Hawaii Growers

Can't say as if I blame you!!! Looks like some phenos I'd want around for a long time as well!! Fcking beautiful man, absolutely beautiful.

Thanks man, have one mother of each still going in my tent and gave a couple clones to some friends. One of them has a beautiful banana-cream, diesel smell to it, with really nice dense flowers. Should be ready for round 2 shortly, they are heavy N feeders in the first 4 weeks of flower, I made the mistake of cutting them off the N too early last round and they faded kinda early. Next round they are going into my Super Soil mix that has cooked for the last month.

Question: When making Soil mixes in Hawaii, is it necessary to cook the soil as long as the mainland? Its my first time mixing using super soil but the internal temperature in this batch was raised for about 1 1/2 weeks, then it seemed stable ever since. Just wondering for future reference.
Thanks man, have one mother of each still going in my tent and gave a couple clones to some friends. One of them has a beautiful banana-cream, diesel smell to it, with really nice dense flowers. Should be ready for round 2 shortly, they are heavy N feeders in the first 4 weeks of flower, I made the mistake of cutting them off the N too early last round and they faded kinda early. Next round they are going into my Super Soil mix that has cooked for the last month.

Question: When making Soil mixes in Hawaii, is it necessary to cook the soil as long as the mainland? Its my first time mixing using super soil but the internal temperature in this batch was raised for about 1 1/2 weeks, then it seemed stable ever since. Just wondering for future reference.
I have never made super soil, but what I read on subs forum is it needs to break down. That's why it takes so long for it too be ready.
Check out this thread if you wanna learn what is happening in your soil mix.
I have never made super soil, but what I read on subs forum is it needs to break down. That's why it takes so long for it too be ready.
Check out this thread if you wanna learn what is happening in your soil mix.

Could you explain how that works please???
Subcool's recipe has at least 3 different sources of phosphorous... Bone meal, Bat Guano, and Rock Phosphate....
Phosphate is a known fungal inhibitor... especially when there is an abundance in the mix like there is at the beginning of using a supersoil mix....
Hows everybody body doing out there. just medicated a bit and have been cruzing this forum. I must say the pics are amazing. I was wondering if it would be cool to ask a question in this forum. don't know if anyone one of you had the chance to read my previous post here. I am a local boy trying to get a documentary off the ground about the social history of cannabis in Hawaii. I truly believe this story makes a strong case for legalization. I would love to converse with anyone here who would be willing . either right in the forum or through email. strictly background with what ever safeguards I can give to insure your privacy. my question is would you be willing to sound off in the forum about how much grow experience you have in Hawaii. If this is not cool with anyone here, please just tell me. Aloha all...
Fucking pigs..piss me off. If any the boys hear got whacked yesterday PM me...i'll try an help out. Jah bless, keep your head up gang.

It sounds like the GH boys were out for keeps in Puna from what I read on another forum. Super lame, I wonder what got their panties all bunched up.
Hows everybody body doing out there. just medicated a bit and have been cruzing this forum. I must say the pics are amazing. I was wondering if it would be cool to ask a question in this forum. don't know if anyone one of you had the chance to read my previous post here. I am a local boy trying to get a documentary off the ground about the social history of cannabis in Hawaii. I truly believe this story makes a strong case for legalization. I would love to converse with anyone here who would be willing . either right in the forum or through email. strictly background with what ever safeguards I can give to insure your privacy. my question is would you be willing to sound off in the forum about how much grow experience you have in Hawaii. If this is not cool with anyone here, please just tell me. Aloha all...

