KuckCanucks Cataract Kush Grow, 3 Plant Organic

Alright, delay after delay guys, finally got a bunch of photos to spread out for ya. Everythings formed up pretty well the way I hoped, although it seems the LA Con. certainly brings down the growth speed and bulk from the OG18 I`m accustomed to previously. Hoping the quality of the smoke will be there in the trade-off department.

Anyways, here we are with the show,

So some usual shots of the family, top, canopy, top


Our main colas to be developed in mere weeks :mrgreen:. 1-2. 3-4. 5-6, 7-8 respectively. Each will be given some grow time under the HPS in flower before being fed through a screen or tied outwards to our flowers bags. Haven`t decided yet, haha

Trunk shot, hub is about a Sharpie right now, will almost double in flower if it follows the OG18`s flower patterns


... again, colas 1-2 and 3-4 (left / right)

... and our powerstation. Wide reacher this one, might require the screen whether I want it or not

The seeming fan favourite Mrs. (Crazy Legs) Orange!! Bushy as ever again

... you know the deal here

de-cent leaves on these babies. In a few pics you can see where she got a bit too much N and I had to scale it back for her, but she`s greening out properly again, new growth nice and rich colored

Legs so fine it warranted more than one shot. Definitely the most like the OG in terms of structure on this one. Beauty


Some shots of all her shoots, dense growth, but everything`s getting light, even from the CFL`s!! Last picture shows how nice she is before she gets the spread a bit later ;)

... and the Family again, packed a little tighter to fill a space, looking pretty decent I think for now (have to go back and check what day number these are on actually). Each light green speack represents close to an oz each I`m shooting for :mrgreen:

BuKu, or as I`m calling now Krishna. Good amount of sprouting happening even in that sub-par seed sprout soil. Will transistion into the usual mix for the flowering bit in 2 weeks time

And a shot of the Watering Board, keeps track of my main things I don`t usually bother displaying (watering days, transplant days, feeding amounts, etc.)

... and finally a nice present from the weekend from my new friend Larry. There`s gonna be more where that came from, haha.

Thanks for stopping in as always guys, love hearing from you and I appologize to keep y`all waiting so long for the update. Top tokin`, keep it green, and peace guys,

KC :weed:
Thanks buddy, would be kidding myself though if I thought they were flawless, haha. I`ve yet to, and maybe never will have, the flawless grow. It`s all about as close as possible to that threshold as possible :). Thanks for stopping in and patiently waiting Yankee,

KC :weed:
I`m the same way my brother, imagine how I felt being all the way cross-country for a week :shock:, haha. But the awe-factor is worth it if you`ve managed it right

Oh yeah Bilbo, I recently got accepted to go back to school for Horticulture and Greenhouse Science, as I have ambitions for a psuedo-commercial aquaponics business adventure for high-end chefs. Have a few interested, just want to know as much as possible beforehand, and have the time to work up the business plan I`m running. I`ll be sure to loop you guys if you`re interested :). Great to hear from you buddy, gardening is life, the ability to self-sustain is a beautiful concept that could solve many world issues :)

I knew you would Supa ;)

My foliar spray is a very, very easy mix, haha. 1 Drop of SuperThrive / Litre in the fogger for most of my foliar feeds (which I only really do with my other op). RH spikes I do with a general spray bottle like you`ll see in some previous pictures here Caddy.

As for that update, I`m finally going to take some pictures for you guys and do a post (been a pretty wild day). Thanks for your patience, be back with a hot one in an hour or less. Much love,

KC :weed:

In the fogger??!??! Now I am lost....and intrigued at the same time lol

And holy shit do they look beautiful!
In the fogger??!??! Now I am lost....and intrigued at the same time lol

And holy shit do they look beautiful!

Haha, sorry buddy. Here check this out, exact model I use, have 3 of them, 2 in use and always a spare. Can be used for insect control (neem and/or kelp oil spray (light), or can be used with slight nutrient to fog undersides of leaves. Works wonders on outside plants or people with insect issues, not enough to soak the plant, but gets covered for sure. Good seeing ya Caddy,

KC :weed:
Haha, sorry buddy. Here check this out, exact model I use, have 3 of them, 2 in use and always a spare. Can be used for insect control (neem and/or kelp oil spray (light), or can be used with slight nutrient to fog undersides of leaves. Works wonders on outside plants or people with insect issues, not enough to soak the plant, but gets covered for sure. Good seeing ya Caddy,

KC :weed:

Oh wow....so does that just stay in the grow area and turn on on a timer or you just manually have to use it?
Manual, has a fairly limited capacity depending on your garden size so wouldn`t do well for an automated set-up unless modified perhaps to accept a larger liquid resevoir. Easier to bring it out, use when necessary IMO

KC :weed:
Manual, has a fairly limited capacity depending on your garden size so wouldn`t do well for an automated set-up unless modified perhaps to accept a larger liquid resevoir. Easier to bring it out, use when necessary IMO

KC :weed:

damn...def getting one of those for foliage spray...thanks for the info KC!

