gnats .....+ rep for answer's


New Member
here you can find out way's to get rid of gnat's i thought i saw one but it was not from my soil .. was just a stray fucker in the house .. summer ....

anyway post your answer's ..


New Member
or is it this time of year again ?? because i hunted down the bastard and he was in the room now not in the tent . the tents all shut up (lights of) with no way of the gnat getting in there .. anyone ?? is it this time of year we get gnats ?

420 happends

Active Member
last year i had a gnats a small infestation what i did was let the soil get BONE dry and i mean Dry i think it helps kill the gnat eggs in the soil also i got a tube/cup filled it with vinegar then put some clean wrap with tiny holes wrap it ontop of the tube/cup and bout hour or too i had a shit ton of gnats in the tube/cup with vinegar they love vinegar there attracted to it, Good luck


New Member
yeah there not soil based yet luckily im going to put fly traps all around the house iv read a bit on it and its from the summer apparently its normal to see them around , im hoping they don't get into the soil tho then it'l be an issue


Well-Known Member
i hunted down the bastard and he was in the room now not in the tent
Bro I cant believe you were hunting down one gnat, would have been funny to watch.


New Member
Bro I cant believe you were hunting down one gnat, would have been funny to watch.

hahaha lol i didn't even get it i just saw it earlier behind my pc monitor thats why i was anxious about it getting into my tent haha

Natural Gas

Active Member
Not a good idea to let soil get BONE dry...Plant stress...Vinegar in cup will work for fruit gnats not too sure about fungus gnats...Quarter teaspoon baby shampoo mixed in gallon of water works for me...It is not anti-bacterial so soil microbes will not suffer plus it is a surfactant. I mix with every feeding...No gnats; better absorption...FWIW


Well-Known Member
If you see one, you can bet on there being more. The eggs at the roots are the real problem as they will eat your roots. Get some Gnatrol as use as directed. That and a lot of stickey traps (I put 2 in each pot) will stop the infestation. Peace


Well-Known Member
Cut pieces of sticky strips and put on the medium and near the drain holes should clear it up and the soil probably bought them in. They wont harm the plant if controlled with yellow sticky strips.

Natural Gas

Active Member
if they do get in the soil, you can let the soil dry out im sure it kills the eggs of some sort. GOOD luck man!
I really do not like controversy but drying out soil is just plain stupid (IMHO) and not necessary to control gnats or flies...Should you insist on drying the top of your soil then bottom water by way of a planter saucer and allow water to wick. This is the least effective way to treat the problem...Neem Oil next in line for least effective...Followed by sand applied to top of soil...Next comes diatomaceous earth which works fine over the short haul until it gathers moisture or blown off by way of circulating fan...An insecticide soap is not only effective but beneficial...Cheapest as well as effective and beneficial is good ole baby shampoo...Do not allow soil to dry out...FWIW


Active Member
Neem Oil extract works quite well, can be used on other pests, and is safe for plants. Sticky traps will get the ones flying around but I prefer not hoping that they decide to land on the trap. There is also insecticide soap but I have not seen any that was recommended for plants. Can get Neem at most Lowes or Home Depots.

Natural Gas

Active Member
Hey SC, Thanx...I did not mean to imply that Neem did not work or was ineffective...All that I listed work...The shampoo is cheapest, easiest to locate and use with the added surfactant qualities. I add it to every feeding solution...FWIW


New Member
there not gnats i saw just a harmless fruit fly in my house that got in to the room with the tent in ,


Well-Known Member
Put a layer of coco coir or sand on top of your dirt. Use Azamax or any other acceptable neem oil product and give the top layer of soil a good spray, not just the leaves. Get more fans to help circulate air, the little bastards have a tougher time getting established if your air isnt as stagnant.