The UK Growers Thread!

hws every1 doing?
Hope u guys know bt the B n Q multipurpose compost? On a scale of 10,10 being dogs bollox, where would you guys put it for all purpose use?

was there today and brought 3 bags for a tenner , cant remember the name except to say its in a pink bag , anyway cracked one open and mixed in a bit of perlite and it seems rather good , better than many ive come across such as morrisons own , its hum huewm hewmus ............. its fuckin full of peat and not clumpy and waterloggy , nice and airy , looks good to the point ill pop back and grab some more
What a crock of bollocks!

Just got refused a bottle of shandy in morissons because i didn't have any ID... Who gives a fuck about immigration problems if the cuntry is in that much of a shit state that they're terrified of little kiddies getting pissed up on shandy.

got to stick up for the workers here , soz and all that

my mrs worked in a shop a couple of yrs and simply put the licencing people are the most joyless cunts you can possibly imagine , if you serve someone whos underage then the person behind the counter is looking at a 2 grand fine ,,, and thats a personal fine and not something the shop has to cover , thats assuming they dont loose their job ,,,,,,,, and now mix in c&e like to send into the same shop kids underage asking to buy 16+ age bracket stuff and then you create an environment where anyone who looks 25 or under gets asked , the stupidity know no bounds , my mrs could id someone one day and be shown so sell to the customer but would be sacked if she didnt ask the same person the very next day and couldnt sell them the items they were entitled to , madness and frustrating , she couldnt even flog some cigs to the daughter of the assistant manager even though we had been to her 18th party the weekend before !!!!!

so yeah please dont blame the workers , they have their hands tied

oh and i was last id`ed at the age of 42 ...... so there , i wouldnt mind but i had a face full of graying stubble and i was already shit faced , fuckers wouldnt serve me either , ok yeah so i dont look my age but its a friggin flight of fancy that i could be anywhere near underage
I get id'd all the time but I got a young face. I think the biggest piss take is having to "look 25" to buy something you need to be 18 for? Now there's some stupid fucking red tape. Probably put in place to stop the 18-25 group getting aggressive, which they wouldnt have to if they cut the bullshit. I live in a place near to a lot of scumbags though so cant complain. The worst is seeing 12 yo's smoking fags though. Id blame the parents for that though as shops are nailing that too.
No mate, I don't see the point to be honest.

If I wanted more O2 in my water I'd buy a £10 airpump, a £2 airstone and a length of tubing.
But then I've got coco airpots, there's not much more I could do.

The fact that it also sterilises organic matter is a big no no in my eyes too.


h202 has an extra molecule but its unstable as fuck , lasts all of a day in a rez so is a giant waste of time and money , also stick your finger in it and wait 1 minute , on removing you will note your fingers now bright white , its a bleach !!!! and as Mr Y stated it does plant matter no favours , im always crestfallen at the perpetual stupidity of certain info online , some fucktard posts up its a great idea to stur your rez with a cheesy cock and everyone blindly follows , i swear one of these days im going to start posting up disinformation just to see , so anyway a pump and an airstone , getting the water temp lower means more dissolved oxygen in the water which means more love to the roots and bigger plants
got to stick up for the workers here , soz and all that

my mrs worked in a shop a couple of yrs and simply put the licencing people are the most joyless cunts you can possibly imagine , if you serve someone whos underage then the person behind the counter is looking at a 2 grand fine ,,, and thats a personal fine and not something the shop has to cover , thats assuming they dont loose their job ,,,,,,,, and now mix in c&e like to send into the same shop kids underage asking to buy 16+ age bracket stuff and then you create an environment where anyone who looks 25 or under gets asked , the stupidity know no bounds , my mrs could id someone one day and be shown so sell to the customer but would be sacked if she didnt ask the same person the very next day and couldnt sell them the items they were entitled to , madness and frustrating , she couldnt even flog some cigs to the daughter of the assistant manager even though we had been to her 18th party the weekend before !!!!!