Have you ever done like a side by side comparison with using foliage spray vs not or from experience?
I have a humidifier I'll use during the veg cycle and early in the flowering transition phase(if there is such a thing)when you first put them in until they have tiny little whispy buds then it's gone out of their lives. Seems to help the transition and the veg quite a bit. Now I have a pretty small grow, or at least it's easy for me to cover every inch 3 times a day at least no problem. So I have really tight control over my grow environment, and can change something immediately if I see a problem. I wouldn't suggest just putting a humidifier in your grow and leaving it. If controlled tightly though you can foliar feed and really bring up the humidity with it quite easy. But never do this anytime in flowering when you have flowers developing, I can almost guarantee you problems you just don't want. Just thought I'd put it out there. Good luck, Good grow, Be safe, :peace: out.
damn...def getting one of those for foliage spray...thanks for the info KC!

Have you ever done like a side by side comparison with using foliage spray vs not or from experience?

Only my other op gets foliar feeding (and very infrequently) as they are in a no-feed medium that is a complete cycle mix. Hence, if I need to supplement nutrients, I`ll foliar feed as opposed to disrupting my soil biology. Won`t make the hugest difference in growth, but can address a deficiency pretty easily

I'm diggin' theMohican. Reminds me of a chick's pigtails.

Handle-Bars buddy ;)

Stunning plants KC, so nice and dark green :D

Thanks EC, glad to have you stopping in as usual :)

I have a humidifier I'll use during the veg cycle and early in the flowering transition phase(if there is such a thing)when you first put them in until they have tiny little whispy buds then it's gone out of their lives. Seems to help the transition and the veg quite a bit. Now I have a pretty small grow, or at least it's easy for me to cover every inch 3 times a day at least no problem. So I have really tight control over my grow environment, and can change something immediately if I see a problem. I wouldn't suggest just putting a humidifier in your grow and leaving it. If controlled tightly though you can foliar feed and really bring up the humidity with it quite easy. But never do this anytime in flowering when you have flowers developing, I can almost guarantee you problems you just don't want. Just thought I'd put it out there. Good luck, Good grow, Be safe, :peace: out.

I find a full-time Dehumidifier just cranks too much unecessary electricity for me. Only time I ever need one is for weeks 4-end of flower usually if at all. I usually find my RH quite low so spiking it is easier than having it high and lowering it. It`s advised to stop foliar sprays at just before haflway through your flower cycle as to avoid fungus and/or rotting buds, at least from what I`ve found in my garden(s) previously. Unless you`re a grower with RH of 50+% on average, then I wouldn`t foliar at all, too much risk, it all depends on your levels and situation though. Thanks for the chime in Myco!

Beauties KC,Subbed up and watching,I love how clean and organized your room is.:blsmoke::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Good to see ya, Sohigh, appreciate the kind words. Always good to have another around the circle, grab a seat, puff, puff, pass ---> OG18 hash joint :bigjoint:

Just went to the Hydro store, root bags got on back-order, so went with 5gallon plastics like my current pots (ugh ...). Also picked-up some more Rhizotonic and some connections and mounts for our I.F. and I.D.F for intake. Now just have to make a stop for some more soil, some perlite supplement, and we`ll be transplanting and pre-dressing our new medium by tomorrow night or the next for flowering this weekend. Expect to see some pistils after I return from the farm again this weekend :mrgreen:

You guys are awesome, stay tuned, going to be some organized chaos pretty soon. Next update will also include our Veg timeline as inspired by my man SS. Happy growing all,

KC :weed:
Girls are looking amazing KC. So dark green and healthy. Now I'm gonna smoke some of this wax, and when I wake up I want to see some orange light. Really though this wax is just wrecking my ass right now, loving it.

I am anxiously awaiting the orange light show bro. Bout another week you figure? Man I'm impatient, let me smoke some of this patience and I'll be right back.
Well aren`t you all a bunch of eager beavers, haha. Well I`ll be hapy to inform you guys that I have some good news then ...

First the garden this morn`, wanted to say hello :)

Secondly ,
Looks great!.. ill be following this until harvest :joint:
welcome aboard Ados!

... and the next bit to follow will give you idea of where we`re heading ...

... new 20L buckets (damn root bags will be a while), and 2 - 30L bags of my prefered mix (this variety doesn`t even require add. perlite for flowering!! :))

... So if you haven`t guessed by now, we`ll be killing the lights for 24-26 hours in the next day or so, followed by the `Orange` light. Spending some time in the garden today doing transplanting, presoaking my new soil with the Rhizo, and getting the tent retrto-fit for the flower process. Only thing to be acquired now is a CF Filter which is coming in a few days but won`t be installed for another couple weeks. Will do another update for the transplant when finished (also going out of town tonight) and will piece together the timeline for you all as well.

Thanks for the words, peace and happy growing all,

KC :weed: