got to stick up for the workers here , soz and all that
my mrs worked in a shop a couple of yrs and simply put the licencing people are the most joyless cunts you can possibly imagine , if you serve someone whos underage then the person behind the counter is looking at a 2 grand fine ,,, and thats a personal fine and not something the shop has to cover , thats assuming they dont loose their job ,,,,,,,, and now mix in c&e like to send into the same shop kids underage asking to buy 16+ age bracket stuff and then you create an environment where anyone who looks 25 or under gets asked , the stupidity know no bounds , my mrs could id someone one day and be shown so sell to the customer but would be sacked if she didnt ask the same person the very next day and couldnt sell them the items they were entitled to , madness and frustrating , she couldnt even flog some cigs to the daughter of the assistant manager even though we had been to her 18th party the weekend before !!!!!
so yeah please dont blame the workers , they have their hands tied
oh and i was last id`ed at the age of 42 ...... so there , i wouldnt mind but i had a face full of graying stubble and i was already shit faced , fuckers wouldnt serve me either , ok yeah so i dont look my age but its a friggin flight of fancy that i could be anywhere near underage