I'm a "real" mother, so I choose not to put myself in situations where i'd be facing this kind of time. And i'm not saying anyone else is wrong for choosing to grow those amounts. What I AM saying, like I said before, we know what's at stake before we play the game. Why destroy other people's families too? It's just spineless imo. I'm not the only RIU member who doesn't like snitches, Scoob. Attacking my mothering is just silly.

for real if you can't do the time cause your kids or family you shouldn't break the law. ratting is just fucked up I have a kid and a wife I don't deserve prison but I will do it long before I talk I know how it feels to have a friend try too weasel his way out by trying too rat you out and I didn't get caught I just knew what he was planning. one thing for damn sure I'd love nothing more then too kill that piece of shit just for trying to rat on me and that piece of shit was a good friend once. sure I got a kid I'd hate too go to prison but no way I'm ratting at least my kid won't have a rat for a parent I don't want my kid to think rattings ok either I want my kids to be solid not no piece of shit informant.
see sunni these were d cups... u be bullshittin

*removed rude comment she might be a nice person*
Like the girl I saw yesterday at college. Ass cheeks hanging out of her shorts and stocking that looked like she was just raped.

I'd take a classy, respectable girl any day over a trashy girl with her ass hanging out of her pants. I don't find that attractive...I kind of find it nasty. Like I think..."Man...someone actually has sex with...that". lol :blsmoke: And most of the time it's not just some(one) if you catch my drift.
I looked at a bit, but not my cup of tea. Im too old for all that shit now.

I feel bad for my comment, so i removed it because she very well be a nice person who doesnt deserve that however my thoughts still stand, I dont take photos of my boobs hanging down low to da floor. I generally do my best to keep my boobs OUT of my photos actually.
Okay ya'll I cant be in here 24 hour's a day so someone please help me out.When something as epic as Sunni's Bewbies are shown someone please save the post for me.Ya killin me :( ( • Y • )

there was a photo i recently removed it ;) dunno someone might have saved it
I feel bad for my comment, so i removed it because she very well be a nice person who doesnt deserve that however my thoughts still stand, I dont take photos of my boobs hanging down low to da floor. I generally do my best to keep my boobs OUT of my photos actually.

i bet the pic was taken by her to send to thexpress, who was probably her boyfriend. i think its hot when a girl you're with will send pics like that, when its a private thing. it is bogus he posted them online and was like "i did some nasty shit to this bitch...". thats gonna make girls stop doin that kinda stuff...lol no it wont...