1st silk-road experience


Well-Known Member
5 days ago i placed an order for a quarter of shroomies, from the vendor 'MushMouth'. everything went extremely smooth! it says 8.0 on the bag so i'm assuming he even hooked it up a G, fuck yea.

to obtain the bitcoins i did bitinstant -> blockchain wallet -> silk road deposit - very simple (just use fake name/address from phonebook when filling out bitinstant info, and also when paying for money gram at the physical location of your choice i.e Walmart.) after i handed my money to the clerk at walmart, i arrived home within 5 minutes to notice bitcoins in my wallet:mrgreen:

i think i will probably write a proper guide on how to use the silk road after a few more personal experiences (international orders, etc.). for those who think this is a bad move: we all have to embrace the fact that silk road is public, and the better informed we are on how to anonymously use it, the safer silk road becomes. more informed community = less packages intercepted, less scammers, etc. - i think y'all see what i'm sayin' here.


first shroom trip tomorrow with 3 friends of mine. plan is to take em at home, smoke/chill for a bit, then go for a walk around the neighborhood. i'll be doin 2.5g's and thinkin about cuttin 1.5 up (really well, then put in cup) to wash down with OJ about 25 minutes after i eat the first gram.

any trip tips welcome, haha. i'm overly excited as you can probably tell, and rightfully so:leaf:


Well-Known Member
ok just a heads up i have a reaaaaaally smart computer hacker buddy and he said this is nothing new its been around quite a while and the feds know it..he said your information isnt truly safe unless your super smart with computers (in my terms not his) and that its super dangerous to use that site in concideration of planted cops, shady users, and hackers, he advised me to stay away..plus its too complicated to use for something i can find around here safer..im going to listen but good luck in the future if you dont, glad to see it worked for ya


Well-Known Member
ok just a heads up i have a reaaaaaally smart computer hacker buddy and he said this is nothing new its been around quite a while and the feds know it..he said your information isnt truly safe unless your super smart with computers (in my terms not his) and that its super dangerous to use that site in concideration of planted cops, shady users, and hackers, he advised me to stay away..plus its too complicated to use for something i can find around here safer..im going to listen but good luck in the future if you dont, glad to see it worked for ya
he doesn't sound as smart as you say. if you understood pgp encryption and used it for all correspondence on sr, then you would feel comfortable with the fact that your information actually is truly safe. you don't need to be "super smart with computers" to learn how to send and receive pgp encrypted messages (i learned from youtube)...sounds like your friend is trying to inflate his ego a bit lol.

don't let your friend persuade you into thinking this is dangerous and complicated...if he thinks that is the case then he simply hasn't a damn clue what he is talking about:/

not to mention depending on what you're interested in purchasing, silk road very well could be the safest option.


although it is possible to find out info when someone is using tor and PGP, its very very unlikley he will be busted buying mushrooms, the only way the fbi or cia or dea could get his information would be so set up multiple exit nodes within the tor network and then close ALL of the other ports and exit nodes on tor, that way only the LE is getting all the traffic from tor thru their exit nodes, and the exit node can ALWAYS see your info, and where youve been, so ur right while not 100 percent fool proof, i dont think anyone has anything to worry about unless they are buying HUGE amounts online. just my 2 cents

thats why its important to have tor running even if ur not using it so force swells, the more people on the tor network, the more safe you are.


Well-Known Member
although it is possible to find out info when someone is using tor and PGP, its very very unlikley he will be busted buying mushrooms, the only way the fbi or cia or dea could get his information would be so set up multiple exit nodes within the tor network and then close ALL of the other ports and exit nodes on tor, that way only the LE is getting all the traffic from tor thru their exit nodes, and the exit node can ALWAYS see your info, and where youve been, so ur right while not 100 percent fool proof, i dont think anyone has anything to worry about unless they are buying HUGE amounts online. just my 2 cents

thats why its important to have tor running even if ur not using it so force swells, the more people on the tor network, the more safe you are.
when i say ordering off silk road is not dangerous nor complicated, i am referring to the people who are ordering small quantities and using pgp encryption. IMO things become more complicated when one begins placing larger orders. with large orders i feel a proper drop-off would be necessary, along with more risk of selective-scamming; even with reputable vendors. people are people, gotta remember that.

all in all a few general rules of thumb to follow would be:
-make small personal orders and you'll be fine
-use pgp encryption even for messages which don't contain sensitive information
-read reviews on forums and feedback on profiles of all vendors before ordering from them


Well-Known Member
CCC...this you're first shroom trip? Have spun!...find a good version of darkstar,smoke a lot,turn down the lights,blare said wusic and listen to completely with your eyes closed...my trip tip! Be safe.


