What is Justice?

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Ok we're going all the way back to the beginning of Philosophy, no absolute truths involved here, strictly a matter of reasoning. So what is Justice in your opinion on any subject, you can pull any law in the criminal code. What is right and wrong behavior and why is it right or wrong.
I will give an opinion. There is absolutely nothing wrong with marijuana, it is a great medicine, it calms the nerves and relaxes the mind, it is a completely benign inducing substance. Now I am not saying here that all of nature should be legalized, I do not believe that opium or cocaine should be legalized just because they are natural substances, they are highly addictive and detrimental to a society that abuses those substances, although MJ may be habit forming it is not addictive by any means. It does not make any sense to me that Tobacco and Alcohol are legal and MJ is not.
I will give an opinion. There is absolutely nothing wrong with marijuana, it is a great medicine, it calms the nerves and relaxes the mind, it is a completely benign inducing substance. Now I am not saying here that all of nature should be legalized, I do not believe that opium or cocaine should be legalized just because they are natural substances, they are highly addictive and detrimental to a society that abuses those substances, although MJ may be habit forming it is not addictive by any means. It does not make any sense to me that Tobacco and Alcohol are legal and MJ is not.

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nounthe state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.

You really like to play fast and loose with definitions of words. Can you please link to your private dictionary so us unenlightened folks can follow your ramblings?

BTW, both cocaine and opium are legal. They are controlled substances that requires a physician to prescribe but they are certainly useful and I would ask for some evidence that they are detrimental to society. Opiates are some of the very best pain relievers we have. Most surgeries would be unbearable without them. They may be detrimental to some individuals but your 'opinion' is overly broad and seems to be based more on ignorance than reasoned thought.
BTW, both cocaine and opium are legal. They are controlled substances that requires a physician to prescribe but they are certainly useful and I would ask for some evidence that they are detrimental to society. Opiates are some of the very best pain relievers we have. Most surgeries would be unbearable without them. They may be detrimental to some individuals but your 'opinion' is overly broad and seems to be based more on ignorance than reasoned thought.
I am not going on dictionaries I am going on personal experience, and incase you don't realize, cocaine and heroin do have a detrimental effect on many people, thus society, in my "opinion"
...I believe most drugs have a purpose. However, I also believe that some are dangerous when they're out of the hands of regulation. Not too many people will go and roll a joint to get some pot, ya know?
...I believe most drugs have a purpose. However, I also believe that some are dangerous when they're out of the hands of regulation. Not too many people will go and roll a joint to get some pot, ya know?

I understand exactly what you're saying, but what purpose does cocaine, lsd, psylosybin, heroin actually fulfill, now keep in mind that I have done all but heroin, but honestly what is their purpose. I honestly can not agree with the control of marijuana, I see no purpose in it's control, but I do respect your opinion to the fullest, I see a purpose in Novacaine, Morphine, Codein, and Oxycodone, but the rest are recreational, now lets not get ahead of ourselves, these drugs will always be around, but I agree with you they should be controlled.
The only justice is that which nature dispenses.
To be honest I do not see a problem with the conrol of any substance, I can go down the street and get anyone of these just as you can, it is really about self control, but as a very wise woman once said, "Anarchy rapidly becomes a free for all", what would society become without the control of certain substances, such as cocaine and heroin, especially cocaine, atleast half of the people I know do it every weekend and a good tenth are addicted to it.
I understand exactly what you're saying, but what purpose does cocaine, lsd, psylosybin, heroin actually fulfill, now keep in mind that I have done all but heroin, but honestly what is their purpose. I honestly can not agree with the control of marijuana, I see no purpose in it's control, but I do respect your opinion to the fullest, I see a purpose in Novacaine, Morphine, Codein, and Oxycodone, but the rest are recreational, now lets not get ahead of ourselves, these drugs will always be around, but I agree with you they should be controlled.

