My dog ate ant poison!


Well-Known Member
I am glad your pooch is okay....they can be like our children after all.
yes!! very much so. i know my dog so well its crazy! i can understand her from her different barks and shit or the way she looks at me. its like shes tryin to talk to me or somethin LOL


Well-Known Member
aw i'm so glad your dog is okay =) i would die if my dogs ate anything that was harmful to them. And i hear you on the vets, i remember my dog ate an ambien before - which obviously is bad. Came out to 3000$ to pay for it.. Because she had to get her stomach pumped and they wanted to keep her for a week 'just in case'


New Member
My Dog just did the same thing. I think I will have my Husband bring home some epicac to induce vomiting. He's doing fine right now, but I'm keeping a close watch on him. He knows how to open doors which is a talent, but also dangerous. I agree with you about trying to find a free Vet. I took my Pom to the vet after he was attacked by another dog and they wanted $1100.00 before they would do anything. I asked if they could take payments and they refused. They also told me it depended on how much I cared for my pet. Basically, pay for the services now or let my Baby die. The lousy SOB's. I ended up borrowing money from my Sister.


Well-Known Member
try to get your dog to vomit.. maybe just stick your fingers in the back of its throat if you don't think it will bite.


Well-Known Member
If you every "KNOW" the dog eat posin force it to drank some proxide spin it around in a bathtub with the lights off and it will throw it up..


Well-Known Member
say good bye to sparky and smoke a bowl. ive had animals die all the time from old age to ma shutting the garage door on a pursian.


Well-Known Member
My antfarm tipped over! All my ants spilled out, and got into the dog poison, think they'll be ok???

The poisons I had for insects stated that they were not toxic to mammals.