The Science of Terpenes, Hunter S. Thompson, and Nick Offerman. It's on page 72, in the Banking on Buds article.
thats the one issue i didnt buy this year! lol i just looked thru my huge stack of mags...pfft

thanks for the link also! passes the fatty to 91gt!