Tregeek... can you please share your experience in making documentary films?
Do you have any films that you may have produced as a student that you can share with us??
I'm just trying to get an idea of what kind of background experience you possess that will ensure that any of my fellow brothers and sisters here are represented fairly...
Aloha Sheckster and thank you for your question. let me be blunt with my answer. I currently have no real experience that I can point you toward that would give me instant credibility.my educational background lies sociology and political science. Unfortunately we all have to start somewhere. but let me tell you what I Do have. I recently completed a basic videography course that included all the basics. pre-production, editing, hands on camera work etc. but my true ace in the hole is my son in law. He worked extensively on an animated feature film, Strange Frame, that was made completely on the Big Island.(google it and check out, a very cool movie with some major Hollywood talent doing voice work)He has a back ground in editing and is familiar with the minutiae of film making. one of the discussions we had yesterday regarded music clearance and the different avenues that could take. he is a wealth of knowledge and has agreed to be the principal editor on this project as well as co-producer. he is my technical expert in this endeavor and eager to begin a new project. while he posses more the technical background the vision for this project is mine. I grew up with both friends and family who grew extensively through the 70's and 80's on the Hamakua coast. while My uncle, who is a retired Hawaii county police officer, was spending his days on a helicopter and on the ground pulling up plants, my old man was growing um. My major issue now? none of these people grow anymore nor do they use. this group of people are an excellent touch stone to the past in terms of cultivation etc but i need something to compare this to in the present. that's where your fellow brothers and sisters on here come into play. I appreciate your need to make sure you are all represented fairly and have no issue answering any question posed to me. I am pro legalization for a number of reasons. but at the same time I am not out to demonize anyone on either side of this issue. one of my focal points for this project is the hypocrisy and total lack of any logic in prohibition, and how a program like green harvest created more problems then it solved. so do I have tons of experience? no. do I have a vision to tell a story that in my opinion needs to be told and people will find entertaining and informative? the answer is a resounding yes. I realize this reply is kind of wordy and long winded but I just want a chance to make my case to you all. help me put the best face possible on something I hope will one day represent our state and show growers and users in a positive light. I have the desire and determination to see this project to fruition. the question becomes will you help me to tell the most accurate, factual story I can. Aloha all......
Aloha Sheckster and thank you for your question. let me be blunt with my answer. I currently have no real experience that I can point you toward that would give me instant credibility.my educational background lies sociology and political science. Unfortunately we all have to start somewhere. but let me tell you what I Do have. I recently completed a basic videography course that included all the basics. pre-production, editing, hands on camera work etc. but my true ace in the hole is my son in law. He worked extensively on an animated feature film, Strange Frame, that was made completely on the Big Island.(google it and check out, a very cool movie with some major Hollywood talent doing voice work)He has a back ground in editing and is familiar with the minutiae of film making. one of the discussions we had yesterday regarded music clearance and the different avenues that could take. he is a wealth of knowledge and has agreed to be the principal editor on this project as well as co-producer. he is my technical expert in this endeavor and eager to begin a new project. while he posses more the technical background the vision for this project is mine. I grew up with both friends and family who grew extensively through the 70's and 80's on the Hamakua coast. while My uncle, who is a retired Hawaii county police officer, was spending his days on a helicopter and on the ground pulling up plants, my old man was growing um. My major issue now? none of these people grow anymore nor do they use. this group of people are an excellent touch stone to the past in terms of cultivation etc but i need something to compare this to in the present. that's where your fellow brothers and sisters on here come into play. I appreciate your need to make sure you are all represented fairly and have no issue answering any question posed to me. I am pro legalization for a number of reasons. but at the same time I am not out to demonize anyone on either side of this issue. one of my focal points for this project is the hypocrisy and total lack of any logic in prohibition, and how a program like green harvest created more problems then it solved. so do I have tons of experience? no. do I have a vision to tell a story that in my opinion needs to be told and people will find entertaining and informative? the answer is a resounding yes. I realize this reply is kind of wordy and long winded but I just want a chance to make my case to you all. help me put the best face possible on something I hope will one day represent our state and show growers and users in a positive light. I have the desire and determination to see this project to fruition. the question becomes will you help me to tell the most accurate, factual story I can. Aloha all......
Sounds like a great idea...
Your participants.. I would imagine they will be doing vignettes?
Do you intend to interview or just set them up for a vignette?
What kind of camera do you intend to use? Are you shooting the video yourself?
Do you intend to shoot people's faces or mask their identity?