so yeah please dont blame the workers , they have their hands tied

oh and i was last id`ed at the age of 42 ...... so there , i wouldnt mind but i had a face full of graying stubble and i was already shit faced , fuckers wouldnt serve me either , ok yeah so i dont look my age but its a friggin flight of fancy that i could be anywhere near underage

I didn't once blame then workers. They have a job to do, they did it. I was raising my eyebrow at morissons requiring Id for a bottle of shandy when I was able to buy a 26.9% alcohol mouthwashb without any id. I just told the girl that it was ridiculous that they needed I'd for it an said oh well. I'll shop elsewhere in future. At least I know where to shop if I want to get rat arsed and don't have id though :-) bring on the mouthwash binge lol
I didn't once blame then workers. They have a job to do, they did it. I was raising my eyebrow at morissons requiring Id for a bottle of shandy when I was able to buy a 26.9% alcohol mouthwashb without any id. I just told the girl that it was ridiculous that they needed I'd for it an said oh well. I'll shop elsewhere in future. At least I know where to shop if I want to get rat arsed and don't have id though :-) bring on the mouthwash binge lol

yep , asking to see the manager also makes no difference , also i find waving a tattoo and saying ``see that , its 26 years old `` also made no difference at all , the mrs also used to id me , id offer her 18 inch , she would of course make sure the entire village thinks of me as some 4 inch wonder
and so mogs day , the life times and trials of growing weed and the endless shit i seem to attract

over at the other house moving a few things around as you do , next door comes over and says

``ive been meaning to have a work with you , it fuckin stinks you need to sort it out ``

now given i hardly know the fella my arse is at mid flap and ive about to try my very very best poker face

`` ummmmm whats that then ?``
`` come on dont fuck about ya cunt , its clear your doing a grow in there and the fuckin smell is so strong its a wonder you havnt had your door off , fuck me you know next doors got 2 coppers living there ``

i didnt , sure as shit is shit ive been growing 2 fuckin doors away from the pigs !!!!

long story short is he smelt it and sussed it , a friend came around and went sniffing at the door and could smell it , i think it was because of a fuck up the other day , i asked the mrs to fill the rez so we could get out quicker and the dozzy cow left the door open and light on , next time i came round it fuckin stunk , i think it was from this time although ive been trimming for england in there without any smell control for the trimming and only for the hanging plants

so the general convo went along the lines that it turns out he enjoys a smoke himself and is worried the cops will have his door off thinking hes got a grow on , given his job , criminologist and shes in law fuck me i pick um , hes shitting it if the door did come off they will find his 2 gram personal stash and fuck his and hers job up ,,,,, he then lectured me on how you grow and how he can put me in touch with a couple of landlords he knows who specialize in having punters who grow in there for a cut or someone who specialize in industrial units , i made out that its kind of him and its a slightly larger than normal persy grow , he asked how many plants , i told him low numbers , he asked at what stage i explained end of flower and mostly trimmed ( true , i didnt say the next batch was in there )

so what to do ? exposed

the house has sort of 5 grows in there , the veg room , a 1x1 tent that im using for breeding ( 4 weeks to finish ), a 2x1 tent also for veg but was flipped to flower the same day before this shit happened , the main room which is a flower only room but with a light array and an individual light ............... its clean up time
i came away but went back later and cleared the veg room out , the flower room has a single light in there so the 1x1 tents plants will be going in there , the 2x1 plants will be dropped somewhere else asap although the tent there going to has a finished crop that will need taking down to accommodate , suicide maybe but the flower room will continue on until finished and then ill clean up and hand back the keys , that means 7 weeks time , ive either the worlds biggest balls or im the dumbest fucker on the planet ,,, seeing how hes not grassed and after speaking i dont think he will then i figure the risk is reduced there , the smell sit cant and wont happen again plus there simply wont be the plant numbers there , im doing my best to just get my head around the idea that the risk levels gone up just a little and not sky high , that the lot doesnt need taking down , that i wont get rapped by pc pig and his idea of rights and wrongs
good evening gentlemen, i trust everyone is having a splendid night?

