Let's Move To Colorado


New Member
I want to live the dream. Are you kidding me,,It's legal to grow and smoke so that's where I want to be.The trouble is, it's costly.So I'm looking for someone with adventure in mind to split the Rent/Bill's.I'm on disability and get a monthly check,looking for someone in the same situation who may benefit from MMJ,or just a working stoner who want's to grow there own..MUST BE ABLE TO PAY YOUR HALF...NO FREELOADER'S...If this sound's like you then let's Talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Can this workout right ??? What do ya'll think???????????????????????????


Well-Known Member
It's not all its cracked up to be! Really horrible place I wouldn't recommend it, no scenery, bunch of runaway texans, 600 dollar ounces, dirty air, extra gmos, child molesters that fled from Texas, assholes , assholes from Texas, horrible drivers, ugly women, the usual shit! :)


Well-Known Member
It's not all its cracked up to be! Really horrible place I wouldn't recommend it, no scenery, bunch of runaway texans, 600 dollar ounces, dirty air, extra gmos, child molesters that fled from Texas, assholes , assholes from Texas, horrible drivers, ugly women, the usual shit! :)
i didn't see many ugly women in lodo.


Well-Known Member
What were you doing in lodo Buck? I read of an assault at a kotton mouth kings concert! Not my type of music!