Sorry for the interrogation but I want to make sure that I/we understand your intentions...
that way we can possibly assist you in your endeavor.
You are delving into an area that I have a lot of experience in.. lol the Video production aspect of things, not growing Marijuana...
Thats cool that the owner is open-minded to cannabis culture. He sounds like a smart man from what I've read on him,what I'd really hope he would do is lower the interisland airfare with his new airline he purchased.

Remember about 8 years ago, when roundtrip tickets were less than $60? That was the shit, nothing like chasing swells on outerislands for dirt cheap.

shit, I'm old enough that I remember the old US Postal carrier. $50.00 from Honolulu to LA,noisy as all fuck, but cheap!
I am in the process of creating a number of questionnaires. depending on the persons back ground they would get the questionnaire best suited to them a week or two before the first interview. Yes I imagine I would be doing the majority of the interviews as you never know where it may go and I will be dying to ask follow up questions which brings me to vignettes vs. standard interviewing.as interviewees will have the basic questions in advance I am hoping they would be able to tell their story their way.Allowing the capture of the best possible narrative.However some people with the best story to tell have to be drawn out a bit.the person posing the question would be off camera and not miced We will also be editing to create the best narrative flow possible.It is my intention to create relationships here that I'm hoping will turn into a situation in which individuals will consent to appear on camera. as far as appearing on camera in disguise that would be completely up to the individual. as its been explained to me, digitizing someones face and altering their voice is not difficult from a technical stand point. or if they prefer they can do the old school disguises. kinda like the hat sun glasses and bandana look myself but some may feel that presents them in a criminal light. will I be shooting the interviews? I believe I am capable of that. I am an amateur in terms of the technical aspects but I have been practicing. and really. put it on the tripod point um in the right direction push da button. I know its a little more involved then that. but my point is shooting in a closed static environment shouldn't be a challenge for someone making a documentary. what I am worried about is coverage shots and, <I can only pray someone would consent for us to film their grow>, shooting anything out doors.I dont want it to look amateurish but I think giving it a rougher "guerrilla" look while filming any out door garden footage may lend a certain stylistic feel . any advice you have for me would be greatly appreciated. the camera(s) im hoping to have are Sony HXR 50's. really thinking sound should be recorded to a second source? ideas? no apology necessary I invite questions and am eager to get any advice/wisdom/suggestions you may wish to share.
Phone camera test......some bullshit gypsy cross I made..12/12 from seeds short season.....


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Question: When making Soil mixes in Hawaii, is it necessary to cook the soil as long as the mainland? Its my first time mixing using super soil but the internal temperature in this batch was raised for about 1 1/2 weeks, then it seemed stable ever since. Just wondering for future reference.

Super Soil is hot stuff. Be sure to use it leniently when filling up your pots. It depends...Last batch I added some extra shenanigans so I let for 8 weeks. Generally, 6 and you're good to go. Did you follow the recipe or spice it up a bit? If you notice any of the leaves 'clawing', let it sit for a couple more weeks.

Got any inculants? Use em' up...I like 'Myko's' by Extreme Gardening. If you're eXtreme ly'dat. :-)
LOL...No, unless Sannie fucked up the order, but it looks like fire goddess are just smiling on you.

Eh, i chucked a little Blue Lotus dust and on the keeper female and nada pinata :-( A week earlier i dusted the RP/DNA Sour Kush that fucker is loaded with seeds, such is life! I've got the Dream Lotus ready togo out in the next 10-14 days, with any luck I'll be able to make a BL/DL cross if i find a suitable male.

I'm sure You all have seen this by now. I like that he can joke about the fact that he was getting high in college. I really love the fact that by all accounts he was one of the more serious dedicated stoners on campus while at Punahou school. but whats really telling is not that our current president, of whom I am a fan, was a stoner. its the fact that he was hardly alone in excelling at this particular activity among People his age in Hawaii.

some other cool links about President Obama's supposed pot use. enjoy
Yeah, one of his classmates used to post here, said brother was cool and they burned down and played b-ball together. Even posted a pic.
image.jpgimage.jpgJust took these two down today. Yummy yummy I'm gonna have some killah Meds in my tummy. Bagseed;) next up, blue Hawaiian and as far as I can see, it's gonna be on like donkey kong... Happy growing braddahs