fine ta , bored to tears sat on my own , the mrs has cried off to bed nursing a hangover thats lasted all day , highlight of the day was the snooker plus i had a convo that was an eye opener with the neighbour , beyond that just an odd day
advice on weed. first time, made a post about it and no one has helped me out yet and it's an emergency

1 stick um into a plant pot , in cups the world turns to shit super fast seeing as you dont have the buffer of loads of soil
2 try not to get water on the plant itself , im thinking it looks like burn marks , you tend to get marks such as this when you splash a little water of the leaves and the light uses it as a magnifying glass and burns your leaves , i dont think its food related but cant be 100% sure , seeing as you said you havnt fed them then unless your using miracle NO soil or some other shitty slow release then its cant really be likely , they dont look hungry as you would expect yellowing but over the entire lower leaf and not just a section soooo i cant advise a feeding would help at this point , i would have expected uniformity of discolouration on the leaves if it was an overfeeding issue , it could however be a genetic trait within a leaf grow pattern but not likely , repot the bastards and wait to see what happens is the best advise i can offer
3 this is the uk thread and not a plant fix it , you may get quicker responses on the fix it sections given were a useless bunch of layabout fucktards in this thread , your very welcome to chuntter about anything but it really requires something to take someones fancy to get a real response , me im sobour and bored shitless hence responding , half the time i randomly prod at keys with a vague hope of getting across a message i cant remember starting while weighing up the pros and cons of getting out of the fuckin chair ( requires effert ) to get at the kids stash of chocs ( nnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeddddddd fudgesssssss oh fuck me a bounty , ill have that )
1 stick um into a plant pot , in cups the world turns to shit super fast seeing as you dont have the buffer of loads of soil
2 try not to get water on the plant itself , im thinking it looks like burn marks , you tend to get marks such as this when you splash a little water of the leaves and the light uses it as a magnifying glass and burns your leaves , i dont think its food related but cant be 100% sure , seeing as you said you havnt fed them then unless your using miracle NO soil or some other shitty slow release then its cant really be likely , they dont look hungry as you would expect yellowing but over the entire lower leaf and not just a section soooo i cant advise a feeding would help at this point , i would have expected uniformity of discolouration on the leaves if it was an overfeeding issue , it could however be a genetic trait within a leaf grow pattern but not likely , repot the bastards and wait to see what happens is the best advise i can offer
3 this is the uk thread and not a plant fix it , you may get quicker responses on the fix it sections given were a useless bunch of layabout fucktards in this thread , your very welcome to chuntter about anything but it really requires something to take someones fancy to get a real response , me im sobour and bored shitless hence responding , half the time i randomly prod at keys with a vague hope of getting across a message i cant remember starting while weighing up the pros and cons of getting out of the fuckin chair ( requires effert ) to get at the kids stash of chocs ( nnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeddddddd fudgesssssss oh fuck me a bounty , ill have that )
they're in canna terra pro plus, I will put them in bigger pots asap, thanks for the help guys
yep ma advice is repot in and just water them fora day or two, no nutes, for at least 3 or 4 days then 1/4 strength. tbh honest it just looks like mutant leaf pattern, it doents look serious....christ after a while you stop even noticing things like that, especially at the beggining, if when there fully established your still gettin constant leaf issues the you need to track down the causes
yep ma advice is repot in and just water them fora day or two, no nutes, for at least 3 or 4 days then 1/4 strength. tbh honest it just looks like mutant leaf pattern, it doents look serious....christ after a while you stop even noticing things like that, especially at the beggining, if when there fully established your still gettin constant leaf issues the you need to track down the causes
Cheers mates