Well-Known Member
typings not my strong suit either man. i've read enough of your posts round' here to know you're not illiterate, haha. thanks for the tip man.

5 hours from now and i'll be trippin:mrgreen:!! anticipation is killin me i gotta get off this computer and go do something sheeeeiiiiit~~~~


Well-Known Member
Enjoy! How much did you pay for that?
about $60 for the quarter + exact weight = 8.0g <-- perfect:mrgreen:

and thanks man, we did enjoy! 2.5 grams was perfect for my first time. ready to order some dmt and a glass vapor genie now!!!


Well-Known Member
If you've read any of my posts,ill allways say don't pay more than 5$ a hit..unless you want it that bad...all this lsd inflation has me wishing I still hustled it...8$ a hit on s.r.? I assume because of your recent shroom acquisition...white fluff is 2-4 a hit..I've never seen mushies more than 50 a q,but have heard horror stories of 80...my lawn better get mowed also with those prices!


Well-Known Member
If you've read any of my posts,ill allways say don't pay more than 5$ a hit..unless you want it that bad...all this lsd inflation has me wishing I still hustled it...8$ a hit on s.r.? I assume because of your recent shroom acquisition...white fluff is 2-4 a hit..I've never seen mushies more than 50 a q,but have heard horror stories of 80...my lawn better get mowed also with those prices!
i mean there really isn't much i can do man. last time i tried buying lsd i unknowingly received 25i-NBOMe..i mean no complaints to be honest but still lol. i know i should be getting a test kit and i will asap (finally making decent money again).

clean lsd on sr is up to like 15-20 a hit. i have read your posts about lsd prices btw, i just don't really know who to look for and don't attend many of the festivals you speak of.


Well-Known Member
Holy crap! 10 to 20 a hit!!!! I feel bad for society...where abouts you live? Perhaps I could point you in the right direction ....


New Member
This thing about silkroad not being safe is in some ways true, in some ways nonsense. People have a misconception that you're untraceable which is completely untrue. Using some intense statistical models you can still be traced through bitcoin, and even tor can be tracked. The thing is it costs A LOT OF MONEY and processing power to do something like that. In general, you're safe as long as you aren't some big supplier. But you never know.


Well-Known Member
This thing about silkroad not being safe is in some ways true, in some ways nonsense. People have a misconception that you're untraceable which is completely untrue. Using some intense statistical models you can still be traced through bitcoin, and even tor can be tracked. The thing is it costs A LOT OF MONEY and processing power to do something like that. In general, you're safe as long as you aren't some big supplier. But you never know.
there really are ways to stay completely anonymous. go look at all the 'big suppliers' that have been vending for over a year successfully. they don't just have good graces with the government, they are untraceable lol. based off your theory, don't you think tracking DPR would be worth the money and processing power it costs?

if the government could trace him, they would, but they can't.


Well-Known Member
there really are ways to stay completely anonymous. go look at all the 'big suppliers' that have been vending for over a year successfully. they don't just have good graces with the government, they are untraceable lol. based off your theory, don't you think tracking DPR would be worth the money and processing power it costs?

if the government could trace him, they would, but they can't.
I don't know much about the silkroad but I do know enough. A heads up for you in general on your statement. Most fed investigations go on for atleast a year. From first hand experienc myself,friends,etc..... YOU ARE NEVER COMPLETELY SAFE!!!
I only recently heard about Silk Road and BitCoins. I see it as a great opportunity. I'm not so much interested in using it to buy drugs or anything (as odd as this may be for a poster on a marijuana grower's forum, I don't get high in general. I am here because I am a MMJ caregiver for a relative). What I see in SR and BC is real free marketeering. People doing business while avoiding and evading the long arm of regulation. That does leave the field open for scams and contraband, but it also opens the field for anybody with the vision to find a resource and a demand that are not being properly connected. I'm all for real, free market capitalism.

These are the 'good old days'. Fortunes are made in good times and bad. Get some.