Well-Known Member
Republicans will tell you, this is just the final faze of Reagan's "Trickle Down" policy!lol!
kynes already tried to credit shrub with the shrinking deficit.
lol indeed.
Republicans will tell you, this is just the final faze of Reagan's "Trickle Down" policy!lol!
how's life going living in your car in the McDonald's parking lot?
Wow that was pretty harsh. Not everyone feels comfortable to suck of the in-laws tits and sit on their ass and have time to post on a pot site 37,712 times in a few short years. Oh how they must be so proud!!
This is how we do it...
Right here:
See? Keeps increasing.
Unaccredited? Sure you have the right word?
So where is that rampant out of control inflation paultard?
Right here:
See? Keeps increasing.
unaccredited graph full of projections is worthless, just like your opinion on basically anything.
^^ Revenue increased, sure, but the issue is not revenue. Its spending, always has been. We simply cannot take in enough revenue to cover the spending, all we do is continue to pile on debt. The idea should be to reduce spending while increasing revenue.
Kinda like all the "global warming" graphs we've been shown over the last 20+ years that have been proven false, are currently being proven false or will soon be proven false according to current trends. That's the problem for progressives and the lines of bullshit they use to advance their agenda, time always exposes their deceit.
Kinda like all the "global warming" graphs we've been shown over the last 20+ years that have been proven false, are currently being proven false or will soon be proven false according to current trends. That's the problem for progressives and the lines of bullshit they use to advance their agenda, time always exposes their deceit.
the only time you guys thought you had something, the scientists turned out to be exonerated.
you did so well with simple scientific polling datalol
that your thoughts on a much more complex problem simply has to be more accurate than the overwhelming consensus of peer reviewed climate scientists, eh?
i mean, being off by 15 points on simple polling data should lend you plenty of credibility, eh?
remember your ongoing mental retardation!
Oh, we HAVE something. Namely, every scary prediction and doomsday "climate model" put out by the Global Warming zealots has fallen on it's face. Reality is a bitch and plays no favorites. Your hokum is on full display.
It's a shame your side can't conduct a poll to make reality line up with all your gloom and doom models. Intentionally bad data in, easily disproven results out. Time is not being kind to your latest "movement". Isn't it long past time to move on to the next fabricated crisis in need of averting?
not a single thing you just said was true.
i mean, what are the odds that a decades in the making conspiracy involving thousands of scientists in hundreds of nations was only recently uncovered by the least intelligent subset of americans listening to rush limbaugh?
that's about as likely as a 10 point romney lead in early september.