things that annoy you

Out of every possible pet peve what an odd one to chose, the chances of the probability of this is kinda low lol, one would think anyway.

It happens a lot !!!
It does not need to be a spoon , it can just be in direct line of the water that comes out of the tap,
I think it may be to do with the type of mixer tap i have,
I often end up with a soaked waistline , like i pissed myself!!!
annoying as fuck!
I told him he was spending twice as much time mowing by doing that. Going over the same space twice. He was gonna keep doing it until I started shooing him away saying that I'll do it.

Me with my 9 month pregger belly lol.

My wife was critiquing my grass cutting last summer. So I told her if she
could do a better job to hop in the tractor and give it a go.

She replied saying "I dont know how to drive your tractor". So I taught her
and let her go. She did 3 passes before she realized it wasn't as easy as she

I have never heard a word since, and the cut lines are straight, just the way I like them. :)
My wife was critiquing my grass cutting last summer. So I told her if she
could do a better job to hop in the tractor and give it a go.

She replied saying "I dont know how to drive your tractor". So I taught her
and let her go. She did 3 passes before she realized it wasn't as easy as she

I have never heard a word since, and the cut lines are straight, just the way I like them. :)

We just have a walk behind mower. And I have plenty of experience mowing lawns.

Plus the way he was mowing was not creating lines at all. And he was missing bits.. lol.

I think he was trying to avoid dog poop, but I had just finished scooping the yard.
if my old lady tried telling me how to mow the lawn I would knock that bitch out. Preggo or not !!

Divorice. Spousal and Child Support. Good thinking. lol

Just like a woman to threaten the bullshit.....a woman can only hold that crap over a mans head for so many times before shit hits the fan.Some women use those same threats like it gives them a liscence to be a bitch to the day he dies.
i gotta say the spoon thing happens to me alot, like washin dishes or somethin and it spins the water back at you. the only thing that really annoys me is running out of weed, if i got weed im all good
Just like a woman to threaten the bullshit.....a woman can only hold that crap over a mans head for so many times before shit hits the fan.Some women use those same threats like it gives them a liscence to be a bitch to the day he dies.

Threaten with bullshit? If a husband knocks his wife out, that is definitely not bullshit lol. Don't know where your head is. lol

Not like I stand over him while he mows and say "do it right or I'll divorce you!"

I say "do it right or let me do it."

If his response was to knock me out, that would be pretty stupid.
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Clean hand of course.
Too late.. at "High five!" I already heard a splatting sound and painted an image and frankly it looks pretty disgusting. You're not supposed to mix it together. :spew:

"Happy" endings work on female specimens just as well. The phrase happy-fingering is well known amongst men. Not even sure I'm supposed to share it with the other side...
We just have a walk behind mower. And I have plenty of experience mowing lawns.

Plus the way he was mowing was not creating lines at all. And he was missing bits.. lol.

I think he was trying to avoid dog poop, but I had just finished scooping the yard.

lol Im not disputing you, Im just offering my own story.
Confirmed. I asked. He was avoiding dog poop. He could of just asked me to scoop it for him lol.

Hmmm... something else that annoys me.

When my cat won't fucking go to sleep. If I let her into the bed room she either trys to put her butt in my face or kneads the bed right next to me forEVER! LAY DOWN FUCKER! Go to sleep!