Help me please! It's about a girl.


Well-Known Member
now hold on a minute there. we dont actually know how crazy this broad really is, nor how hot she might be. theres also the issue of whether the OP can Hit-It and Quit-It like a real Playah. the bitch may just be super Thirsty, i mean PARCHED, and runnin game on mah Homey just to get some attention. whoah now Muchacho, i know what your sayin, but can a Playah finish? thank you... so, lets break this shit down: bitch's crazy rating on a scale of 1-10, with ONE being the craziest, i mean Left-Eye crazy. burn a botha's house down crazy... = C (for crazy) bitch's hotness on a scale of 1-10, with ten being "Daaaaaaaaamn!" = H (for hotness) then simply do the math. C+H/2= her D number. (Doable) anything 5 or over is all good. but then we gotta do some more math: take that number and prepare your "intangibles" factors: the broad's stoner level on a scale of 1-5. with 1 being "thinks Reefer Madness is a documentary" and 5 being "smokes more weed than snoop dogg" = W (for weed) how many times has she touched your penis in the last month divided by 4. this give you the average expected Smiley Face Stickers factor. = S (for Smiley Face Stickers) how many of your homies has she fucked? = B (for Bros with whom you are crossing swords) her weight in pounds divided by her height in feet times two. = F (for fatty) example: if she weighs 110 pounds and stand 5 foot 6, then it's 110/11=10 congrats, not a fatty! but if she weighs 150 pounds and stands 5 foot six it's 150/11= 13.63 then you will need prescription bifocal beergoggles. so lets run the figures: D+(WxS-Bx2) F/10= Q (her bangability Quotient) this scorecard can help you not only with future hookups, but also can help you check the tapes on last weeks' game. you gotta stay sharp. heres the scorecard from the chick i was dating in the early 90's: D = 6 (slightly hotter than she was crazy, but she was VERY crazy, and EXTREMELY hot.) W = 2 (she smoked weed now and again but wasnt really a pothead) S = 2 (very low yes, but when i ran the score i had only known her for a month and she had already touched my penis half a dozen times so i disputed the call, but the rules are very strict.) B = 0 (this one is a killer, but if she banged even a couple of your bros, shit can get ugly fast. fortunately none of my homies liked redheads 8) ) F = 9.1 (yes. thats right. suck it. i did mention she was EXTREMELY HOT) so: she scored an 11.82, and that gentlemen is an excellent score. until of course she took the crazy to new heights, started smoking meth, and ran off with a tweaker in a camaro. Cest L'Vie Mon Frer
After all that math, I'm not in the mood anymore.


Well-Known Member
OK so we all know the OP is not walking away, right? matter what we tell him, he's in now. He sees it, he wants it, he's going for it. There's nothing we can say that will stop him. SO! That being said, my suggestion is 20mg of Fluoxetine (to start). I actually do think this is related to her menstrual cycle just because of the timing on it. It's very gentle, has minimal side effects, she won't even know it effects her mood. She's going to be a handful. You are going to be her bitch, in a manner of speaking. You are going to cater to her and she is going to need the catering. She is naturally a needy one, you naturally a caregiver. Captain save-a-ho. Whatever it's called these days. If you want her, and you do want her or you wouldn't be asking, take her crazy ass to the doctor, and get her on something, then let it play out. Good luck to you. (You'll need it, love;))


Well-Known Member
If she really wanted to be dead she would have done it by now. She obviously has some reason that keeps her going. Tell her to find out what that is and build from there.


Staff member
Why do you say that? What's not true about it?
because people who say they wanna die generally do it. they might not do it right away but they will do it if given the opportunity and if it gets so bad they get the balls to do it. they will eventually give up and have enough and do it.


Well-Known Member
Why do you say that? What's not true about it?
That's just not the way suicide works. It's like...a quick sand...not like a bullet shot. It's not like one day people become depressed and suicidal, then end it, all in the same day... It's a progressive issue and no one really knows when a suicidal person will choose to act on their depression.


Well-Known Member
I've felt like dying at times. But then I think about why i haven't killed myself. The fact that I have friends and family that care about me. And how they would feel and how selfish that is. I think about how I have a great life ahead and how everything goes up and down. Life is never on a permanent incline or decline. You're outlook affects your attitude and how things change. So I get out of that mind state and move forward.


