1st time Guerrila grow and need some help.....pics!!!


Well-Known Member
ok so i was walking into this forest with my friend to look for a good hideing spot there to my put my three plants. As i passes the gate i went up this littel hill and found a trail. i went following the trail and caboom i saw heaven. There were about 30 or 25 plants alrready budding...So i said fuck it i cant grow around here...so i left with my friend and saw a car trail going up the woods..we saw another forest but mush busshier.I went inside and everything and found a littel place i really like...But there are 2 things to worie about.....

1. there is a pot head growing mager weed right in front me
2. my friend

so i dont if i should grow by myself and look for another place by myself and stop being a pussy....any suggestions.....and also tools i need ....i already got 3 plants that are ready to go out in a new place guerrilla style

if u people need more pics or something just freely ask and if its a private question messege me


Well-Known Member
don't jack the dude's/sheeba's plants, leave them there.
if you have a crop that got jacked how would feel?...............exactly the same as he/she would.

as for the friend........tell him to look at it the same way ^.......out of respect for the guy and the plants, just leave them........i've had a large amount of plants jacked in the past.....its one of thefew things that make me want to kill :(

^ dont meen to be a dick.....

as for the tools, a shovel,pick and machete/hatchet are all you realy need.......everything else is just dead weight (except plants/grow med/nutes OFC) forgot water to.....if you can find a stream up-hill you can grav-feed, or if not, use another handy device such as a pump to get ip up-hill :P
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Well-Known Member
snag his shwagg and run!....... then plant urs there
o.k.: a) jack their weed? and b) plant at the crime scene? do you do meth? I mean that is so wrong on every level! not only is it a severe lack of consideration for someone other than yourself; you'd be askin' for some high speed lead poisoning to try to grow there...in fact..I wouldn't go back there...think no country for old men!!!


Well-Known Member
ok thanks everyone....so any of u think i dhould do this 1st grow bymyself and with the help of u or with a friend


Well-Known Member
dam dude i have heard alot of shit here in miami that if they find u the kill u and dig u up deep as fuck and they find your body in like 60 yeard...plus i anint that strong and i am a pussy in the woods....anyone got any tactics in guerrilla growing


Well-Known Member
go to youtube type in marijuana prohibition watch all eleven episodes and if you are gonna snach those plants i think the best way of doing it is going at night and wait till they get more yeild 1 o'clock would be the best time u can do it by yourself but if u steal all that weed your gonna need a place to dry it out and that smell travels


Well-Known Member
WOW!!!!!! no fucking stealing his shit!!!!!!!!!! i have grown outside and have my plants jacked... it fuckin SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on top of that you be lucky not to be killed... they busted a grow here last summer in the nw over 2 thousand plants they aressted 25 illigal imigrants.. they were camped out there and armed for war!!!!! if you do grow in the woods make shure you are by YOURSELF!!! NO FREINDS!!!! not around another growers shit... and get yourself a handgun or rifle... you never know what you will come acrross in the woods from animals to thieves... protect your plant and leave NOTHING at grow site behind beside plants!!!! you dont want cops findin your crop and the cigerette but your lips were just sucking on or that soda can you just took a drink off of with your DNA all over it.. be smart growing outside it can be very rewarding or very disapointing!!!!


Well-Known Member
yo 420 i did but that guy is crazy he is like alsome but he is more expierence and he is big as fuck....i am like a littel 16 year old i cant do it like him


Active Member
out here in michigan there r so many rednecks i went back into the woods to check my plants and i got chased by some 50 year old guy in a pickup truck


Well-Known Member
jack his weed he'd do the same to you, and no matter what you say on here saying you shouldn't, would do the same thing. keep it real


Well-Known Member
bro the guys they found were a some mexican gang... they cross border and come to the NW it is great place to grow outdoors i garuntee to prtect all those plant they will kill!!!!! like i said they were starpped for war... what do thay have to loose as soon as they chop those down its back to mexico and there never seen again.... and just to let everyone know this is in no way sayin that mexicans are a problem.. this is just what i have personally seen and read in local new