you don't look very happy about that.lol

lol.. was a pre joint pic.. .. pain was getting bad and I was getting pissy about not sleeping last night too well.. tried to go back to sleep this am but the damn bull frogs were kicking up a storm singing, then they shut up and it was the birds.. who I did neglect to feed from my hangover yesterday..
Sooooo are you saying you live with moms then? Thats not real thug either home cookin'.
you had a blast at your b day part at whats left of the Robert taylor projects huh
I was getting my wisdom teeth pulled and the Dentest left me to do what ever they do after giving me a shot.
He hooked me up gave me the shots and left LOL!! I reached over and turned the crank on the regulator
and whoooohooo!!! He can in a few mins later I'm about passed the fuck out and he looks at the gage and
about shit himself. He told his assistant to be careule to check the presure when they used it on patients..
Man I was wasted......
I was getting my wisdom teeth pulled and the Dentest left me to do what ever they do after giving me a shot.
He hooked me up gave me the shots and left LOL!! I reached over and turned the crank on the regulator
and whoooohooo!!! He can in a few mins later I'm about passed the fuck out and he looks at the gage and
about shit himself. He told his assistant to be careule to check the presure when they used it on patients..
Man I was wasted......

I had to go to an oral surgen.... I think they sliced my gums up good... that sucked bad when the novacain wore off and I was waiting for da norcos to kick in... but that was not even has bad has dry socket...
awwwww please tell me u didn't stretch ur earlobes with those African style earrings..... ohhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooooooooo why would u do that!!!!!!!!!!???

uhm ive had that since like grade 8 LOL you dont pay attention much i take it. they used tobe HUGE but i downsized em cause i was working in the food industry
uhm ive had that since like grade 8 LOL you dont pay attention much i take it. they used tobe HUGE but i downsized em cause i was working in the food industry
you know im always trying to look for the pictures of ur chest or booty that I didn't even notice how goergeous your eyes are.... they say the eyes are the window to the soul well in that case its a lovely view... your has beautiful on the inside has you are on the outside! ;-)