...part of the issue here is that I'm not a pharmacist, nor am I a chemist, neither a medical doctor - I can't tell you why they prescribe this or that. But I do know of (normal, everyday) older people who have been prescribed stuff that you wouldn't expect. Sht, they even sold root beer out of the pharmacy back in the day :)
Oh sorry mindphuk, I see what ur getting at now, I am speeking from personal experience, when I smoke pot it becomes a habit, I smoke it all day every day, but I gave it up without any need for it whatsoever, I have only smoked it maybe once a week in a year now, now take cigarettes which I have been addicted to for over 10 years now, there is no way I could give them up that easily, and I especially wouldn't be able to smoke a cig once a week and stay away from it for the rest of the week, point is that you can smoke a j and then not have any craving for it but you can't do that with an addictive substance, but when you have a bunch of pot it becomes a habit to smoke it all day every day. Sorry about that seriously.
I certainly hope that more people will give their "opinions", especially on different subjects, this is the best subject to debate it really is, this is reasoning at its best, do not be afraid to be wrong, I'm not, that is the least thing I am afraid of.
I really hope that more people will give their "opinion", especially on more subjects, it is the best subject to debate, there is no definate answer, do not be afraid to be wrong, I'm not, that is the least thing I am afraid of, there is no right or wrong, you are free to give your opinion.
When I figure out how to translate my thoughts to text, I'll contribute. Until then, I wanted to say that on the subject of morality, right and wrong as it were, I thoroughly enjoy watching Christopher Hitchens' debates on YouTube. And so I recommend checking some out, at the worst you've wasted a bit of time...but I think there is a lot of good stuff there. You may not enjoy them if you're a theist, as Hitch was a rather ardent atheist, so be warned.
No I do appreciate that socaljoe, I won't bother because I prefer philosophy but you have the right Heart in mind you really do.

Just so you know it is really nothing serious, just give your opinion if you want to.
The thing is socaljoe, be free to express what you already have, do not worry about debate, right or wrong is not important, understanding is the most important thing of all.

All Truths are easy to understand once they are discovered, the point is to discover them. Galileo
Oh sorry mindphuk, I see what ur getting at now, I am speeking from personal experience, when I smoke pot it becomes a habit, I smoke it all day every day, but I gave it up without any need for it whatsoever, I have only smoked it maybe once a week in a year now, now take cigarettes which I have been addicted to for over 10 years now, there is no way I could give them up that easily, and I especially wouldn't be able to smoke a cig once a week and stay away from it for the rest of the week, point is that you can smoke a j and then not have any craving for it but you can't do that with an addictive substance, but when you have a bunch of pot it becomes a habit to smoke it all day every day. Sorry about that seriously.
That's okay. I know people are constantly misunderstanding the difference between addiction and chemical dependency. Part of the problem is that even professionals in the field will often use these two terms interchangeably. I agree that cannabis does not create the same physical dependency that drugs like cocaine and opiates do.
Ok we're going all the way back to the beginning of Philosophy, no absolute truths involved here, strictly a matter of reasoning. So what is Justice in your opinion on any subject, you can pull any law in the criminal code. What is right and wrong behavior and why is it right or wrong.

Going back to the original state of nature, my two cents is that "justice" is merely another term for an ill-defined sense of societal equilibrium -- the effect of karma balancing itself -- but it is just a sense. Thus, there is no such thing as an undisputed definition: it looks different to each observer and can only be accurately gauged for each individual. For instance, murder is generally accepted as bad, but self defense resulting in the death of the aggressor isn't necessarily bad. The question, then, becomes who was the first aggressor. And that often depends on who you ask.

Thanks for that. I haven't been welcomed to ponder philosophy in years!
Justice (implementing an appropriate action for some form of wrong-doing) and Ethics (what is right and wrong), are completely different.
Their is no justice in this world anymore and people have no morals either, the world is corrupt and cruel and the things that have been discovered to help us are abused. I don't think their is any harm In cannabis but I have seen the devastation that prescription drugs being abused and heroin can do. The world is governed by money now, and theirs money in drugs for sure, I wonder what the world will be like in another thirty years, half the people in it will be like zombies from the shit they put into their bodies no one values life anymore.