Where Can I grow ? Collective or Some Facility


I am a medical MJ patient in CA and want to find out where I can find a facility to rent space to grow my MJ for medicinal use? I don't have space at home and want to grow my own meds as a both a hobby and way to control what I put inside my lungs. I tried to google but just come up with clubs. I am sure it exists just doubt that it is widely publicized despite the obvious legality and preference by the Gov that you grow your own bud vs going to a club.

I've thought about creating something like this. Like an old storage unit complex turned into grow spaces for rent, all with water lines, electrical sockets, fire sprinklers and locks on the door. Then I thought about the logistics of the electricity bill, fire hazards with lightly attended grows, theft, and how easily one room with bugs could spread down the hall. It just didn't seem feasible. Shit, I even thought about selling a few square feet of my room to a good friend, but I couldn't even share that much. But good luck in your search, let us know what you find.
I always figured a collective grow just meant you were combining your certs with other people to do a larger grow,but the time,resources and bud are shared. Not like partitioned separately attended grows. I agree that a indoor "community garden" with strangers growing in different rooms/tents would suck because someone lazy or unskilled would have pest and/or mold issues that would spread to others gardens that were attentively maintained . I guess you could vote their asses off the island though :)
rent a warehouse tell nobody ur plans commercial electricity rates r better in CA i believe

RiverSix, I believe biglungs meant commercial rates are better than Cali home rates and that is correct. Although all Cali electricity is horrifically priced, thank you Pete Wilson.
How about a Pub Hash House? Somewhere you can go and use bubble machines, dry ice, vac ovens, Tansium systems. BYOT bring your own trim. That would be bad ass. Someone want to go in on venture with me?
How about a Pub Hash House? Somewhere you can go and use bubble machines, dry ice, vac ovens, Tansium systems. BYOT bring your own trim. That would be bad ass. Someone want to go in on venture with me?
that would be nice, but it would be a field day for cops to watch and always stopping ppl w/ lbs of trim!
How about a Pub Hash House? Somewhere you can go and use bubble machines, dry ice, vac ovens, Tansium systems. BYOT bring your own trim. That would be bad ass. Someone want to go in on venture with me?

That is a good idea, but to help prevent the law from watching, it would make sense to have it be a private arrangement, with limited individuals. Kind of an invite only thing, or someone that can honestly vouch for you. I feel that in someway, someone WILL fuck that up.
I did a collective grow out of a shop I stared in the IE, you paid $200 per spot and patients averaged about 2 zips, they could come at cirtain times the shop was open, we even grave free spots away and a compassion jar that was patient volunteer donation that went to those that needed it and could not afford. Its possible to do with the right like minded people, everyone pitched in knowledge, labor and equipment and got a good deal on nutrients, everyone helped harvest and nobody complained about the split. it was pretty fun.
I did a collective grow out of a shop I stared in the IE, you paid $200 per spot and patients averaged about 2 zips, they could come at cirtain times the shop was open, we even grave free spots away and a compassion jar that was patient volunteer donation that went to those that needed it and could not afford. Its possible to do with the right like minded people, everyone pitched in knowledge, labor and equipment and got a good deal on nutrients, everyone helped harvest and nobody complained about the split. it was pretty fun.

Is this still running?
No, partners in collective didnt like the program cause they didnt make enough money on it and I didnt like their business practices. So I left the club and they stopped the collective grow. Not hard to do with the right people involved. PM me anytime and I could give some advice from my experience with it.