BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial


Active Member
i wish i knew what the indicas liked over sativas.... im really a newbie.. my feeding schedule is pretty similar for all my strains.. i notice though, my blue she is reallyyyyy sensitive to food compared to my purple kush, and burgundy....

My PK sounds like your chocolope with lower big fan leaves just getting yellowing, shriveling early on, leaving just enough leaves it seems for the rest of the cycle..

i consistently keep my ph to about 6.3

i didnt ph my water for the very first run.. i feel ph works wonders for making nutes available. my tap water ph pushes upper 8s around here..

i went full throttle on my first grow as well. after that, i went completely opposite, didnt feed my plants shit, then i really say leaves fall off fast on all my plants, they had rough lives..

ive never grown any type of plant in my life before MJ, I hope to some day be able to fully understand the plant from root to pistil..
Ya man that's exactly what my chocolope wants to do, there seems to be a lot of very green growth, just wants to drop it's biggest fan leaves...idk w/e i'll figure it out someday...

I'm still a newbie when it comes to pinpointing problems and knowing EXACTLY what a plant needs but i have lots of experience in greenhouses/nurseries and have grow a lot or outdoor herbs just

not this one haha...that's why i actually think i enjoy hydro so much, it's a nice change to soil and outdoor. But i miss using the sunlight! I understand quite a bit about the functions of a plant

and plant physiology but no expert. I was born and raised on a farm/ranch 3200acres been gardening my whole life...if i still lived on that farm in the middle of no where i would have a lot more

plants than i do now lol it would be fun to have so much product to experiment with. wouldn't even care to profit off it since i'd already have the farm bringing in enough money.

Of ya man, pH management has made a huge difference with my plants...maybe my chocolope likes a slightly higher...or lower pH than i'm giving her. I try to stick to 6.5 +or- .5. My tap is also

around the 8's somewhere, I fill up a couple five gallon buckets then add the A & B solution to them separately, mix 50/50 into another 5gal bucket, and finally mix the rest into one 5gal. 10gal

total of A&B mixed evenly. You just have to dilute them separately before mixing. I check pH and adjust after that sits for a bit under the lights. I'm starting to slowly and slowly bump up the

strength/dosage to see how much they can handle with my current lights.

I think i need to bump up the NPK on the Choco...atleast the nitrogen. or figure out if something is preventing nitrogen uptake


Active Member
Just about to go strain and evap my WinterizedOil...WO? lol maybe WBHO...anywaysssss

i'm taking lots of pictures again, like showing off the oil for sure!



Well-Known Member
Ya man that's exactly what my chocolope wants to do, there seems to be a lot of very green growth, just wants to drop it's biggest fan leaves...idk w/e i'll figure it out someday...

I'm still a newbie when it comes to pinpointing problems and knowing EXACTLY what a plant needs but i have lots of experience in greenhouses/nurseries and have grow a lot or outdoor herbs just

not this one haha...that's why i actually think i enjoy hydro so much, it's a nice change to soil and outdoor. But i miss using the sunlight! I understand quite a bit about the functions of a plant

and plant physiology but no expert. I was born and raised on a farm/ranch 3200acres been gardening my whole life...if i still lived on that farm in the middle of no where i would have a lot more

plants than i do now lol it would be fun to have so much product to experiment with. wouldn't even care to profit off it since i'd already have the farm bringing in enough money.

Of ya man, pH management has made a huge difference with my plants...maybe my chocolope likes a slightly higher...or lower pH than i'm giving her. I try to stick to 6.5 +or- .5. My tap is also

around the 8's somewhere, I fill up a couple five gallon buckets then add the A & B solution to them separately, mix 50/50 into another 5gal bucket, and finally mix the rest into one 5gal. 10gal

total of A&B mixed evenly. You just have to dilute them separately before mixing. I check pH and adjust after that sits for a bit under the lights. I'm starting to slowly and slowly bump up the

strength/dosage to see how much they can handle with my current lights.

