questions! Opinions welcome

Excise It

Well-Known Member

Alright so....the first three pictures are ...lets call her...plant 1. The second set of three pictures..lets call plant 2. (no idea why the last picture is sideways..)

So..They've been in veg for roughly 2 weeks. I transplanted them from a small pot a few days ago, and put them into big, 5 gallon pots. Anyway i've been noticing since transplanting, the leaves have began some slight discoloration, and yellowing at the tips, and have also began to curl down at the tips. The second plant seems to be worse off than the first.

I'm running a 600W HPS, greenworld pro mix type vpw30 soil, an oscillating fan on them 24/7. Exhaust fan for the side of the room, temp sits at 25 celcius. I use (but have not since transplanting) lucas formula general soil. Also I feel I should mention I haven't watered them in three days....the pot is still moist an inch or two below the surface.
I'm wondering why they're looking so....sad... Why are they starting to discolor, and why are the leaves curling down. I want them to be happy.
Any help is appreciated

(Oh the strain is ...barney's farm, critical kush)


Well-Known Member
They look pretty good for 2 weeks. Transplant may have sent them into shock. Their a bit young for nutes. How far away is your hps?


New Member
leaf tips curling down is a indication of over feeding back of with the nutes abit , but they look nice

Excise It

Well-Known Member
they're about 2 foot from the light, and thank you. Will back off and just feed it water for a bit


Active Member
Whats the temp in there? Honestly it doesn't look like overfeeding to me, looks more like the beginning stages of heat stress.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Try taking temps at the canopy of plants, you have heat stress there.

Try a different profile pic as well, ain't going to make friends with shit like that.

Excise It

Well-Known Member
Temperature of the room is a constant 25-28 degrees celcius. I'll put a thermometer in the canopy and record it for the rest of the day, and night. Thanks for the advice. As for the pic...I didn't take into consideration others might not have had the native upbringing I had, I'll change it. I'm sorry if it offended you.



New Member
Whats the temp in there? Honestly it doesn't look like overfeeding to me, looks more like the beginning stages of heat stress.
one of my seedlings showed signs of heat stress and there was no pointing down just a slight tacoing where the leaves try to protect themselves

Excise It

Well-Known Member
zzwasted: On the second set of three pictures, I'm not sure if it's entirely visible, but they are starting to curl up from the outer edges, and inward, along with droopiness *shakes a fist to the sky*


New Member
Im not going to beat around the bush, but i hate when people post pics under HPS. Huge pet peeve of mine. But you dont cater to my needs so i wont post any opinions

Excise It

Well-Known Member
Is that something that a lot of people frown on? I wasn't exactly given a set of guidelines for posting pictures to get the best effect of lighting. I'm not a photographer. Either way, i'll post a few more under normal lightening tomorrow.


Active Member
Is that something that a lot of people frown on? I wasn't exactly given a set of guidelines for posting pictures to get the best effect of lighting. I'm not a photographer. Either way, i'll post a few more under normal lightening tomorrow.

Hes just saying that cause its harder to tell what the problem is with the hps on cause it makes everything so yellow. Don't worry, hes just being an ass.

Excise It

Well-Known Member
I turned the heat down this morning (it was around 32 degrees celcius in the canopy, it's now about 24) and they already seem to be straightening out a little! Woot


New Member
Hes just saying that cause its harder to tell what the problem is with the hps on cause it makes everything so yellow. Don't worry, hes just being an ass.
im not being an ass hps pics are a pet peeve of mine. But yes keep labeling me thats cool man +1

Excise It

Well-Known Member
It's alright, timewasmoney1. I didn't know that taking pics under HPS was frowned upon, now I do. You helped me....even if it was in an aggressive way! :P


New Member
It's alright, timewasmoney1. I didn't know that taking pics under HPS was frowned upon, now I do. You helped me....even if it was in an aggressive way! :P
Not frowned upon lol i just hate hps pics. Its just my opinion i dont reflect whole whole RIU community :P