Hawaii Growers

You will, looks good for first grow. Use neem as a preventitive weeky in veg. With thrips the top of leaf gets silvery, the spots you have are common fly damage and is not a real concern. We all stay learning, happy growing..
Yup, just keep reading and posting here and before u know it, ull be smoking that fire Meds. The guys here got their stuff wired down.


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Hey, how did she get there? That's my daughter. Sorry guys. It's my 33rd b-day today and I'm stuck in bed with a fever. This sucks.
Happy Birthday! All the best! You are blessed! Took my baby surfn Waiks today and we got to meet Laird Hamilton and his daughter.
Thanks surfd. Lance burkhart himself, surfin waiks. I better go tell Rick Cane, he wants revenge for lance pulling his leash. Now he's got Vince and da hui behind him. I agree, I am blessed, not with one baby girl, but three baby girls, and one stepson. Blessed;)
I wouldn't waste money on buying seeds right away if you are not confident in starting them. you could just practice on some tomato seeds right now, get the germinating thing down then try on weed seeds you bought. OR, if you have access to some local seeds, try that out and no worries cause if you make it to bud then you will be stoked no matter what seed you used. as far as seed banks, stick with the big ones and less chance of bullshit.nice hut bro, do you think you have enough height? or you could always adjust it if need be by the look of things. good luck on long season guys, my male to female ratio is just ridiculous. these are the most males I have ever had in seed cycle, lucky I have backups or my long season would be shot! I feel a little more confident this year, but every year it feels that way lol, we see at the end, aloha
Howzit All,
New blue card patient here... I just ordered seeds online, but do not have any plants and am no where near harvest. What are my options until I'm able to harvest? I've had Spinal surgery and my back is constantly killing me, any help would be greatly appreciated!! Sativa or Indica, no matter as long as high quality I'm willing to donate and/or barter
Howzit All,
New blue card patient here... I just ordered seeds online, but do not have any plants and am no where near harvest. What are my options until I'm able to harvest? I've had Spinal surgery and my back is constantly killing me, any help would be greatly appreciated!! Sativa or Indica, no matter as long as high quality I'm willing to donate and/or barter

coming online here and asking for cannabis is a "no-no". You should know better than that, unless you are 5-0!? If you have a blue card, I suspect you have a favorite "black market" pakalolo guy in your rolodex. Why not just call one of your own friends, instead of asking strangers here? You gonna make all kinds of guys paranoid here. So whattya say, sound like a plan?
Somebody just posted a similar post on the seed picture thread saying he was an Arizona patient and ex-vet that needed meds. And now this. Seems fishy.