I think i need to bump up the NPK on the Choco...atleast the nitrogen. or figure out if something is preventing nitrogen uptake

loll, nice double spacing..

i loveeeeeee how simple soil is.. main things to worry about are your light, and ventilation failing, everything else can be maintained/prevented fairly easy..

i worry soo much about mold, and pumps failing, and cleaning rezs.
it already takes me soo much time to keep up with my dirt plants, i would only go hydro if i had a full time position to do so :]

As a child, I always had a view on farms as being dirty, stinky places i never wanted to be.. Now i hope to one day have a property where endless cultivation is possible. I would love to grow all my favorite veggies, fruits and peppers. a massive green house floats in my dreams.

i decided to clean my hash pipe, so much gold oil in that thing, Im letting it soak in everclear..

im going to pour/filter that solution into a glass jar, and have a taste in a few days :]



Active Member
loll, nice double spacing..

i loveeeeeee how simple soil is.. main things to worry about are your light, and ventilation failing, everything else can be maintained/prevented fairly easy..

i worry soo much about mold, and pumps failing, and cleaning rezs.
it already takes me soo much time to keep up with my dirt plants, i would only go hydro if i had a full time position to do so :]
I'm weird, i hand water my coco :P no pumps or rez to worry about. my main deal is using up whatever nutes i mix in a few days max or even with agitation shit settles out of solution. I mix up fresh nutes ever other day...doesn't bother me only

takes 10min. Mold though is an issue if i continuously over water. gotta let the walls of my felt/smart pots dry out a bit, i had two pots touching once and roots were growing between the pots, also

mold will start to form there. My basement is humid and cool so i have lots of air movement during flower. What is a good rule of thumb for humidity levels during flower?? i don't even know what my

room is at.


Well-Known Member
I'm weird, i hand water my coco :P no pumps or rez to worry about. my main deal is using up whatever nutes i mix in a few days max or even with agitation shit settles out of solution. I mix up fresh nutes ever other day...doesn't bother me only

takes 10min. Mold though is an issue if i continuously over water. gotta let the walls of my felt/smart pots dry out a bit, i had two pots touching once and roots were growing between the pots, also

mold will start to form there. My basement is humid and cool so i have lots of air movement during flower. What is a good rule of thumb for humidity levels during flower?? i don't even know what my

room is at.
i dont do any spraying once my plants hit flower, so i like to keep my humidity around %40-60.. if it gets lower, i can feel my leaves crisp up.. ive never had a problem of mold though, or too high humidity..

i picked up an indoor temp, humidity monitor(2) pretty cheap off ebay.. they are awesome. i use them every where. im my flower room, my veg room, it reallyyy helps me keep my cloning chamber at a pretty consistent 75-80F , which does reallyyy well for my babies. i also just discovered they work out well for drying..

i hung dry my last batch, 4 days or so.. not dry, but still soft stems

i then placed everything into paper bag, with humidity monitor, first few days, humidity was about 70%

4th day 64%

5th day 50%, outer leaves almost crunchy.. so i have now transferred from brown paper bag, to a sealed plastic bag. me thinks im ready to separate choice nugs, from future hash...

im really hoping i get this cure down...

here is the exact Humidity Device


Active Member
I just got a humidity, temp device. I'm at around 60% humidity and 78F

remember me saying there was a chunk of oil that shot my eye when that razor blade snapped...well i just happend to see this weird yellow slug colored thing on my blinds in the same spot and upon closer inspection it was the oil haha, good two dabs worth even...kinda dusty now


New Member
less grow show BS, more oil!!!!!

this is my re rinse from that video I posted where I poured the butane into warm water (so cold it made ice)

looked like this to begin with:

left it for 3 or 4 days and got this:

interesting part: the gold stuff, I just flaked off. the black stuff was from me heating the blade with a lighter, causing the oil to heat (maybe too much) and drip off the corner of the blade (I fill 1g vials like this like im a machine!). interesting the color difference, even though its the exact same oil.. if anything, the black stuff was more purged because of the lighter/hot blade.


