Did I set this up right?


New Member
I recently put together my grow room. I bought 2 inline fans & drilled 3 holes in my ceiling. Ducting comes from my attic into my air cooled hood and out of my hood back up to the attic. I also have a carbon filter hooked up to a separate hole in the ceiling which goes up to another fan in the attic that is only for exhaust.

Hood cooled:
Attic > hood > attic > fan
Room cooled:
Hole in floor > Carbon filter > Attic > fan

I'm wondering now if I should have drilled 1 hole in the ceiling. And just done this:

Hole in floor > Carbon filter > hood in > hood out > attic > fan

It would have saved me the cost of a 2nd fan, I would have less ducting and only 1 hole in my ceiling.

Is there any reason that it is better to have a separate fan and ducting for the air cooled hood as I currently have, or should I have gone with 1 fan?


It depends on how many lights you are running in tandem. If you only have one hood then I think one inline would do the job. Though it is better to be cooling that light with air from outside of the room considering it being cooler than the hot air in your room.


New Member
I think I will be switching my setup to 1 fan, 1 hole in the ceiling. Should reduce noise, lower the air temp running through the hood, make my ceiling look better, and I can sell the extra fan or hang onto it for a backup.

I wish I would have done it this way a month ago...


Well-Known Member
im not a big fan of filter light fan setups I just don't think of it as efficient. I would suggest not running hot attic air through your light and putting a filtered intake from a climate controlled location outside of the room running it through your light and out into the attic. then run a separate fan to exchange the air in the room with a carbon scrubber. that's how I would do it


New Member
im not a big fan of filter light fan setups I just don't think of it as efficient. I would suggest not running hot attic air through your light and putting a filtered intake from a climate controlled location outside of the room running it through your light and out into the attic. then run a separate fan to exchange the air in the room with a carbon scrubber. that's how I would do it
I had to put my exhaust fan on a speed controller because it is oversized for my room. So for me personally I am ok with it not being as efficient of a setup. I don't want to cut another hole in my floor for the intake to the hood so pulling air from the room rather than the attic would probably be cooler and a better option for me.

I found another post just like mine with only a few replies as well. It seems this subject is not discussed much. From what I've researched - it is more efficient and can work better to have separate intakes and exhausts for your hood. However, for my specific situation I think I will be better off switching to 1 intake / exhaust.