Staff member
I've felt like dying at times. But then I think about why i haven't killed myself. The fact that I have friends and family that care about me. And how they would feel and how selfish that is. I think about how I have a great life ahead and how everything goes up and down. Life is never on a permanent incline or decline. You're outlook affects your attitude and how things change. So I get out of that mind state and move forward.
right but people who are suicidal are SICK you clearly are not. the way OP makes her sound like she has an mental illness.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
because people who say they wanna die generally do it. they might not do it right away but they will do it if given the opportunity and if it gets so bad they get the balls to do it. they will eventually give up and have enough and do it.
I dunno bout this. I knew a guy and he was always talking about offing himself. He tried several times and could never quite get the job done. Went through months of forced psych care several times. Later on in life as I understand him a little more he is nothing more than a drama king, it's all about the attention with this guy. Fucking joke.

I had a friend in high school who was having problems w/some women. This guy was popular a good athlete and student. He never acted depressed and smiled a lot. One day I come to school and he swallowed the barrel of his shotgun in his room at his parents house the nite before. He was on the phone w/ a friend just minutes before he did it. He told no one, and no one had any idea.

It's been my experience that those who are serious about it don't talk about it and just do it. Those who talk about it deff. have problems but usually just need attention and really don't want to die.

Now w/the advent of so many psychoactive drugs that drs' give out like fucking candy this can dramatically change ppls behavior almost overnight. Rationality goes out the window when on these fucking things.


Staff member
I dunno bout this. I knew a guy and he was always talking about offing himself. He tried several times and could never quite get the job done. Went through months of forced psych care several times. Later on in life as I understand him a little more he is nothing more than a drama king, it's all about the attention with this guy. Fucking joke.

I had a friend in high school who was having problems w/some women. This guy was popular a good athlete and student. He never acted depressed and smiled a lot. One day I come to school and he swallowed the barrel of his shotgun in his room at his parents house the nite before. He was on the phone w/ a friend just minutes before he did it. He told no one, and no one had any idea.

It's been my experience that those who are serious about it don't talk about it and just do it. Those who talk about it deff. have problems but usually just need attention and really don't want to die.

Now w/the advent of so many psychoactive drugs that drs' give out like fucking candy this can dramatically change ppls behavior almost overnight. Rationality goes out the window when on these fucking things.
right tell that to my 5 people i knew and exboyfriend oh wait you cant cause their dead cause they killed themselves.

...while i agree some people are just drama queens and kings and are all talk, and yes there are the people who act happy and end up killing themselves, i think people who talk about killing themselves really need help because they will do it. there have been studies done saying they are less likely to commit suicide if they say they wanna die or kill themselves, but i think that study needs to be redone because its becoming more clear to me that generally they will kill themselves..just my .02 cents though...

i mean no disrespect joe suicide is a touchy subject for me right now


Well-Known Member
You can't fight crazy.
Move on.
But he doesn't want to fight it. Look at him. He sees crazy. He knows it's crazy. And he likes it anyway. They'll actually make a good match. I was dead serious OP. 20mg of Prozac. Get her evened out to where she's crazy like she should be, but not so crazy she's depressed about it. Then hold on and enjoy the ride.


Well-Known Member
But he doesn't want to fight it. Look at him. He sees crazy. He knows it's crazy. And he likes it anyway. They'll actually make a good match. I was dead serious OP. 20mg of Prozac. Get her evened out to where she's crazy like she should be, but not so crazy she's depressed about it. Then hold on and enjoy the ride.
The problem with crazy is you just don't know what will happen next.
Let's say she turns on him one day when she snaps. Not a good scenario.

If the OP can handle it then all the power to him, I just wouldn't recommend


Well-Known Member
The problem with crazy is you just don't know what will happen next.
Let's say she turns on him one day when she snaps. Not a good scenario.

If the OP can handle it then all the power to him, I just wouldn't recommend
She's not that kind of crazy. OK know how minnesmoker always talks about sociopaths? And he knows because he IS one? Just trust me. I know crazy lol.


Well-Known Member
She's not that kind of crazy. OK know how minnesmoker always talks about sociopaths? And he knows because he IS one? Just trust me. I know crazy lol.
I only mention it because my ex was crazy, not because she is my ex but because she is
legitimately crazy.

She was one of the hardest individuals to endure.

Trust me, I know crazy too and I wouldn't recommend someone
hop into a relationship with someone unstable like that.

There are many other people out there, many who would make a more
suitable mate.

The OP doesn't know what kind of crazy it is, until it hits him. ;)


Well-Known Member
I only mention it because my ex was crazy, not because she is my ex but because she is
legitimately crazy.

She was one of the hardest individuals to endure.

Trust me, I know crazy too and I wouldn't recommend someone
hop into a relationship with someone unstable like that.

There are many other people out there, many who would make a more
suitable mate.

The OP doesn't know what kind of crazy it is, until it hits him. ;)
Mmmhmm. But he's going to anyway. So it'd be better to give him survival advice rather than don't do it advice. Because he's going to do it. Interesting question I forgot to ask though that severely changes things - how old is she?