Jesus I seriously went back and read the last like 4 pages to read about a bunch of bullshit. You guys argue way to fucking much.

It's getting to the point where I don't even like coming on here. Who knows maybe it's time for giggles to take a break, but in the mean time I'll throw up a pic.

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Nice shirt man i was just playing money on my guitar today

EDIT: Agree there is so much pointless bickering here. I dont get why people cant take that shit to a PM
I love money, well I love all floyd, skynyrd, zz, sabbeth, well shit just a lot lol

Ever watched wizard of oz and played dark side of the moon with it?
Tbh I've never fully listened to dark side album =[

My dad over the weekend even told me to listen to it. So this weekend I shall!

this really is a must, not only this lp but watch the wall movie too.. if you have not.. and I assume you have not if you have not heard D.S either
Oh dude, Money is the worst song on the whole album. You should enjoy it. Tell me you've listened to Animals all the way through? Also Fearless off of One of these Days is mandatory listening in my opinion.
Maybe the worst but doesn't change the fact money is a great song. Freaking 2 epic solos!

I'll listen to the album but it won't change the song money being great
I LOVE CLASSIC ROCK PERIOD!!!!!!! there I said it. Howdy Ya'll....Fuck I'm tired....AGAIN....guess ol BEAR is just that ...OLD.....Muahaha....oh well....shit happens...:-)
I love me some Floyd...some of my faves, I think it's the Pict that does it for me in this one, kind of how I sound drunk.
And this one is just tring a ling a lingood.
Jesus I seriously went back and read the last like 4 pages to read about a bunch of bullshit. You guys argue way to fucking much.

It's getting to the point where I don't even like coming on here. Who knows maybe it's time for giggles to take a break, but in the mean time I'll throw up a pic.

Agreed, it's become quite pathetic and nobody is interested in what a snitch has to say. The leopard shark exited!!

They say the first form of attack is defence. Obviously very worried that I had intentions of showing RIU just how 'big' he is! Lol.