The UK Growers Thread!

Yes mate. Angry isn't the word! The little shit does't live there anymore. He's basically been coming back to the house and terrorizing his ex. Smashing windows, damaging the garden etc. Well that's what you get for fucking a 17 yr old wannabe bad man. I hope I don't see the prick for my sake. I'm already on a 12 month conditional discharge. I'm in court on the 30th for this so I don't want to be adding assault to the list. Fuck em. Once the heats off I will be growing somewhere else. They didn't take all the grow gear you see, because they didn't have a warrant ;)

so they didn't find Ur Rambo knife and go through you're mattress with it lookin for "evidence" then
No need for the receipt m8, I know it was sent. How longs it been anyway? That other letter took about 5 weeks so if I don't get one shortly u could be right some cunt stole them

fucks me off tho mg i never had nowt go missing especially recorded too, was sent 09/04/2013 16.45pm m8.

weight 200g dont fink that helped pretty shore over 100g is a scannable weight?
OH SO NOW THER OK !! LMAO only fucking with ya baldy,, yeh il be up for that,

i was thinking about running dog but while it may be the strongest weed blah blah,, u know what buyers is like they wont touch it if it dont smell up to much, u can say its the strongest ect ect but it stil wont matter lol cunts,.

if im not moved by your harvest sambo if u got any spare lemmi know i maye have enough to trade a q with you. maybe more,

oh joy docs just fucked up and sent me 58 300mg pre gabs and 58 200mg pregabs., i only take the 300's so i got a whole box of 200's spare. how much they go for sambo?10 for a fiver innit? people are going nuts on the pregabs a pal of mine in york got burgled just for her pregabs,lol, they left the ps3 and allsorts, fucking seems ther the script drug of choice atm, nuts.

that pineapple express has changed too, while yes its a bnaging yeilder and a heavy smoke, the smells changed, that nice sickly sweet smell has gone? just saying as i notised it on my last grow, but the yeild was fucking awsome considering it was 2-3 weeks behind

you no what i pay ice a strip of 200s i.e 14 5er, i do fucking love em m8 as you no but also as you no i got a tolerance to them quite bad lol we argue like a pair of old slags and your still a wanker lol but yeah lets gets some exchanges sorted again.

i just installed skype, msn is no more it seems, add me.
no you're not... lol

you and ic3 spooning tonight? don't forget to kiss his gammy foot goodnight, I hear it's good luck

doggy 2night vice get it right geezer, gotta stay away from the foot had a suck the other night was tripping for days lol
the more pissed i get the more i think i could do this repoman cunt! i hate him! yeah hes a lump but im pissed and behind a keyboard lol
this repoman cunt i hope he gets stabbed in the neck by some1 soon, slimy big fucktard loves taking peoples shit!
he's full of him self ay "my fantasy novel's are on par with harry potter" ive got all these publishers asking for it but i only wrote it for my son absolute bull!!! harry potter made millions who would turn that sort of money away
Get a lawyer asap and if they don't have a warrant tell them they can't enter. Also if they have a witness proceed to tell the officers you know their motive. Tell them you know they are commiting "motion to surpress physical evidence" also let them know you demand or will proceed with a "motion of discovery" motion of discovery has to disclose who the witness is. If it was a cop his word isn't bond cause they lied. Also smell alone doesn't justify probable cause. They leos are their to enforce infractions of the law. Their job description also doesn't mention they are "blood hounds" or have the capability "to sniff out weed". If they used a dog without warrant that is a illegal search. No matter what do not open the door!! Tell them that your lawyer said they need a search warrant and they need to furnish one. Declare your amendable rights stand your ground they are trying to intimidate you. In the event your in court only chance would be for them to prove you where growing cannabis sativa. Legal dictionary description of of marijuanna is cannabis Sativa not cannabis indica. Also next course you have against them is illegal search and seizure. Take pictures lots especially of the window. Also what window do they claim they where thrown out of. This a tale of he said this, they said that.
all good and dandy chronic but it will all go to shit the desk sergeant will say they had just cause to enter, they always do and could always wip up a sect 18 warrent backdated to shut everyone up

fukit the house is burned unless ur scotish then dont risk ti
I'm a troll!! Jokes.

i was round a while bk posting as GreenThumb2k10. Back when it was an episode of eastenders in here. And every other word was cunt. Seems a lot tamer in here now lol.

Sorry to hear about Billy, may he rest in peace. He was a mad head tho.