12/12 light to 24 hr light ok?


Active Member
I ended up with one female out of my 5 plants after starting flowering so i decided to clone her. So i took the clippings, all with flowers on them, and am now wondering if i could switch them all back to 24 hr light without hurting them. Id want to get the mom to grow a bit more for maybe getting a few more clippings from her, and also allow the clippings to grow.
Ive heard doing this causes them to turn into hermis, but i want to make sure.
Please help me out.. its my 1st time trying to clone, and all tips are appreciated.
:joint: Kris


New Member
You're going to need to revert one of the clones and use that as a mother. If I were you I'd just keep the mother flowering. Do you have two areas? If not you could always take the mother out of the grow area for 12 hours.


Active Member
She was only flowering for about 10 days... and yes, i only have one grow space, so taking her out wouldnt be a bad idea- i just have to remember. hah
by the way, thanks for the tips

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Plants which have been in flower are notoriously hard to clone. 10 days isn't too bad, though.

skunkykushybrid is wise to suggest reverting a clone to veg for use as a mother.

As far as I'm concerned, all grow-ops need a flowering area, a mother vegging area and a clone box. The veg & clone areas can be pretty small and basic. However, you can't beat the ability to cut some clones any time you have space in the flowering area about to become vacant. The time it takes to start over from seed is wasted time, especially if some of your seeds come up male!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
hi fly girl...

you can use a single 43 watt cfl in a very very small grow space... like a small trash can... and vegg 10-12 clones in rockwool cubes..

notice the clones are in horrible shape and have flowers on them.. these all recovered (except for number 6-7) and turned into BIG yields..

These clones also spent 3 weeks in a garbage can with no light and only 1 watering... none of them turned hermie :)




New Member
hi fly girl...

you can use a single 43 watt cfl in a very very small grow space... like a small trash can... and vegg 10-12 clones in rockwool cubes..

notice the clones are in horrible shape and have flowers on them.. these all recovered (except for number 6-7) and turned into BIG yields..

These clones also spent 3 weeks in a garbage can with no light and only 1 watering... none of them turned hermie :)

Wow Knowm, what made you get them back out of the bin? I sold some pretty fucked clones the other day and the guy said that they were the best clones he had ever seen. They were fucked because I'd left them at a mates house for a few days due to the guy not picking them up on time.


Well-Known Member
Ive heard doing this causes them to turn into hermis, but i want to make sure.
Please help me out.. its my 1st time trying to clone, and all tips are appreciated.
It's not wise to take clones from flowering plants for several reasons - 1) it stresses out the flowering plant 2) It confuses and stresses the clones in forcing them to revert from flowering to vegetative growth and this diminishes their genetic integrity and can cause abnormal growth patterns in the clones. People do do it and have success in doing it, but in my opinion it's far better to take your clones in vegetative growth.

But how do you know what sex they are I hear you cry, well there's two ways of doing it. Firstly, simply take 2 clones from each plant in veg (2 in case one doesn't make it) and root and label them, then when you put the main plants into flower, you'll know exactly which of the clones you took in veg are male and female. Secondly - clone for sex. Do exactly the same as above but this time put one each of the clones into 12/12 straight away - within 10-14 days you should know which are male and which are female.

With a little fore thought, you can avoid having to take clones from a flowering plant which I always advise people not to do.


New Member
It has only been 10 days... I suppose it depends on how good of a veg' the plant had as to how far into flowering the plant actually was. If that makes sense.

However, as all of the clones will need to be reverted anyway, there should be a strong mother amongst them.


Active Member
update, the clones i took off the flowering mom did fine. when i tried to switch them back into 18/6, they just continued flowering (slowly) and didnt grow much more, so i just went ahead and put them back on 12/12. The clones are small, but look gorgeous, and the mom looks amazing. theyre almost ready to harvest now- i cant wait.
but next time ill know better and make sure to take clippings before i put them into 12/12 = X


New Member
update, the clones i took off the flowering mom did fine. when i tried to switch them back into 18/6, they just continued flowering (slowly) and didnt grow much more, so i just went ahead and put them back on 12/12. The clones are small, but look gorgeous, and the mom looks amazing. theyre almost ready to harvest now- i cant wait.
but next time ill know better and make sure to take clippings before i put them into 12/12 = X
great news... shame you lost the strain. But then look on the bright side, now you can grow a new one.