Well-Known Member
less grow show BS, more oil!!!

interesting the color difference, even though its the exact same oil.. if anything, the black stuff was more purged because of the lighter/hot blade.
its my thread :p

how come you didnt finish off with vacuum? why wait and let it sit?

here is my go at "brown dragon"

soaked my pipe 8 hrs in everclear,
strained through one coffee filter into olive jar.

simple shit, now imma let this sit for a day or two, then indulge



New Member
lol just busting your ass 650.

that brown dragon is going to be fairly gross. im curious to see how much impurities you pull out if you freeze it and do a second filter of it.

I did, it was in the vacuum for 4 or 5 days, I forgot about it. heat at the start. none for the last few days. didnt lost a bit of vacuum over 3 days of ignoring it.

makes me wonder if I tried to put perma goo in the chamber and forget about it for a week straight.. what would happen.

your lid cracking yet? how much does your lid depress under full vacuum? did you see my pictures... mine went down 3mm or so!!! didnt think that 1/2" lid would flex so much... any thinner and my damn pump would concave the whole damn lid right inside out!


Active Member
Darker than my other extracts, not as full flavored or heady. My chest and shoulders feel pretty relaxed right now but i do feel it slowly coming onto the head. High increases in intensity very linearly so far, mellow feeling going on right fairly sedative. I can touch it for a second before sticks.
Well i'm gonna be a baked couch potato the rest of the night...but it's that time anyways :)
Parchment weighs .16grams


Well-Known Member
lol just busting your ass 650.

that brown dragon is going to be fairly gross. im curious to see how much impurities you pull out if you freeze it and do a second filter of it.

I did, it was in the vacuum for 4 or 5 days, I forgot about it. heat at the start. none for the last few days. didnt lost a bit of vacuum over 3 days of ignoring it.

makes me wonder if I tried to put perma goo in the chamber and forget about it for a week straight.. what would happen.

your lid cracking yet? how much does your lid depress under full vacuum? did you see my pictures... mine went down 3mm or so!!! didnt think that 1/2" lid would flex so much... any thinner and my damn pump would concave the whole damn lid right inside out!

the brown dragon looks soo nice though! looks like i made some primo whiskey..

everclear alone is extremely hard to get down. This drink wasnt made for flavor though :p
I took half a shot of this stuff, and felt pretty decent off that.
Now im hoping i got a magical potion, in theory, that oil already got heated, activated, soooo, should be decarbed.. I hope not too much though, id like to trip :]

my filter really looked nasty though, glad i used one to strain, almost didnt..

goo in the chamber aint gonna turn into anything but goo man. thin purged, thick purged, low high heat, ive been there..

edibles man! make some pain relieving edibles for a friend/family member with all that goo..

i see no cracks! maybe one line, i hope its not a start to a crack though. my lid does depress as well, i noticed after i saw your picture. it scares me.. but luckily i have a 3cfm pump :p

"i had a half pickle settle out of the solution".. what?!?!?!

i think i saw a video of brett maverick once, where he winterized and was still able to end up with wax.. i sureee hope you can! i lovee wax, winterized or nottttttt

at home i can deal with other hashes, but when im out and about, nothing beats wax chunks..

i dont like how your shit is sticking to youuuuu.. would make sense though, if you have nothing but sticky resin glands..
gahh, i need to try this out, me thinks i'll give it a go.. i guess nowww with small batch..


Well-Known Member
tongiht + some brown dragon

step notes for winter run

spray into pyrex. boil off tane - till 1/8 inch liquid runny form
add 10x everclear. mix up..

wrap and place into freezer..

should be good for tonight right?


Well-Known Member
pictures for ya headz :weed:

placed into freezer, gonna stir her up tomorrow night, then continue on Sunday.

yeeeeeeaaaaaa buddyyyy

im feeling pretty darn good.

im about two doses of 1.5oz shots.. so small, but yet sooo effective :fire:
.... to be continued:?: